Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments - A Practical Guide to A/B Testing

Ron Kohavi, Diane Tang, Ya Xu

Key Insights From the Book:

  1. Importance of Controlled Experiments: The book highlights the essential role of controlled experiments in the world of online businesses to test and optimize the user experience.
  2. Principles of A/B Testing: The authors provide a detailed overview of the principles and methodologies of A/B testing, a popular technique used in online controlled experiments.
  3. Statistical Significance: The book underscores the importance of statistical significance in interpreting the results of controlled experiments.
  4. Common Mistakes: The authors talk about common mistakes that businesses make in conducting and interpreting online controlled experiments and how to avoid them.
  5. Business Decisions:...

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Tolga Özdemir

Tolga Özdemir TR

Group Product Manager, Getir
Dzianis Sokalau

Dzianis Sokalau GB

Product Data Scientist, Meta