Hi there! Pleasure to meet you. I am Alex, passionate about marketing and currently living in Munich. I've worked at large corporations (Microsoft), agencies, and early-stage-startups. Currently, I head marketing at Zavvy (B2B SaaS), where I built the go-to-market function from scratch. I know how important it can be to simply to talk someone who's been there and bounce ideas off each other or simply get reassurance. So, let's go! If you'd like to talk to someone about building up a growth strategy, going through initial positioning, making inbound work, SEO, or even staying sane while doing all that - I'll be happy to chat!

My Mentoring Topics

  • B2B Marketing
  • Go-to-Market
  • Positioning
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • SEO
  • Experimentation
  • Growth
  • Resilience
19.July 2024

For those looking for guidance, I recommend Aleksander. He combines knowledge, approachability, and commitment in his mentoring. Learning from him was both educational and insightful. He's such a good listener - I felt like he really paid attention to everything I said. Whenever I asked a question, he had a solid answer ready. It's clear he really knows his stuff!I'm glad I had the chance to work with him, and I think others would find it worthwhile too :)

14.February 2024

Alex is a true expert in building a brand and generating demand. His work at Zavvy was truly remarkable. I, as former colleague and product manager, who is now trying to found her own B2C start-up seek his advice in how I build up my own marketing strategy and function. In the call, he will (help you to) understand your problem, focus on the important priorities, and provide strategic as well as hands-on advice on what to do next. Highly recommended!

30.November 2023

Alex was super helpful, very genuine and a perfect meeting. He helped me with great insights, and materials and stopped me from my overcomplicated way of doing things. If you want to have an insightful, fun mentoring session. Go with Alex, I'd do it anytime again :) Thanks Alex!

1.November 2023

Talking to Alexander was such a relief to my soul. It was great speaking about my current work situation and struggles and getting valuable insights and feedback from him for next steps. As a one-person marketing team, it can get pretty lonely and exhausting, but after talking to Alexander, I definitely feel less alone and more understood. Thank you!

19.October 2023

I had a great mentorship session with Maximilian. We spoke about a lot of different topics including leveraging AI in marketing, the importance of prioritization, and urgency matrix. It was a very inspiring session, I can only recommend.

15.September 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Alex, I gained valuable insight that's since aided my approach to the marketing projects I am involved in. Though my role does not directly match Alex's, his vast experience in marketing and approachable demeanor enabled a constructive discussion that helped me further my understanding of website strategy development. I would recommend Alex as a Mentor. Thanks, Shaun

6.September 2023

The session with Alexander was super helpful for me as it generated a lot more ideas in an area I felt like "I tried everything". I learnt about things I never heard before and I got some great ideas on expanding what I already do. Thank you Alex for your time, I really appreciate that!

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Obviously Awesome - How to Nail Product Positioning So Customers Get It, Buy It, Love It
April Dunford

Key Insights from "Obviously Awesome" 1. Positioning isn’t branding: Positioning is about defining how your product is the best in the world at providing something that a well-defined set of customers cares a lot about. 2. Context is king: The way your product is perceived is heavily influenced by the context you put it in. 3. Competitive Comparisons: Position your product relative to the competition to highlight your unique value proposition. 4. The 5+1 Framework: This framework helps businesses to determine the best positioning for their product. 5. Repositioning: It's not just about positioning a new product, but repositioning existing ones can also lead to significant growth. 6. Positioning for startups: Startups often have unique positioning challenges and opportunities. 7. Positioning is a team effort: Successful positioning requires input and buy-in from all parts of the organization. 8. The importance of research: In-depth customer, market, and competitive research are essential to effective positioning. 9. Positioning Pitfalls: The book identifies common mistakes that companies make when trying to position their products. 10. Positioning as a strategic tool: Effective positioning can drive strategy and guide many other aspects of business operations. Detailed Analysis of "Obviously Awesome" Obviously Awesome by April Dunford provides a comprehensive guide to product positioning, a topic that has been largely overlooked in the realm of business strategy literature. As an experienced professor who has been dealing with the topics from this book for many years, I find it refreshing to see such a nuanced and practical approach to an area that is vitally important yet often misunderstood. Positioning is not branding, as Dunford clearly explains in the early chapters of the book. While branding is about identity and perception, positioning is about identifying the unique value that a product offers and effectively communicating this to a target audience. This is a crucial distinction and one that I often find my students struggle with. Context is king in positioning, and Dunford provides ample examples to illustrate this point. The way a product is perceived depends significantly on the context in which it is presented. If potential customers can't quickly understand what your product does and why it's better than alternatives, they're unlikely to buy. Competitive comparisons are an important part of this contextual positioning. By positioning your product relative to other products in the market, you can highlight your unique value proposition. This approach is particularly useful in crowded markets, where distinguishing your product from the competition is essential. The book introduces a useful tool called the 5+1 Framework for determining the best positioning for a product. The framework includes five components: Competitive Alternatives, Unique Attributes, Value (and Proof), Target Market Characteristics, and Market Category. The "+1" refers to Trends, which can also influence positioning. This framework provides a systematic way to approach positioning, and I've found it to be a valuable tool in my own work. Repositioning, or changing the positioning of an existing product, is another key concept in the book. Dunford argues that repositioning can unlock significant growth and provides several examples to support this claim. Positioning for startups is covered in detail, and Dunford provides valuable advice for startup founders. Startups often have unique positioning challenges, as they're introducing new products in uncertain markets. Positioning as a team effort is another key insight. Successful positioning requires input and buy-in from all parts of the organization, not just marketing. This aligns with my own experience, as I've seen many positioning efforts fail because they were viewed as a marketing exercise rather than a strategic initiative. Dunford emphasizes the importance of research in positioning. In-depth customer, market, and competitive research are crucial to understanding the context in which your product operates and identifying its unique value. Positioning pitfalls, or common mistakes in positioning, are also covered. These include not differentiating enough from the competition, not focusing on a specific target market, and not aligning positioning with company strategy. Finally, Dunford explores the idea of positioning as a strategic tool. She argues that positioning can guide many other aspects of business operations, from product development to sales strategy. This is an important point, as it underscores the strategic importance of positioning. Overall, I believe Obviously Awesome provides a comprehensive and practical guide to product positioning. It's a must-read for anyone involved in product development, marketing, or strategy.

Everybody Writes - Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content
Ann Handley

Key Facts and Insights from "Everybody Writes" 1. Writing is a crucial skill in the digital age: In today's digital era, writing is more important than ever. Whether it's crafting an email, posting on social media, or writing a blog post, the ability to express your thoughts clearly and compellingly is a vital skill. 2. Quality over quantity: Content creation should focus on quality, not just quantity. It is better to write one great piece of content than to churn out multiple mediocre ones. 3. The Rule of FIWTSBS: An acronym standing for "Find Interesting Ways To Say Boring Stuff". The idea is to make your content engaging and captivating, even if the subject matter is mundane or technical. 4. Use a human voice: One of the most effective ways to communicate with your audience is to write as if you're speaking to them directly. This makes your content more relatable and engaging. 5. The importance of good grammar and usage: Good grammar and usage aren't just about being correct; they're about clarity and professionalism. 6. Writing for different platforms: Different platforms require different writing styles and techniques. A blog post is different from a tweet, which is different from a LinkedIn post. 7. Content tools and technologies: A variety of tools and technologies can help with content creation, from grammar checkers to content management systems. 8. Storytelling as a content strategy: Storytelling can be a powerful way to engage your audience and make your content more memorable. 9. Content curation: Not all content needs to be original. Sharing and curating content from others can be an effective way to provide value to your audience. 10. Content optimization: The importance of SEO and other techniques for ensuring your content is discovered by your target audience. 11. Measurement and analytics: Understanding how to measure the success of your content and use analytics to improve your future efforts. In-Depth Summary and Analysis The primary premise of "Everybody Writes" is that writing is a critical skill in today's digital age. As a seasoned professor in this field, I concur with Handley's assertion. From professional emails to social media posts, the ability to write clearly and compellingly is a skill that should not be underestimated. This is especially true in a world where we are increasingly communicating through written digital content. Handley emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity in content creation. This advice resonates with the concept of "less is more." It is a reminder that our focus should be on producing high-quality content that provides genuine value to the reader, rather than simply producing a high volume of content. The book introduces the Rule of FIWTSBS, encouraging writers to "Find Interesting Ways To Say Boring Stuff". This is a creative challenge to make even the most mundane or technical subjects engaging and captivating. This concept bolsters the idea that good writing can make any subject interesting to the reader. Handley also advocates for the use of a human voice in writing. This reflects the trend towards more conversational and humanized content, as it helps to establish a connection with the reader. This approach makes content more relatable and engaging, helping to build trust and rapport with the audience. Another critical point the book emphasizes is the importance of good grammar and usage. These are not just about being correct; they are about clarity and professionalism. Poor grammar can undermine your credibility and confuse your readers. The book also provides guidance on how to write for different platforms. This is a valuable insight as the writing style and techniques that work for a blog post may not work for a tweet or a LinkedIn post. Understanding the unique requirements of each platform can help you tailor your content effectively. Handley introduces a variety of content tools and technologies that can assist in content creation, from grammar checkers to content management systems. These tools can help streamline the writing process and ensure the quality of your content. The book promotes storytelling as a content strategy. This aligns with the increasing recognition of the power of storytelling in marketing and communication. Stories can engage the audience on an emotional level, making your content more memorable and impactful. Content curation is another concept discussed in the book. Sharing and curating content from other sources can provide value to your audience and help establish your credibility and authority in your field. Handley also stresses the importance of content optimization, touching on SEO and other techniques for ensuring your content reaches your target audience. This is critical in a digital landscape where the competition for attention is fierce. Lastly, the book emphasizes the importance of measurement and analytics. Understanding how to measure the success of your content and use analytics to inform your future efforts is crucial for continuous improvement and achieving your content goals. In conclusion, "Everybody Writes" is an invaluable guide that covers a comprehensive range of topics related to content creation. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, this book provides practical insights and guidance that can help you improve your writing and create more effective content.
