Hi, I'm Aliya and currently I am a Product Owner in a fintech company, helping to shape the future of payments. I have a 3+ years of experience in Product Management and over 5 years in different areas of IT. My curiosity has been driving me to embrace new roles and opportunities, therefore during my professional journey I experienced working as a Business Analyst, a Data Scientist, a blockchain developer and a software engineer. Besides, I am a co-founder of an EdTech startup in blockchain field and a startup advisor myself. I am happy to share my experience with you, and give some advice on where you have to put most effort and what is not worth spending time on. Whatever your background is, you can always move into tech industry, the most important is to have enough curiosity and courage to take another challenge!

My Mentoring Topics

  • Career transition into IT
  • Career and personal development
  • Entrepreneurship, startups, fund raising
  • Leadership VS Management
  • Building strong collaborative teams
  • Negotiation
  • Product Strategy and Roadmapping
  • Market Research and Customer Insights
  • Agile Methodologies and Scrum
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • AI and Machine Learning in Product Development
13.April 2024

She helped me to understand and initiate the roadmap for learning with her in depth experience as a data scientist

3.March 2024

Aliya's insightful advice and extensive resources made my startup mentoring session incredibly valuable. Her supportive approach and actionable suggestions helped me gain a fresh perspective and feel empowered to move forward. Highly recommended!

29.January 2024

What a wonderful session. She really have good knowledge and resources for data science. She gave clear roadmap and expectations from the industry. I stuck after preparing for 3-4 months , now what should I do and she helped me here. Thank you Alia for your helpful guidance. :)

23.January 2024

the deep insights that aliya had to offer were a tremendous help , the books she recommended was the highlight for me personally. it was delight to talk to her

1.December 2023

Aliya gave me a detailed guide on how to get started with a data analytics startup and how to reach to investors and funding for a startup.

21.October 2023

21.October 2023

20.October 2023

She's a professional, Aliya answered all my questions and she really knows what she's talking about, I really enjoyed the session and I recommand here for everyone who's facing diffecelties getting into IT or in the tech industry in general.

13.October 2023

Very knowledgeable in her domain; had a great conversation and learned quite a bit on the product management climate in Europe. Looking forward to our next chat!

8.October 2023

I had the opportunity to ask questions and exchange about communication and best practices in an interview setup. Aliya shared her tips for an effective communication and make sure the other party understands the message. Also helped me understand how to prepare better my intro, values, start the interview with friendliness and expose how I can bring value to the company.

3.October 2023

I would like to start by giving a big thanks to Aliya for accepting to mentor me and to the mentoring club for giving us this platform. The session was very enlightening for me, Aliya was very courteous, and the session was very interactive, she gave very sound advice on how to approach my current position, how to learn from other communities, and the impact of different approaches if I chose to follow that path. Definitely am going to retain her as my mentor, because I believe she will be a fantastic addition to my learning curve. Of course would recommend her all the time. Thanks

28.September 2023

Aliya is my mentor. During the session I've got so many insights what kind of actions I can do as I started to see new opportunities to my career growth. I've got real tips and lifehacks. Now I'll use it, after wanna share with her for the next steps. I really enjoyed the session. I strongly recommend her as mentor. She is strong professional.

26.September 2023

Aliya was very thoughtful, asked thought provoking questions and very well read. Loved learning from her.

25.September 2023

It was informative and very helpful

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Never Split the Difference - Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It
Chris Voss, Tahl Raz

Key Insights from the Book: The principle of tactical empathy: Understand and recognize the emotions of your counterpart and respond to them in a thoughtful manner. The power of mirroring: Imitate the language and behavior of your counterpart to build rapport and trust. The effectiveness of calibrated questions: Ask questions that allow your counterpart to have control, but steer the conversation towards your desired outcome. The significance of active listening: Listen carefully to what your counterpart is saying and respond accordingly. The role of patience: Give your counterpart time to respond and don’t rush them into making a decision. The importance of a "no": Getting a 'no' is not a failure, but rather an opportunity to understand your counterpart's fears and concerns. The “Ackerman Model”: A strategic bargaining method developed in the FBI, which involves setting a target price, then using a series of calculated offers and conciliatory gestures to reach it. The concept of "Black Swans": Unforeseen events or pieces of information that can dramatically impact the outcome of a negotiation. The value of loss aversion: People are more motivated to avoid losses than to achieve equivalent gains. The utility of "that's right": Getting your counterpart to say "That's right" instead of "You're right," ensures they feel understood and agree with your viewpoint. The "7-38-55 Percent Rule": In communication, 7% of a message is derived from the words, 38% from the tone of voice, and 55% from body language and facial expressions. An In-Depth Analysis of the Book "Never Split the Difference" by Chris Voss and Tahl Raz is a compelling exploration into the art of negotiation. Drawing from his experience as a former FBI hostage negotiator, Voss provides readers with practical techniques to improve their negotiation skills. Understanding and Using Tactical Empathy Tactical empathy is at the heart of successful negotiation. It revolves around understanding and acknowledging the feelings and mindset of your counterpart. By doing so, you can navigate the negotiation process more effectively and achieve favourable outcomes. As a negotiator, it's not enough to understand what the other party wants; you must also comprehend how they feel. This emotional intelligence enables you to build a connection and establish mutual trust, increasing the likelihood of a successful negotiation. Mirroring, Calibrated Questions and Active Listening Voss also highlights the importance of mirroring, calibrated questions, and active listening. Mirroring, which involves imitating your counterpart's language and behaviour, can foster a sense of familiarity and rapport. Calibrated questions, on the other hand, allow you to steer the conversation without appearing aggressive or domineering. These questions typically start with "what" or "how," prompting your counterpart to think deeply and contribute valuable information to the discussion. Active listening is equally crucial. By paying close attention to your counterpart's words, you can identify underlying concerns or interests that may be key to the negotiation. This also signals respect and sincerity, strengthening your relationship with the counterpart. The Value of Patience and the Power of 'No' Patience is a virtue in negotiation. Voss emphasizes the importance of allowing your counterpart sufficient time to respond. A hurried negotiation is unlikely to yield optimal results. Moreover, contrary to common belief, receiving a 'no' from your counterpart is not necessarily a setback. Instead, it can serve as a stepping stone to understanding their fears and concerns better. It gives you the opportunity to address those issues and make a more persuasive case. The Ackerman Model and the Concept of Black Swans The Ackerman model is a bargaining method that involves setting a target price, then using a series of calculated offers and conciliatory gestures to reach it. This method, which requires patience and strategic thinking, can be highly effective in achieving your desired outcome. Voss also introduces the concept of 'Black Swans' – unexpected events or pieces of information that can dramatically alter the negotiation landscape. Identifying potential Black Swans and preparing for them can give you a significant advantage. Loss Aversion, 'That's Right' and the 7-38-55 Percent Rule The book also delves into the psychology of negotiation, discussing concepts like loss aversion and the power of the words 'That's right'. People are typically more motivated to avoid losses than to achieve equivalent gains, and this can be leveraged in negotiation. Getting your counterpart to say 'That's right' instead of 'You're right' ensures they feel understood and agree with your viewpoint. The former indicates genuine agreement, while the latter often signals appeasement. Lastly, Voss presents the "7-38-55 Percent Rule," a principle that underscores the importance of non-verbal communication. It posits that only 7% of a message is derived from words, while 38% comes from the tone of voice, and 55% from body language and facial expressions. In conclusion, "Never Split the Difference" offers a wealth of practical strategies and psychological insights for effective negotiation. It challenges traditional notions, encouraging readers to perceive negotiation through a different lens. Whether it's in a professional context or everyday life, these techniques can undoubtedly enhance your ability to negotiate successfully.

The Power of Geography - Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World
Tim Marshall

Key Facts and Insights from the Book Geography is a significant determinant of global and regional politics. The positioning of countries and their geographical features can influence their political relationships, economy, and security. The Arctic region's rising importance. Climate change-induced melting of Arctic ice caps is opening up new maritime passages and revealing untapped natural resources, leading to increased geopolitical competition. China's Belt and Road Initiative. The ambitious global infrastructure development strategy is a clear manifestation of how geography can be harnessed for geopolitical influence and economic power. The strategic significance of Africa. With its vast natural resources and burgeoning population, Africa is a vital player in the future global order. The geopolitics of technology. The battle for technological supremacy, especially in areas like Artificial Intelligence and 5G, has significant geopolitical implications. Europe's geographical challenges. The continent's division between East and West, as well as North and South, presents diplomatic and economic challenges that can shape its future. The paradox of the USA's isolation and global influence. Despite its geographical isolation, the United States remains a dominant player in global politics due to strategic factors like its military strength and economic prowess. The geopolitical significance of the Middle East. Its geographical location, religious significance, and oil reserves make the Middle East a hotbed of geopolitical rivalries. India's potential and challenges. Geographical factors like its positioning in the Indian Ocean and demographic potential position India as a future global power, but it faces significant challenges. Climate change as a geopolitical factor. Rising global temperatures and the resulting environmental impacts will significantly shape the geopolitical landscape in the years to come. In-depth Analysis and Discussion Tim Marshall's book, "The Power of Geography - Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World," presents a compelling argument that geography continues to play a pivotal role in shaping global affairs. The book argues that while technological advancements have made the world more interconnected, geography remains a fundamental determinant of political relationships, economic prosperity, and national security. The book offers an enlightening exploration of how geography influences the political and economic strategies of nations. For instance, China's Belt and Road Initiative is essentially a new-age manifestation of the old adage 'geography is destiny.' By creating a vast network of infrastructure projects across continents, China aims to reorient global trade routes towards itself, thereby consolidating its position as a global superpower. Similarly, the rising importance of the Arctic region, as highlighted by Marshall, underscores how geography can become a key factor in geopolitical equations. The melting of Arctic ice due to global warming is revealing untapped natural resources and opening up new maritime routes. This has led to increased competition among nations, with each vying to secure their interests in the region. Marshall also delves into the strategic significance of Africa, a continent that has often been overlooked in geopolitical discussions. With its vast natural resources and growing population, Africa is set to play a crucial role in the future global order. However, the continent's geographical diversity and challenges, such as its vast deserts and dense forests, could pose significant hurdles. A significant insight from the book is the discussion around the geopolitics of technology. In today's digital age, control over technology, particularly areas like Artificial Intelligence and 5G, can confer significant geopolitical advantages. This is leading to a new kind of Cold War, with countries vying for technological supremacy. Marshall also explores the paradox of the United States' geographical isolation and global influence. Despite being geographically distant from the world's major power centers, the United States has managed to exert significant influence on global affairs. This is largely due to factors such as its military strength, economic prowess, and technological leadership. The book also touches upon the geopolitical significance of the Middle East, a region that has been a hotbed of geopolitical rivalries due to its geographical location, religious significance, and oil reserves. The future of this region is likely to have far-reaching implications for global politics. Finally, Marshall discusses the potential and challenges of India, a country that is often seen as a future global power due to its strategic location in the Indian Ocean and demographic potential. However, it also faces significant challenges, including territorial disputes, population pressures, and environmental issues. In conclusion, "The Power of Geography - Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World" is a compelling exploration of how geography continues to shape the world's political and economic landscapes. It offers valuable insights into the future of global politics and serves as a reminder that despite the rapid pace of technological advancement, geography remains a fundamental determinant of global affairs.

The 12 week year
Brian P Moran

Key Insights from The 12 Week Year 1. **The importance of goal-setting:** The 12 Week Year encourages readers to set clear, ambitious, yet achievable goals, and to commit to them fully. 2. **The 12-week timeframe:** Instead of working within the traditional annual calendar, the book suggests a 12-week year as a way of increasing productivity and focus. 3. **Periodic planning and evaluation:** The book emphasizes the importance of frequent planning, review and adjustment of goals. 4. **Accountability and ownership:** The 12 Week Year promotes taking personal responsibility for one's success and failure. 5. **The power of visualization:** The book recommends using visualization techniques to imagine the successful completion of goals. 6. **The concept of time blocking:** The 12 Week Year introduces the concept of 'time blocking' to protect time for focused, uninterrupted work. 7. **The importance of consistency:** The book stresses the significance of consistent action, even in the face of adversity. 8. **The role of measurement:** The 12 Week Year highlights the necessity of measuring progress against goals to ensure success. Understanding The 12 Week Year "The 12 Week Year" by Brian P. Moran is a productivity and time management book that introduces a new way of thinking about your time and productivity. Rather than viewing the year as a 12-month period, Moran proposes a 12-week cycle. This approach aims to increase urgency, focus, and productivity by creating a sense of 'year-end' every 12 weeks. The importance of goal-setting is a significant theme in Moran's work. As an experienced professor dealing with this topic, I can confirm that goal-setting is a proven method to increase motivation and performance. Moran suggests that goals should be clear, ambitious yet achievable, and one must commit to them fully. This ties in with Locke's Goal-Setting Theory, which posits that there is a direct relationship between clearly defined, challenging goals and task performance. The 12-week timeframe is a novel concept that changes the way we approach our work. By condensing the year into 12 weeks, the sense of urgency increases, and the scope for procrastination decreases. This idea aligns with Parkinson's Law, which states that "work expands to fill the time available for its completion". By shortening the timeframe, we can effectively boost our productivity. Periodic planning and evaluation is another key concept in the book. Moran suggests that planning, review, and adjustment of goals should occur frequently. It's a concept that echoes the Deming Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), a continuous improvement model used in business. Accountability and ownership are promoted heavily in The 12 Week Year. Moran argues that taking personal responsibility for our success and failure is the key to achieving our goals. This concept resonates with the self-determination theory, which suggests that autonomy and competence are intrinsic motivators for individuals. The power of visualization is also advocated in the book. Moran encourages readers to visualize achieving their goals, which can improve motivation and performance. This concept is backed by numerous studies, including research by Dr. Guang Yue, an exercise psychologist, who found that mental practices can enhance muscle strength. The concept of time blocking is introduced in the book as a technique to protect time for focused, uninterrupted work. This aligns with the Flow Theory by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, which states that individuals are most productive when engaged in tasks that challenge them without overwhelming them. The importance of consistency is stressed by Moran. He advises that consistent action, even in the face of adversity, is crucial for achieving goals. This aligns with grit theory by Angela Duckworth, which suggests that perseverance is a key factor in success. Lastly, the role of measurement is highlighted in the book. Moran suggests measuring progress against goals to ensure success. This idea is echoed in management theories like Management by Objectives, which emphasizes the importance of measurable goals. In conclusion, "The 12 Week Year" presents a unique and practical approach to productivity and time management. Its concepts align well with established theories and can be used by individuals and organizations to achieve their goals more effectively. However, like any approach, its success depends on the user's commitment to applying these principles consistently and reflecting on their progress regularly.
