"Alkistis you are a hero to me. I hope you see me as a representative of your book... represents the values I believe in." - Steve Wosniak, Co-founder APPLE General : Is known for "The ALKISTIS Method©" (#TAM) is a unique 3-Step self-inquiry system. It is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy based on Greek Philosophy and Neuroscience. It involves questioning one's thoughts and beliefs in order to identify and challenge irrational or unhelpful thinking patterns to make better decisions. The result is Self Leadership, Self Confidence and ultimately Inner Freedom. Of Greek origin, she grew up in Montreal. She speaks five languages. Education : Alkistis first studied International Banking at the Chartered Institute of Bankers in London. She worked in corporate finance (Barclays) for a time and later transitioned to her second career, by earning a Master’s in Integrative Psychotherapy from Middlesex University and a Doctor of Philosophy (Transpersonal Counseling). Experience : - Over 20 years experience as a Leadership Trainer: Influence, Persuasion & Mindset

My Mentoring Topics

  • -Leadership (beginning with Self Leadership)
  • -Influence and Persuasion
  • -Anger Management
  • -Decision Making
  • -Motivation
  • -Mindfulness
  • -Resilience
  • -Team Building
  • -Brand

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From Fear To Freedom - The 3 Golden Principles of Greek Philosophy for Calm, Confident Self-Leadership
Alkistis Agio

Key Facts and Insights from the Book: The book is centered on the ancient Greek philosophy of Stoicism, with a focus on its three principles: Self-awareness, Self-leadership, and Self-realization. It provides practical steps on how to transition from a state of fear to a state of freedom, using the principles of Greek philosophy. The author, Alkistis Agio, introduces the concept of 'inner citadel', a powerful metaphorical fortress within us that remains unshaken despite external circumstances. The book underscores the importance of self-awareness, the first principle of Stoicism, arguing that it's the foundation of personal growth and transformation. It asserts that self-leadership, the second Stoic principle, involves taking responsibility for one's actions and emotions, leading to a calm and confident state of mind. The third Stoic principle, self-realization, is explored as the ultimate state of personal freedom and fulfillment. The book incorporates mindfulness practices and meditation techniques inspired by Stoicism to foster mental clarity and emotional resilience. It also contains real-life examples and inspiring stories that illustrate the application of Stoic principles in everyday life. The book provides a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern psychology to facilitate personal and professional growth. It emphasizes the importance of embracing discomfort and challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. The book presents a perspective that happiness and peace are not external conditions but internal states that we can control. In-Depth Analysis and Summary: "From Fear To Freedom - The 3 Golden Principles of Greek Philosophy for Calm, Confident Self-Leadership" by Alkistis Agio is a captivating journey from fear to freedom, guided by the principles of Greek philosophy, primarily Stoicism. The author, Alkistis Agio, an expert in Greek philosophy, introduces us to the core principles of Stoicism: self-awareness, self-leadership, and self-realization. These principles, she argues, are the key to transitioning from a state of fear and anxiety to a state of freedom, calm, and confidence. Self-awareness, according to Agio, is the cornerstone of personal transformation. By becoming aware of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, we become empowered to make the changes necessary for personal growth. This idea aligns with the Stoic belief that our perceptions, not external events, determine our reality. Self-leadership involves taking responsibility for our actions and emotions, thereby achieving a calm and confident state of mind. This principle resonates with the Stoic doctrine of 'inner citadel', a metaphorical fortress within us that remains unshaken by external circumstances, allowing us to maintain peace and tranquility despite the turmoil around us. Self-realization, the ultimate state of personal freedom and fulfillment, is the third principle. According to Agio, this state can be achieved by living in alignment with our true nature and values, an idea that echoes the Stoic emphasis on virtue and integrity. The book also incorporates mindfulness practices and meditation techniques inspired by Stoicism. These practices help foster mental clarity and emotional resilience, enabling us to navigate life's ups and downs with equanimity. Agio's use of real-life examples and inspiring stories further illustrates the application of Stoic principles in everyday life. These stories serve as powerful reminders that we have the capacity to control our reactions to life's challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth and learning. One of the book's key insights is the importance of embracing discomfort and challenges. Agio argues that it is through facing our fears and stepping out of our comfort zones that we grow and evolve. This concept aligns with the Stoic view that adversity is not something to be feared but a chance to practice courage, patience, and perseverance. In conclusion, "From Fear To Freedom" presents a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern psychology to facilitate personal and professional growth. It emphasizes that happiness and peace are not dependent on external conditions but are internal states that we can control. As such, it provides a powerful blueprint for calm, confident self-leadership.

The Stoic C.E.O. - The 3 Golden Principles of Greek Philosophy To Transform Frustration, Anxiety and Anger Into Calm, Confident Self-Leadership
Alkistis Agio

Most Important Key Facts or Insights from "The Stoic C.E.O." The first Golden Principle: Understanding that some things are within our control and others are not, and the importance of focusing on what we can control. The second Golden Principle: Learning to detach from external events and outcomes, and instead focus on our internal state of mind and actions. The third Golden Principle: Embracing adversity as an opportunity for growth and development. The application of Stoic philosophy in leadership: The book shows how Stoic philosophy can guide leaders in their decision-making process and help them maintain calm and focus in the face of challenges. The role of Stoicism in managing emotions: The book emphasizes how Stoicism can help individuals manage their emotions, particularly frustration, anxiety, and anger. Self-leadership: The book teaches the importance of self-leadership, the ability to lead oneself before leading others. The practicality of Stoic philosophy: The book demonstrates the practical applicability of Stoic principles in real-life scenarios and situations. Stoicism and resilience: The book draws a connection between the practice of Stoicism and the development of resilience. Stoicism and mindfulness: The book highlights the relevance of Stoic philosophy to mindfulness and present-moment awareness. Stoicism and personal growth: The book illustrates how Stoicism contributes to personal growth by promoting self-awareness and introspection. In-depth Analysis and Summary "The Stoic C.E.O." by Alkistis Agio, presents an insightful guide to applying the principles of Greek Stoic philosophy in leadership and personal development. The book focuses on three golden principles which form the core of Stoic philosophy and provides practical guidance on how to employ these principles in daily life. The first Golden Principle centers on the Stoic concept of control. According to Stoicism, we can control our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, but we cannot control external events or outcomes. This principle is applicable to business leaders and individuals alike, as it encourages focusing on what can be controlled and letting go of what cannot. This idea resonates with modern psychological theories, such as the locus of control, which distinguishes between individuals who believe they can control their lives (internal locus) and those who believe their lives are controlled by external factors (external locus). The second Golden Principle is about detachment from external events and outcomes. Stoics advocate for focusing on one's inner state and actions rather than being overly concerned with external circumstances. This principle aligns with the concept of emotional intelligence, which emphasizes the ability to manage one's emotions and respond to the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is recognized as a critical skill in leadership, and this book effectively illustrates how Stoic philosophy can enhance this ability. The third Golden Principle embraces adversity as a pathway for growth and development. This principle comes from the Stoic belief that adversities are not necessarily harmful but can be opportunities to exercise virtue and develop resilience. This perspective is prevalent in contemporary theories of resilience and positive psychology, which highlight the role of challenges and difficulties in personal growth and development. The idea of self-leadership is a recurring theme in the book. According to Agio, before one can effectively lead others, one must first learn to lead oneself. This involves self-discipline, self-awareness, and self-direction, all of which are fundamental elements of Stoic philosophy. The book emphasizes the role of Stoicism in managing emotions, particularly frustration, anxiety, and anger. By focusing on what is within our control and detaching from external outcomes, we can maintain a sense of calm and composure. This insight is particularly relevant in today’s fast-paced and stressful world, where emotional regulation is essential for mental health and well-being. The book also highlights the relevance of Stoicism to mindfulness and present-moment awareness. By encouraging us to focus on the present moment and accept it as it is, Stoicism can enhance our mindfulness skills, which are linked to a variety of mental health benefits, including reduced stress and improved emotional regulation. Finally, the book illustrates how Stoicism contributes to personal growth by promoting self-awareness and introspection. Through the practice of Stoicism, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, thereby enabling personal growth and development. In conclusion, "The Stoic C.E.O." provides a comprehensive and practical guide to applying Stoic philosophy in leadership and personal development. Whether you are a CEO, a leader in any capacity, or an individual seeking personal growth, this book offers valuable insights and practical tools to help you navigate the challenges of life with calm, confidence, and resilience.
