Hello and welcome! My name is Asam and I am a software engineer with 5 years of experience in the industry. I specialize in web development using React, JavaScript, and TypeScript. I also have a keen interest in web3 and blockchain technologies. As someone who has benefited from the guidance of experienced mentors, I am passionate about giving back by helping junior developers and those struggling to find their footing in the industry. As a self-taught engineer, I can relate to the challenges that newcomers face and offer practical advice on how to land their first role. If you are struggling with interviews, I can help you prepare by helping you understand what to expect and providing constructive feedback on your previous interviews. I can also help you write a compelling CV and cover letter that showcases your skills and experience. Whether you are starting your first job or trying to navigate the early years of your career, I can provide guidance on how to make the most of your time in the industry and advance quickly. I can help you set goals, identify areas for improvement, and develop the skills you need to progress in your career. During our mentoring sessions, I will provide a supportive and collaborative environment where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and receive feedback on your work. We can work on real-world projects together, practice coding challenges, and discuss industry trends and best practices. I am excited to meet and work with as many people as possible, so please don't hesitate to reach out for a chat. Let's work together to achieve your career goals! Consider subscribing to my newsletter for more tips - https://techleap.beehiiv.com/subscribe

My Mentoring Topics

  • Career Development Planning - Together we can create a plan that will guide you to achieve your career goals, both short-term and long-term.
  • Technical Skill Development - I can help you improve your skills in areas such as web development, React, JavaScript, TypeScript, and more.
  • Interview Preparation - I can assist you in preparing for technical interviews by going over general interview questions, providing feedback, and helping you identify areas for improvement.
  • Job Search Strategies - I can help you create an effective job search strategy, including how to find job openings, prepare your application materials, and network with industry professionals.
  • Professional Communication Skills - I can help you develop your communication skills, including how to communicate effectively with colleagues, managers, and clients.
  • Code Reviews and Best Practices - I can provide feedback on your code, help you improve your coding practices, and show you best practices in software development.
  • Work/Life Balance - I believe that achieving a healthy work/life balance is important for long-term career success, and I can provide guidance on how to achieve this balance.
23.February 2022

It was helpful, we focused more on the non-technical side of things but I think that is what I need moreso right now so I'm glad that was prioritized.

16.July 2021

The session was really helpful and valuable. I got to ask Asam questions that he had knowledge and experience about. He gave me valuable feedback and good ideas to think about! We are going to have frequent calls to exchange ideas and compare the feedback we are doing in our projects.

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Atomic Habits
James Clear

Key Facts/Insights from "Atomic Habits" The Power of 1% Improvement: Small, incremental improvements or changes can have a significant impact over time. This is known as the "aggregation of marginal gains." Habits vs. Goals: Clear argues that focusing on systems (habits) rather than outcomes (goals) is more effective for long-term success. Four Laws of Behavior Change: The laws of cue, craving, response, and reward are essential for habit formation and breaking. Habit Stacking: This is a concept where you link a new habit to an existing one, which helps in making the new habit stick. Environment Design: Changing your environment can make it easier to cultivate good habits and get rid of bad ones. Identity-Based Habits: Your habits shape your identity, and vice versa. Changing your habits can lead to profound changes in your self-image. Delayed Gratification: Good habits often have delayed rewards, while bad habits often offer immediate pleasure but long-term pain. Golden Rule of Habit Change: Make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. Breaking Bad Habits: Clear provides practical strategies to break bad habits, such as making them unattractive, difficult, and unsatisfying. Habit Tracking: This is a simple way to measure your progress and keep yourself accountable. Never Miss Twice: If you miss a day, make it a point to get back on track the next day. This prevents you from spiraling into a cycle of repeated failure. Detailed Summary and Analysis "Atomic Habits" by James Clear provides a comprehensive framework for understanding how habits work and how they can be changed. The book's core message is the concept of the power of 1% improvement. This concept, also known as the "aggregation of marginal gains," is about making small, incremental changes consistently over a long period. This aligns with the well-established principle of compound interest in finance and the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement in Japanese manufacturing. Clear distinguishes between habits and goals. While most self-help literature focuses on setting and achieving goals, Clear argues that it's more effective to focus on the systems (habits) that lead to those outcomes. This is a significant shift in perspective that has profound implications for personal growth and development. The book introduces the Four Laws of Behavior Change (make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying), which are essential for habit formation and breaking. These laws provide a practical framework for understanding and manipulating the habit loop, a concept first introduced by Charles Duhigg in "The Power of Habit." Habit stacking is a powerful strategy for habit formation. It involves linking a new habit to an existing one, thereby leveraging the existing habit's cue and reward to reinforce the new habit. This concept is akin to the psychological principle of classical conditioning, first proposed by Ivan Pavlov. Environment design is another key element in habit formation. Clear argues that by changing our environment, we can make it easier to cultivate good habits and get rid of bad ones. This is consistent with the field of environmental psychology, which studies the interplay between people and their physical surroundings. One of the most profound ideas in the book is the concept of identity-based habits. Clear posits that our habits shape our identity, and vice versa. By changing our habits, we can effect profound changes in our self-image. This is a powerful psychological insight that has been validated by numerous studies in the field of social psychology. The book also discusses the importance of delayed gratification. Good habits often have delayed rewards, while bad habits often offer immediate pleasure but long-term pain. This concept is closely related to the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment, a famous psychological study on self-control. The Golden Rule of Habit Change is a practical guideline for implementing the Four Laws of Behavior Change. It provides a simple, memorable way to remember and apply these laws in everyday life. Clear provides practical strategies for breaking bad habits, such as making them unattractive, difficult, and unsatisfying. These strategies are grounded in the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy, a well-established psychological approach to changing behavior. The book also promotes the use of habit tracking, a simple way to measure your progress and keep yourself accountable. This concept is supported by the field of behavior modification, which emphasizes the importance of self-monitoring in behavior change. Finally, the book introduces the rule of "Never Miss Twice". If you miss a day, make it a point to get back on track the next day. This prevents you from spiraling into a cycle of repeated failure. This rule is a practical application of the psychological principle of resilience, the ability to bounce back from failure or adversity. Overall, "Atomic Habits" provides a comprehensive, science-based framework for understanding and changing habits. It combines insights from various fields, including psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics, to provide a practical guide for personal growth and development.

High Performance - Lessons from the Best on Becoming Your Best
Jake Humphrey, Damian Hughes

Key Facts and Insights from "High Performance - Lessons from the Best on Becoming Your Best" Understanding Performance: Performance is not just about the outcome, but it is a combination of processes, attitudes, and behaviors that lead to the desired results. It is a continuous journey rather than a destination. The Role of Mindset: A growth mindset is instrumental in achieving high performance. It involves embracing challenges, persisting in the face of setbacks, and viewing effort as the path to mastery. Importance of Preparation: Preparation is key to high performance. It includes not just the physical aspects but also mental, emotional, and strategic planning. Consistency is Key: Consistent actions and habits lead to consistent results. High performers are not just defined by their best moments, but by their daily habits. Leadership and Teamwork: Effective leadership and teamwork are crucial in achieving high performance. Leaders should inspire their teams and foster an environment that encourages collaboration and mutual respect. Embracing Failure: Failure is not a setback but a stepping stone towards success. High performers learn from their failures and use them as opportunities for growth. Continuous Improvement: High performers are always looking for ways to improve, they are never complacent and always ready to go the extra mile. Resilience: Ability to bounce back from adversity, maintaining focus and drive in the face of challenges, is a defining trait of high performers. Discipline: Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. High performers have the self-discipline to persist even when the going gets tough. Passion: High performers are deeply passionate about what they do. This passion fuels their drive and commitment. Managing Stress: High performers know how to manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. They recognize that excessive stress can hinder performance and take steps to manage it effectively. Deep Dive into the Concepts "High Performance - Lessons from the Best on Becoming Your Best" is a comprehensive exploration of the characteristics, behaviors, and attitudes of high performers. The authors, Jake Humphrey and Damian Hughes, delve deep into the principles and practices that drive high performance in individuals and teams. Through their engaging and insightful narrative, they provide valuable lessons for anyone striving for excellence in any field. The book begins by challenging the conventional understanding of performance. The authors assert that performance is not merely about the results, but rather it's a holistic concept encompassing the processes, attitudes, and behaviors that lead to those results. This reframing challenges the reader to view performance as an ongoing journey that requires continuous effort, adaptation, and growth. One of the central themes of the book is the importance of a growth mindset. Drawing on the work of psychologist Carol Dweck, Humphrey and Hughes emphasize that high performers embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and view effort as the path to mastery. They argue that this mindset is a powerful tool for achieving high performance, as it fosters resilience, adaptability, and a relentless quest for improvement. The authors also underline the importance of preparation in achieving high performance. They argue that preparation involves not just the physical aspects but also mental, emotional, and strategic planning. High performers, they contend, are meticulous in their preparation, which provides a foundation for confidence and adaptability during execution. Consistency is another key theme in the book. The authors maintain that consistent actions and habits lead to consistent results. They argue that high performers are not just defined by their peak moments, but by their daily habits and routines. This emphasis on consistency underscores the importance of discipline, persistence, and a commitment to excellence in every aspect of one's work. The book also delves into the critical role of leadership and teamwork in high performance. Humphrey and Hughes argue that effective leadership involves not just guiding and directing, but also inspiring, motivating, and fostering an environment that encourages collaboration, mutual respect, and shared accountability. They contend that high-performing teams are characterized by a strong sense of purpose, trust, and mutual support. An especially compelling aspect of the book is its discussion on failure. The authors assert that high performers view failure not as a setback, but as a stepping stone towards success. They learn from their failures and use them as opportunities for growth and improvement. This perspective aligns with the growth mindset and underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in high performance. The authors emphasize the importance of continuous improvement in achieving high performance. They argue that high performers are never complacent; they are always looking for ways to improve and are ready to go the extra mile. This relentless pursuit of improvement is a defining characteristic of high performers, reflecting their commitment to excellence and their willingness to push their boundaries. Finally, the authors discuss the importance of managing stress in achieving high performance. They argue that while some level of stress can be beneficial, excessive stress can hinder performance and lead to burnout. High performers, they contend, know how to manage stress effectively and maintain a healthy work-life balance. In conclusion, "High Performance - Lessons from the Best on Becoming Your Best" is a comprehensive guide to achieving high performance in any field. The authors' insights and lessons, drawn from their vast experience and research, provide a valuable roadmap for anyone striving for excellence. The concepts and practices outlined in the book are not just applicable to high performers, but to anyone who wishes to improve their performance and achieve their full potential.

The Chimp Paradox - The Acclaimed Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence and Happiness
Prof Steve Peters

Key Insights from the Book: Understanding your inner chimp: The book introduces the concept of the 'Inner Chimp', a metaphorical creature that represents the emotional and instinctive part of your brain. Human versus chimp thinking: Peters distinguishes between 'human' and 'chimp' thinking, with the former being rational and logical, and the latter being emotional and impulsive. Managing your inner chimp: The central theme of the book revolves around managing your 'Inner Chimp' to achieve success, confidence, and happiness. The Computer: Another metaphorical concept introduced in the book is the 'Computer', which represents learned behaviours and automatic responses. The power of the chimp: Peters emphasizes that the 'Chimp' has five times the power of the 'Human' and hence, it cannot be suppressed, but can be managed. Emotional thinking versus logical thinking: The book stresses the importance of distinguishing between emotional (Chimp) thinking and logical (Human) thinking. Communication techniques: Peters offers several communication techniques to manage your 'Chimp', such as 'boxing' and 'grooming'. Importance of creating a stable environment: The book underlines the importance of creating a stable environment to ensure your 'Chimp' feels safe and secure. Living in the present: The book encourages living in the present, as the 'Chimp' tends to dwell in the past or worry about the future. Health, fitness and stress management: Peters also discusses the role of health, fitness, and stress management in keeping your 'Chimp' under control. Detailed Analysis and Summary: "The Chimp Paradox" by Prof Steve Peters offers a compelling model for understanding and managing our thoughts and emotions. The book is based on the premise that our minds are divided into two parts - the 'Human' and the 'Chimp'. The 'Human' is our rational, logical self, while the 'Chimp' is our emotional, impulsive self. The book's fundamental insight, that the 'Chimp' is five times more powerful than the 'Human', is a profound one. The 'Chimp' is driven by feelings and instincts and is the part of us that reacts without thinking, often leading to irrational beliefs and behaviours. It's crucial to acknowledge that we cannot suppress the 'Chimp' given its power, but we can manage it. Managing your 'Chimp', according to Peters, involves understanding its nature, acknowledging its presence, and learning to work with it rather than against it. The 'Chimp' reacts to situations based on its perception of danger or threat, and not necessarily based on reality. Hence, creating a safe and secure environment is essential to ensure that the 'Chimp' feels secure and does not react in a defensive or aggressive manner. Another important concept introduced in the book is the 'Computer', which represents our automatic responses and learned behaviours. The 'Computer' can be programmed by both the 'Human' and the 'Chimp', and it plays a crucial role in how we respond to situations. The book also provides several communication techniques to manage the 'Chimp', such as 'boxing' and 'grooming'. 'Boxing' involves using evidence and logic to challenge the 'Chimp's' irrational beliefs, and 'grooming' involves nurturing and reassuring the 'Chimp'. Peters also emphasizes the importance of living in the present, as the 'Chimp' tends to dwell in the past or worry about the future. He argues that by focusing on the present, we can manage our 'Chimp' more effectively and reduce anxiety and stress. The book also discusses the role of physical health, fitness, and stress management in managing the 'Chimp'. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are crucial in keeping the 'Chimp' under control. In conclusion, "The Chimp Paradox" offers a unique and insightful model for understanding and managing our minds. It provides practical techniques to manage our 'Chimp' and achieve success, confidence, and happiness. The book draws from neuroscientific research and is an excellent resource for anyone interested in understanding human behaviour and improving their mental wellbeing. As a professor dealing with topics from the book for many years, I find Peters' approach an excellent tool for helping individuals understand their emotions and behaviours. It aligns with cognitive behavioural theory, suggesting that our thoughts and beliefs influence our behaviours and emotions. The book provides practical techniques to challenge irrational beliefs and manage emotional responses effectively.
