• Software Engineer by profession with 4 years of experience. • Data Structures, Algorithms, Distributed Systems, and Microservices are my subjects of interest. • Also passionate about teaching and speaking. ➡ Professional Background: • Senior Software Engineer @Etsy • Previously: Software Engineer at Apple, Intel, Barclays ➡ Educational Background: • Masters in Computer Science from University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland. • Bachelors in Technology(Computer Science) from VJTI, India. ➡ Technical Skills: • Programming and Scripting Languages: C++, C, Python, JavaScript • Web Technologies and Frameworks: NodeJS, Flask, CSS, HTML, AngularJS, PyTorch, Tensorflow, OpenCV, Selenium • Database: MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB • Containers, Deployment, and Version Control: Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Git/SVN • Cloud Tech: Amazon Web Services (AWS) • Data Science and BigData: Pandas, NumPy, Scipy, Hadoop, Spark, Ab Initio • Tech at Scale: Apache Kafka, Redis, Nginx, HAProxy ➡ Check my Github Portfolio- https://github.com/avidLearnerInProgress ➡ Connect with me: • Twitter handle - @chiragshah9696 • Quora profile - https://www.quora.com/profile/Chirag-Shah-201 [Inactive] • Medium handle - https://medium.com/@chiragshah9696

My Mentoring Topics

  • - Early career growth
  • - Job hunt, offer negotiation
  • - Problem solving & CS fundamentals
  • - Effective engineering & communication
  • - Building scalable systems
  • - Backend engineering

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