As a sustainability manager in an outdoor apparel firm, I implement and monitor environmental data analysis for over 600 suppliers throughout the supply chain. Additionally, I evaluate and follow up on the environmental performance of these suppliers. I utilize advanced Excel skills to develop complex formulas, queries, and dashboards for effective data visualization and reporting. To secure stakeholder engagement and collaboration, I provide precise and user-friendly data insights and recommendations. In the initiation of the Corporate Carbon Footprint Assessment project, I designed and implemented data collection methodologies to ensure accurate and comprehensive baseline tracking of carbon emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3) across diverse sectors, including those overseas. 身為德國戶外運動用品服飾公司的永續經理,我的工作負責監控全球供應鏈中超過 600 家布料廠,成衣廠商的環境數據分析。我也評估和追蹤這些供應商的綜合環境表現。我運用進階的 Excel 技能,套入複雜的公式、以使用者友善角度發展、建立各廠商總體評比追蹤系統,以實現數據報告視覺化、並提供精準且使用者友善的數據解析及進一步的永續發展建議。

My Mentoring Topics

  • Time Management: Discover practical techniques to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and optimize your productivity in both personal and professional spheres.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Develop a deeper understanding of emotions, enhance self-awareness, and learn to navigate social situations with empathy and grace for more fulfilling relationships.
  • Data Analytics: Learn how to harness insights from complex datasets, develop advanced analytical skills, and enhance your decision-making capabilities.
  • Sustainability: Navigate the dynamic world of environmental responsibility. Explore ways to integrate eco-friendly approaches, and enhance corporate responsibility, in both work & life situations.
  • 時間管理: 以實用的技巧來判斷任務的優先順序,設定可行的目標,並在個人和職業領域中充分發揮效率。
  • 情商管理: 深入了解情緒,提升自我意識,練習以同理心應對各種社交場合與人際關係。
  • 數據分析: 學會如何從複雜的數據中化繁為簡,培養進階分析技能,提升決策力。
  • 永續議題: 找出生活中整合環保方法的方式,提升個人環境責任、以及工作中的社會企業責任。
12.May 2024

My session with Chun was my first experience in the Mentoring Club. Despite our slightly different professional backgrounds, Chun was still able to empathize with my career goals and current situation. She asked thoughtful questions that helped me identify further steps I could take and provided valuable feedback. The session was conducted in a very friendly and solution-oriented atmosphere. Chun was also open to slightly changing the time of our session

26.April 2024

Chun Ling's mentoring session was incredibly helpful! Their expertise in sustainability and data analytics gave me valuable insights. I learned practical tips for job searching and time management. I left feeling inspired and equipped for success. I highly recommend Chun Ling as a mentor!

19.January 2024

Chun is a sweet person with a lot of advice to give out. She is quick at replying, and making sure we have time to connect and meet each other eve when she has so much on her plate. I can't wait to learn more from her in the future.

9.January 2024

Had a fantastic mentoring session with Chun! Their insights and guidance are incredibly valuable. Chun excels at simplifying complex answers and providing real-world examples & case studies. The session was both insightful and practical, and I highly recommend for anyone looking to elevate their career in sustainability!

The Bullet Journal Method - Track Your Past, Order Your Present, Plan Your Future
Ryder Carroll

Key Facts and Insights from "The Bullet Journal Method" Journaling Can Improve Mental Clarity: The book suggests that the act of writing down thoughts, ideas, and tasks can greatly improve focus and mental clarity. There is a Method to the Madness: The Bullet Journal Method presents a structured yet flexible framework for organizing your life using a simple notebook. Rapid Logging: This is a core principle of the Bullet Journal Method that involves using bullets and short-form sentences to quickly and efficiently record information. Migration is Key: The book emphasizes the importance of regularly reviewing and migrating tasks, which encourages mindfulness and proactive decision-making. Reflection is Essential: The Bullet Journal Method encourages daily and monthly reflection, helping you to stay in tune with your goals and priorities. Customization is Crucial: The Bullet Journal can be as simple or complex as you need it to be. Carroll encourages users to adapt the method to their unique needs and lifestyle. It’s a Tool for Mindful Living: Beyond being a productivity tool, the Bullet Journal Method is a means to live more intentionally and mindfully. In-Depth Analysis and Summary The book, penned by Ryder Carroll, the digital product designer who invented the Bullet Journal Method, is more than just a guide to a new system of note-taking and personal organization. It's a manifesto for mindful living, a call to slow down, to simplify our lives, and to focus on what truly matters. The first key insight from the book is the idea that the simple act of writing down our thoughts, ideas, and tasks can greatly improve our mental clarity. This resonates with psychological research suggesting that writing can serve as a powerful tool for emotional regulation and cognitive enhancement. Carroll introduces the Bullet Journal Method as a structured yet flexible framework for managing your life using a simple notebook. This method hinges on a few core principles, the first one being Rapid Logging. This involves using bullets and short phrases to quickly and efficiently record tasks, events, and notes. This minimalist approach ensures that the process of journaling doesn't become a burdensome task, but instead a quick, seamless part of your daily routine. The concept of Migration is a cornerstone of the Bullet Journal Method. This involves regularly reviewing your task list and deciding which tasks are worth your time and energy. Tasks that no longer serve a purpose are struck out, while those that are still relevant are migrated or moved forward. This encourages us to continually reassess our priorities, promoting mindful decision-making. Reflection is another core principle of the Bullet Journal Method. Carroll recommends taking time at the end of each day and month to review what you've written. This not only ensures that nothing slips through the cracks but also encourages us to reflect on our actions, decisions, and progress towards our goals. The Bullet Journal Method is highly customizable. The method can be adapted to suit your unique needs and lifestyle. Whether you're a student, a professional, a parent, or just someone looking to bring more order to your life, you can tailor the Bullet Journal to your specific circumstances. Finally, Carroll emphasizes that the Bullet Journal Method is a tool for mindful living. It's not just about being more productive or getting more done. It's about living more intentionally and mindfully, about focusing on what truly matters and letting go of what doesn't. In conclusion, "The Bullet Journal Method – Track Your Past, Order Your Present, Plan Your Future" is an insightful guide that presents a unique method of journaling not only as a tool for personal organization but also as a means of living more mindfully. It encourages us to slow down, to focus on our priorities, and to live our lives with intention. It's a book that certainly has the potential to transform the way we approach our daily lives.

Always Wear Pants - And 99 Other Tips for Surviving and Thriving While You Work from Home
Kevin Rizer

Key Insights from "Always Wear Pants - And 99 Other Tips for Surviving and Thriving While You Work from Home": Establish a Routine: It’s essential to set a daily schedule that includes structured work hours, breaks, and personal time. Designate a Workspace: Having a specific space for work helps separate professional and personal life. Maintain Professionalism: Despite working from home, maintaining a professional demeanor, including dressing for work, is crucial. Use Technology Effectively: Utilizing the right technology and software can enhance productivity and communication. Stay Connected: Regular interaction with colleagues and managers can prevent feelings of isolation and keep you updated. Balance Work and Personal Life: Setting clear boundaries can help maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevent burnout. Stay Healthy: Prioritizing physical health, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, is vital for productivity and overall wellbeing. Personal Development: Continuous learning and skill enhancement are crucial for career progression, even when working from home. Goal Setting: Setting and tracking goals can help maintain focus and motivation. Adaptability: Being flexible and adaptable in the face of changes and challenges is a key skill when working remotely. In-Depth Summary and Analysis Kevin Rizer's book, "Always Wear Pants - And 99 Other Tips for Surviving and Thriving While You Work from Home," is a comprehensive guide to navigating the challenges of remote work and leveraging its benefits. Drawing upon his personal experiences, Rizer provides practical advice, strategies, and tips to thrive in a work-from-home environment. Establish a Routine: Rizer emphasizes the importance of a daily routine in shaping our productivity and mental health. He argues that having defined work hours helps maintain focus, reduces procrastination, and enhances work efficiency. This echoes the concept of "Temporal Structuring," suggested by sociologist Eviatar Zerubavel, which underscores the importance of creating a schedule to manage time effectively. Designate a Workspace: The book highlights the need for a specific, dedicated workspace to create a boundary between work and personal life. This aligns with the 'Spatial Structuring' theory, which suggests that physical environments profoundly impact our behaviors, cognition, and emotions. Maintain Professionalism: Rizer's insistence on wearing pants while working from home is symbolic of maintaining professionalism. This concept correlates with 'Enclothed Cognition,' a term coined by researchers Hajo Adam and Adam Galinsky, suggesting that our clothes can influence our psychological processes and performance. Use Technology Effectively: Rizer also discusses the importance of leveraging technology to enhance productivity, communication, and coordination. The book provides insights into various tools and software needed for effective remote work, reinforcing the theory of Technological Determinism, which proposes that technology shapes our society and behavior. Stay Connected: Regular interactions with team members and managers are critical to avoid isolation, stay informed, and foster a sense of belonging. This aligns with the Social Connectivity theory, which emphasizes the importance of social interactions in boosting morale and productivity. Balance Work and Personal Life: Rizer stresses setting clear boundaries between work and personal life to prevent burnout, suggesting techniques like 'time blocking' and 'segmenting,' which have been proven effective in maintaining work-life balance. Stay Healthy: The book also emphasizes the importance of a healthy lifestyle in maintaining productivity and wellbeing. Rizer recommends regular exercise and a balanced diet, aligning with the biopsychosocial model of health, which views wellbeing as a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. Personal Development: Rizer encourages continuous learning and skill enhancement for career progression. This resonates with the Lifelong Learning theory, which advocates the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout one's life for personal and professional development. Goal Setting: Rizer underscores the importance of setting and tracking goals to maintain focus and motivation, reflecting the Goal-Setting Theory that emphasizes the motivational impact of setting and striving towards goals. Adaptability: Finally, the ability to be flexible and adapt to changes is vital when working from home, reflecting the concept of 'Adaptive Performance' in organizational psychology, which highlights the importance of adjusting to changes in the work environment. In conclusion, "Always Wear Pants - And 99 Other Tips for Surviving and Thriving While You Work from Home" is a practical guide offering valuable insights into the dynamics of remote work. The ideas presented in the book align with various theories and concepts in sociology, psychology, and organizational behavior, making it a valuable resource for anyone navigating the world of remote work.

The Short Seller
Elissa Brent Weissman

Key Facts and Insights from "The Short Seller" Introduction to Stock Market: The book provides a fundamental understanding of the stock market, its functions, and roles, and how it impacts everyday life. Introduction to Short Selling: It presents the concept of short selling in an understandable manner. Understanding Risk: The story conveys the inherent risks involved in stock trading and short selling, emphasizing the importance of understanding and managing these risks. Financial Literacy for Young Readers: The book is written in an accessible language, making financial concepts understandable for young readers. Importance of Ethics in Trading: It discusses the ethical considerations involved in trading, emphasizing the importance of honesty and integrity. Impact of Technology on Trading: The book shows how technology can both enhance and complicate trading. Decision Making: The story encourages critical thinking and decision-making skills. Consequences of Actions: It emphasizes the importance of being accountable for one's actions, particularly financial decisions. Realistic Portrayal of Market Fluctuations: The book provides a realistic depiction of the volatility of the stock market. Importance of Research in Trading: It emphasizes the importance of thorough research before making any trading decisions. An In-depth Summary and Analysis "The Short Seller" by Elissa Brent Weissman is a captivating narrative that introduces the complex world of the stock market and short selling to young readers. The protagonist, Lindy Sachs, a middle school student, stumbles upon the world of stock trading while she is home sick from school. The book serves as an introduction to the stock market, presenting a basic understanding of its functions and roles in everyday life. It presents how stocks can be bought, sold, and traded, and how their values can fluctuate based on various factors. A significant concept introduced in the book is short selling. Weissman explains this complex financial maneuver in a way that is understandable even for young readers. In short selling, an investor borrows shares and immediately sells them, hoping to scoop them up later at a lower price, return them to the lender, and pocket the difference. However, Weissman doesn't shy away from exploring the risk factors involved in short selling. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the potential financial loss that can occur if the stock prices increase instead of falling, leaving the short seller to bear the burden of the difference. Weissman also emphasizes the importance of ethics in trading. Lindy's journey showcases the potential ethical dilemmas one might face while trading and the importance of honesty and integrity in these situations. The role of technology in trading is well-highlighted in the book. Lindy uses online trading platforms to trade in stocks, which shows how technology has made trading more accessible to the general public. However, it also warns of the potential pitfalls of this easy accessibility, as Lindy's lack of experience and knowledge leads her to make risky financial decisions. The story encourages critical thinking and decision-making skills. Lindy's decisions, both good and bad, prompt the readers to think about what they would do in a similar situation and understand the consequences of their actions. The book provides a realistic depiction of the volatility of the stock market, teaching readers that while the stock market can lead to substantial gains, it can also result in significant losses. It emphasizes the importance of being accountable for one's actions, particularly financial decisions. Lastly, Weissman underscores the importance of thorough research before making any trading decisions. Lindy's initial success in the stock market is more due to luck than skill, but as the story progresses, she learns the hard way that proper research and understanding are crucial in trading. In conclusion, "The Short Seller" is an engaging and informative book that introduces young readers to the world of stock trading. It serves as a valuable resource in promoting financial literacy, ethical trading practices, and informed decision-making.

都是溫柔的孩子 - 奈良少年監獄「詩與繪本」教室

Key Facts and Insights from "都是溫柔的孩子 - 奈良少年監獄「詩與繪本」教室" by 寮美千子 The book explores the concept of using poetry and picture books as a means of emotional therapy and education in juvenile prisons. It offers a unique perspective on the plight of juvenile delinquencies and the role of art in rehabilitation. The author, Chiyo Ryomitsu, is an educator who worked in Nara Juvenile Prison in Japan, providing real-life insights into the lives of incarcerated young individuals. It displays the transformative power of literature and art in fostering empathy and self-reflection among young offenders. The book is a blend of personal anecdotes, poetry written by the inmates, and a theoretical exploration of the use of art therapy. It provides an innovative approach to prison education, suggesting a shift away from punishment towards rehabilitation and personal growth. Chiyo Ryomitsu emphasizes the importance of creating a safe space for emotional expression and understanding within the prison environment. The book is a testament to the indomitable human spirit, resilience, and the potential for change, even in the most challenging circumstances. It advocates for the reevaluation of societal attitudes towards juvenile delinquencies, emphasizing the need for compassion and understanding. The book is a profound exploration of humanity, touching on themes of guilt, redemption, hope, and forgiveness. An In-Depth Analysis of "都是溫柔的孩子 - 奈良少年監獄「詩與繪本」教室" "都是溫柔的孩子 - 奈良少年監獄「詩與繪本」教室" by 寮美千子 is a compelling exploration of the transformative power of art and literature in the most unexpected of places: a juvenile prison. The author, Chiyo Ryomitsu, an educator who worked in Nara Juvenile Prison in Japan, shares her unique insights and experiences, shedding light on the often overlooked and misunderstood lives of incarcerated young individuals. One of the book's central themes is the use of poetry and picture books as a form of emotional therapy and education. This innovative approach to prison education marks a significant shift away from traditional punitive measures towards rehabilitation and personal growth. It's a powerful testament to the idea that education, empathy, and emotional expression can ignite change, even in the most challenging circumstances. The book is a unique blend of personal anecdotes, poetry written by the inmates themselves, and theoretical exploration of art therapy. Through this blend, Chiyo Ryomitsu creates a rich tapestry of human experiences, emotions, and potential for transformation. The poems and illustrations produced by the inmates serve as a window into their inner worlds, revealing their fears, hopes, regrets, and dreams. Chiyo Ryomitsu emphasizes the importance of creating a safe space within the prison environment, a space where these young individuals can express their emotions freely and find understanding. The transformative power of literature and art is a recurring theme in the book. Chiyo Ryomitsu shows how these mediums can foster empathy and self-reflection among young offenders, helping them to come to terms with their actions, understand their emotions, and strive for change. This form of therapy can also help them to build confidence and self-esteem, crucial factors in their rehabilitation. The book also advocates for a reevaluation of societal attitudes towards juvenile delinquencies. It emphasizes the need for compassion and understanding, rather than condemnation and punishment. The title itself, which translates to "All Are Gentle Children," is a powerful statement of this belief. It serves as a reminder that despite their actions, these individuals are still children, capable of change, growth, and redemption. In conclusion, "都是溫柔的孩子 - 奈良少年監獄「詩與繪本」教室" is a profound exploration of humanity. It touches on themes of guilt, redemption, hope, and forgiveness, providing a unique perspective on the power of art and literature in transforming lives. It's a testament to the indomitable human spirit, resilience, and the potential for change, making it a crucial read for anyone interested in education, psychology, and social justice.


I'm sorry, but I cannot analyze or summarize a book that doesn't exist. The book title you've provided, "卡西與他們的瓦斯店" by 郝妮爾, does not appear to correspond to any known published work. Could you please provide a correct title and author so I can assist you further?
