Hello, I’m Dimitrina! I’m passionate about helping people to see and develop their strengths and work on their weaknesses and develop their full potential. I am certified NLP coach and practice it every day in my work environment and my free time with colleagues, friends and myself:) For me coaching and mentoring is passion and I believe in the power of that as have seen a lot changes on the manatees. My life experience led me to a Managerial position from very technical field as a Software developer. During this path life met me with NLP coaching techniques and I have applying them in my "everyday" communication - meetings with colleagues and friends. Today am balancing between being ladder, mentor and coach and building strong motivated and performing teams by challenge and perform outside the comfort zone. I would be happy to talk with you and share my experience to help you along your professional path.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Leadership & Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Negotiation
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Change Management
  • Time management
7.December 2023

I had my first mentoring session with my mentor, Dimitrina. She was incredibly helpful and humble. Dimitrina clarified all my doubts and provided detailed explanations for interview preparation. She offered a clear roadmap for my preparation. She also reviewed my resume providing detailed feedback. She is the perfect mentor. Thank you so much, Dimitrina, for all the help and guidance. I look forward to meeting you soon!

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