I love to help people become their best version of themselves. The reason I love doing this it’s because they also help me to become the best version of myself. That's the reason I am offering free career mentorship for people in the tech environment no matter their level of knowledgement.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Leadership
  • Personal Development Plan
  • Development of Hard Skills (Java, Microservices, Cloud)
  • Development of Soft Skills
  • Career transition
8.April 2022

Sim, por um primeiro bate papo, você conseguiu entender o que eu busco e com pouco tempo já conseguiu me ajudar a sair com ações simples, que com toda certeza vai me ajudar no que eu busco melhorar

Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
Greg McKeown

The concept of Essentialism revolves around focusing on what truly matters, and eliminating all distractions and unnecessary commitments. Essentialism is not about getting more done in less time, but about getting the right things done. The Essentialist mindset dictates that 'less is more'. It's about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy. Essentialism is not a time management strategy or a productivity technique. It is a systematic discipline for discerning what is absolutely essential and eliminating everything else. The Essentialist uses a more selective criteria for what is essential. The way of the Essentialist is the path to being in control of our own choices. Essentialism is about making the tough trade-off between lots of good things and a few great things. It's about exploring multiple possibilities to make sure you're on the right track. Essentialism requires us to replace 'I have to' with 'I choose to'. Essentialism is a mindset; a way of life. It is about living by design, not by default. In the world of Essentialism, there are no quick fixes or easy answers. The journey to becoming an Essentialist involves hard work, discipline, and tough choices. Essentialism is about creating a life that really matters by investing in the right activities. The Concept of Essentialism In his book, Greg McKeown presents the concept of Essentialism - the disciplined pursuit of less but better. He argues that in today’s fast-paced and complex world, being busy is not necessarily being productive. Instead, productivity and fulfilment are gained by focusing on fewer tasks that are truly essential and eliminating the rest. The key to Essentialism, according to McKeown, is not in managing our time better, but in simplifying our lives, operating from a clear sense of purpose, and rejecting everything that doesn’t align with it. McKeown's philosophy echoes the teachings of prominent thinkers like Thoreau who advocated for leading a life of simplicity and focus. Less is More The underlying principle of Essentialism is that less is more. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information and demands, the Essentialist seeks to cut out the noise and focus only on what really matters. This is not about being efficient or squeezing more into our day. Instead, it's about making a deliberate choice to focus on what's truly important, and letting go of everything else. The Essentialist Mindset The Essentialist mindset is not a one-time decision, but a continuous process of deliberate and conscious choices. An Essentialist is not driven by external pressures or a desire to please others, but by a deep conviction of what is truly important. The Essentialist doesn't react to every distraction, but creates space for critical thinking and reflection. Trade-offs and Choices Essentialism involves making tough trade-offs between many good opportunities and a few truly great ones. It's about not just reacting to life's demands, but proactively shaping our lives. The Essentialist doesn’t just recognize the reality of trade-offs; he or she embraces them as necessary and even desirable. Living by Design, Not by Default Being an Essentialist is about living by design, not by default. It's about making the conscious decision to invest your time and energy in the things that truly matter. It's about rejecting the myth of 'having it all' and recognizing that we can't do everything. Instead, we need to focus on where we can make the biggest difference. The Journey to Essentialism The journey to becoming an Essentialist is not an easy one. It requires hard work, discipline, and tough choices. It's about learning to say 'no' to the non-essentials so we can say 'yes' to what truly matters. It's about recognizing that we have a choice in where we invest our precious time and energy. Overall, Essentialism offers a refreshing perspective on life and productivity. By focusing on less, we can achieve more – not by cramming more tasks into our day, but by investing in the right activities. It's about living a life that is meaningful and fulfilling, not one that is simply busy and stressful.
