Product leader whose functionality crosses over between product management, analytics, and product growth and marketing seeking a Senior Product Manager position. Strong information technology professional with certifications from IBM.Product school, Aws, Udacity, Udemy, Particular Software, ICSI (International Cybersecurity Institute), UK, Social Brillant, Startup School (Ycombinator), Comptia and DigitalMarker. An amazing product comes from the right market, the right audience, great user experience and a resilient software/hardware foundation. I'm always on the journey to pursue and build the next amazing product that helps and changes people's lives.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Product Management
  • Product Innovation
  • Product Strategy
  • Product Discovery
  • Product Delivery
28.January 2022

Emeka is very kind and empathetic person. The session was very insightful and interesting. I felt comfortable asking any question. The session was very helpful and I liked a lot that I received homework and there are clear next steps. I sincerely recommend Emeka as a mentor!

15.December 2021

Very nice session, although not all of my questions were answered precisely, I got very, very good input, ideas and tools and now know how to approach the topics better.

30.November 2021

Our session was very helpful and insightful. Emeka is smart and extremely knowledgeable. He breaks down complex Product concepts and is eager to help. I can't wait for future sessions with him.

21.July 2021

The mentorship was great, Emeka Ehinze prepared a presentation and shared some of her materials with me. He made herself available to help me if I needed more information.