Hey! I'm Holger. I'm an engineering leader passionate about web development and diverse teams in an agile, cross-functional environment focused on driving business outcomes. Over the past 10+ years, I've had the opportunity to lead different teams, learn from great people, and tackle all kinds of challenges. If I can share some of my experience and help you on your journey, I'd be happy to do so. Feel free to send your topics or questions and I'll let you know if and how I can support - looking forward to meet you 👋

My Mentoring Topics

  • Tech Leadership
  • People Development
  • Build & maintain teams
  • Organizational Development
  • Engineering Culture & Mindset
  • Agile Development
  • Software Development
  • Platform Development
  • Managing Change
6.December 2021

Thanks a lot for your mentoring! Your advice was exactly what I was looking for and very helpful. What I especially liked was, that you took the time to understand our current situation, to ask clarifying questions and also to challenge our assumptions - e.g. regarding building our own ATS. Looking forward to our conversations in the future!

25.September 2021

Yes, it was very useful for me. Particularly that raised various questions to understand my situation. What I liked the most was the triangle that shows the interdependency between time, quality and scope. For the next sessions I would also be interested at your situations at Ionos and Hornbach that are perhaps related to this topic;)

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