Jagan K

Jagan K

Deputy General Manager - Genius Consultants Limited | Career Coach | Certified Recruitment Professional | Trainer

15+ years of experience in varied roles. Started Career as an Audit Intern and worked with several Banks and Organizations in various Auditing activities for around 3 years. Moved on work with an US Based Hedge Fund company as a Senior Financial Analyst with close to 7 years of experience in Secondary Research supporting Sell side advisory. Subsequently Joined my current Organization (Voltech Group of Companies) as Business Development Executive in 2013 and currently designated as Senior General Manager, handling a Business Unit that provides varied HR Support and Services to companies across the Globe. Qualified MBA with Specialization in Finance / Marketing and has done my Diploma in Education Psychology. A Certified Career Coach as well as Certified Recruitment Professional. With around 18+ years of Professional life on my back, i strongly believe that each of us learn something or other from one another and it is that Quest to learn that motivates me. As much as iam here to try my best to help others in any possible way i could, iam sure it will equally be important learning experience in someway for me as well. Be it on Career dilemmas, Educational decisions or any professional challenges, lets discuss and i would love to share my views.

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21.July 2021

It was really good for me, thank you :)

Warrior of the Light - A Manual
Paulo Coelho

Key Facts and Insights from "Warrior of the Light - A Manual" Concept of the 'Warrior of the Light': This refers to someone who is able to understand that he or she is a part of the divine plan and is capable of miracles and wonders. Embracing Uncertainty: The book emphasizes the importance of embracing uncertainty and accepting the unpredictability of life. Continuous Learning: The warrior of the light is always learning, growing, and evolving. Appreciation of Life: The warrior of the light appreciates every moment of life and sees each day as a blessing. Inner Strength and Resilience: The warrior of the light never gives up, no matter how challenging the circumstances may be. Understanding of Love and Compassion: The warrior of the light understands the importance of love and compassion and extends these feelings to all beings. Understanding of Fear: Fear is recognized as a natural human emotion, but it is not something that should control our lives. Importance of Faith: Faith is a critical component in the life of a warrior of the light; it is the driving force that propels them forward. Power of Intuition: The warrior of the light trusts their intuition and uses it to guide their actions and decisions. Value of Humility: The warrior of the light recognizes the importance of humility and understands that it is not a sign of weakness but of strength. In-Depth Analysis and Summary In Paulo Coelho's "Warrior of the Light - A Manual", the Brazilian author presents an allegorical journey of spiritual discovery and self-enlightenment. The book is a series of philosophical reflections and teachings designed to inspire readers to embrace their inner 'warrior of the light'. The concept of the 'warrior of the light' is not associated with physical warfare but rather refers to an individual who is in tune with the divine energy of the universe. The warrior is someone who recognizes their connection to the divine and understands their capacity for miracles. This concept is closely tied to many spiritual and philosophical teachings, including those found in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christian mysticism. One of the key insights from the book is the importance of embracing uncertainty. Life is unpredictable, and it is this unpredictability that makes it beautiful and exciting. Rather than fearing the unknown, the warrior of the light learns to accept and embrace it. This is a reflection of the Buddhist concept of impermanence, which teaches that everything in life is transient and ever-changing. Continuous learning is another major theme in the book. The warrior of the light is always open to new experiences and is continually seeking knowledge and wisdom. This mirrors the philosophy of lifelong learning, which emphasizes the importance of continuous growth and development. The book also stresses the importance of appreciating every moment of life. Each day is a blessing, and the warrior of the light recognizes this. This is in line with the concept of mindfulness, a practice that encourages individuals to stay present and fully engaged in the current moment. The warrior of the light is characterized by their inner strength and resilience. They never give up, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be. This resilience is reminiscent of the psychological concept of grit, which refers to the ability to persevere in the face of adversity. A deep understanding of love and compassion is a hallmark of the warrior of the light. They extend these feelings to all beings, demonstrating a universal sense of empathy. This aligns with the concept of 'loving-kindness' found in various spiritual traditions. Fear is recognized as a natural human emotion in the book, but it is not something that should control our lives. The warrior of the light learns to face their fears and overcome them. This understanding of fear ties in with cognitive-behavioral therapy principles, which involve acknowledging and addressing negative emotions. Faith is a critical component in the life of the warrior of the light. It serves as the driving force that propels them forward. This faith can be seen as a form of spiritual belief or as a broader confidence in the goodness of the universe. The book emphasizes the power of intuition. The warrior of the light trusts their intuition and uses it to guide their actions and decisions. This intuition can be seen as a form of inner wisdom or 'gut feeling'. Finally, the value of humility is highlighted in the book. The warrior of the light recognizes the importance of humility and understands that it is not a sign of weakness but of strength. This understanding of humility is closely aligned with many spiritual and philosophical traditions. In conclusion, Paulo Coelho's "Warrior of the Light - A Manual" is a profound exploration of the human spirit and the potential for spiritual growth and self-discovery. It offers valuable insights into how we can live our lives with more wisdom, compassion, and courage. By embracing the principles outlined in the book, we can all learn to become our own 'warrior of the light'.

The Rules of Life - A Personal Code for Living a Better, Happier, More Successful Kind of Life
Richard Templar

Key Facts and Insights from the Book: Life operates under certain rules that dictate our happiness and success. These rules are simple and universal, applicable to anyone, regardless of their individual circumstances. The rules are based on personal values and ethics, not societal norms or expectations. Living by these rules allows us to lead a more fulfilling, satisfying life. The rules emphasize self-improvement and personal growth. Breaking these rules can lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction. These rules can be applied at any stage of life, allowing for continuous improvement and growth. Understanding and implementing these rules requires self-reflection and self-awareness. By following these rules, we can navigate life's challenges more smoothly and effectively. The rules encourage us to embrace our individuality and uniqueness. Analysis and Conclusions : The book explores the concept of "rules" that govern our lives. These aren't rules in the traditional sense, laid down by society or authority figures. Instead, they're a set of personal principles, ethics, and values that we choose to live by. They serve as a guide, helping us navigate the complexities of life, make better decisions, and lead a happier, more fulfilling life. The book emphasizes the importance of self-improvement and personal growth. It argues that life is a continuous journey of learning and growth. We should always strive to improve ourselves and our lives, regardless of our age or circumstances. This aligns with the concept of lifelong learning, which is widely recognized in academia and psychology. The rules are simple and universal. They're not tied to any specific culture or society, making them applicable to anyone, anywhere. This universality is a key strength of the book. It recognizes the diversity of human experiences and provides a set of guidelines that can be adapted to suit individual needs and situations. The rules are built around personal values and ethics, not societal norms or expectations. This is a refreshing perspective, as it encourages readers to define their own standards of success and happiness, rather than conforming to societal norms. This aligns with the concept of self-determination theory, which argues that our motivation, performance, and well-being are optimized when we act in accordance with our authentic selves. One of the key insights from the book is that breaking these rules can lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction. This underlines the importance of living in alignment with our personal values and principles. When we act in ways that contradict our values, we experience cognitive dissonance, a psychological state of tension that can lead to stress, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction. Understanding and implementing these rules requires self-reflection and self-awareness. We need to understand ourselves, our values, and our desires to determine which rules are most relevant to us. This is consistent with the concept of emotional intelligence, which emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and self-management in achieving success and happiness. The book encourages us to embrace our individuality and uniqueness. Each of us is unique, with our own strengths, weaknesses, and perspectives. By embracing this individuality, we can live more authentically and achieve greater fulfillment. In conclusion, "The Rules of Life" provides a compelling framework for personal growth and self-improvement. It offers a set of simple, universal rules that can help us lead a happier, more fulfilling life. By embracing these rules and living in alignment with our personal values, we can navigate life's challenges more effectively, continually grow and improve, and ultimately achieve our version of success and happiness.

Paul Kalanithi

Key Insights from "When Breath Becomes Air" The struggle between life and death: The book explores the fundamental human experience of grappling between life and death. This struggle is portrayed both literally and metaphorically. The significance of time: The book emphasizes the crucial role of time in our lives, especially when one is aware of its limited supply. It makes us ponder about what we would do if we knew our time was running out. The role of identity: The book questions the concept of identity and how it is shaped by our professions and our health. Life’s purpose: It delves into the existential quest for meaning and purpose in life, especially when confronted with mortality. Medicine and morality: The book explores the ethical dilemmas faced by the medical profession and the moral implications of life-saving treatments. Human resilience: It highlights the immense power of human resilience in the face of adversity. The intersection between literature and medicine: The book underscores how literature can provide insight into the human condition, which is invaluable to medicine. Relationship between doctor and patient: It sheds light on the intricate and often challenging relationship between a doctor and a patient. Role of family and loved ones: The book illustrates the important role played by family and loved ones in providing emotional support during difficult times. The process of dying: It provides a raw and intimate account of the process of dying, as experienced by the author. Balancing scientific knowledge with human understanding: The book emphasizes the need to balance medical knowledge with an understanding of the patient's unique human experience. Analysis and Conclusions "When Breath Becomes Air" is a profound exploration into the human condition. The author, Paul Kalanithi, a neurosurgeon diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, offers a unique perspective as both a doctor and a patient. This dual perspective gives the reader a deep insight into the struggles and triumphs of living with a terminal illness. The book beautifully captures the struggle between life and death. This struggle is not just a medical one, but also a philosophical and existential one. Kalanithi's diagnosis forces him to grapple with the knowledge of his impending death, leading him to question his identity, purpose, and the meaning of life. His profession as a neurosurgeon, which had previously formed a significant part of his identity, is called into question. This exploration of identity in the face of mortality is a powerful reminder of how closely intertwined our life and work can be. The concept of time, a recurring theme in the book, is presented in a poignant manner. Kalanithi's diagnosis abruptly shortens his perceived timeline, forcing him to reevaluate his priorities and decisions. This raises the question of what each of us would do if we knew our time was running out. His reflection on this concept is a reminder to live our lives in a way that aligns with our values and priorities. Medicine and morality is another significant theme in the book. As a doctor, Kalanithi had been trained to save lives. However, his illness forces him to confront the moral implications of life-saving treatments and the potential for suffering they might cause. This dilemma is a stark reminder of the ethical challenges faced by medical professionals. One of the most powerful aspects of the book is its portrayal of human resilience. Despite his grim prognosis, Kalanithi continues to work, write, and live his life to the fullest. His resilience in the face of adversity is a testament to the indomitable human spirit. The intersection between literature and medicine is a unique aspect of the book. Kalanithi's background in literature provides him with a unique perspective on his experience. His ability to articulate his journey through the lens of literature gives readers a deeper understanding of his experience. The book also highlights the crucial role of family and loved ones during difficult times. Kalanithi's wife, Lucy, is a constant pillar of support throughout his journey. Finally, the book provides a raw, intimate account of the process of dying. Kalanithi's descriptions of his physical decline and emotional turmoil are both heartbreaking and enlightening. He emphasizes the need to balance medical knowledge with understanding the patient's unique human experience, a lesson that is applicable to all healthcare providers. In conclusion, "When Breath Becomes Air" offers a profound exploration of life, death, and the human condition. It is a poignant reminder of our mortality and the immense resilience of the human spirit. It encourages us to live our lives with purpose, acknowledging the limited time we have on this earth. The book also emphasizes the need for healthcare providers to balance medical knowledge with understanding the patient's unique human experience. This blend of scientific knowledge and human understanding is what truly makes medicine an art.

Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions
Dan Ariely

Key Insights from 'Predictably Irrational' People make irrational decisions due to various hidden forces. Decisions are not always based on economic rationale – emotions, social norms and relative thinking play a crucial role. Human beings are highly susceptible to the power of 'free' offerings. Our expectations shape our experiences. We often overvalue what we own or have created – the 'endowment effect' and 'IKEA effect'. The concept of 'self-herding' leads us to believe our past decisions were correct, influencing our future choices. Procrastination and self-control are two strong forces that battle within us. Money, as a market norm, can sometimes destroy the social norms we value. People are more dishonest than they would like to admit, but less dishonest than they could be. Our ability to understand our choices is hindered by the problem of 'relativity'. Detailed Analysis of 'Predictably Irrational' 'Predictably Irrational' delves into the fascinating world of behavioural economics, challenging the classical economic theory that people always act rationally. The author, Dan Ariely, proposes that our decisions are not only irrational but predictably so. The book opens with an exploration of the concept of 'relativity'. We often judge things not on their inherent value, but in relation to other things. For example, we might consider a $20 shirt expensive in a discount store but cheap in a designer boutique. Ariely stresses this as a problem as it distorts our perception of value. 'The fallacy of supply and demand' is another idea Ariely discusses. He suggests that our first decisions regarding value are often arbitrary but become anchored in our minds, influencing subsequent decisions. This is a powerful demonstration of 'self-herding', where our past decisions validate our future ones. Ariely also explores the power of 'free', demonstrating how we are often irrationally drawn to free items, even if they offer less overall value. This principle is extensively used in marketing strategies and shows how our decisions can be easily manipulated. The book further delves into the 'endowment effect' and 'IKEA effect', where we tend to overvalue what we own or have created. This can lead to irrational financial decisions, like holding onto stocks that would be better sold, for instance. One of the most compelling sections of the book deals with the battle between procrastination and self-control. Ariely suggests that despite our best intentions, we often fall victim to immediate gratification at the expense of long-term goals. This insight highlights the need for mechanisms to help us commit to our long-term goals. The book also discusses the interplay between market norms and social norms. Ariely warns of the potential damaging effects when market norms (such as monetary incentives) interfere with social norms (like volunteerism or altruism). In the closing chapters, Ariely examines honesty and dishonesty, highlighting that while people are generally dishonest, they are not as dishonest as they could be. This is often due to our inherent need to maintain a positive self-image. 'Predictably Irrational' provides a comprehensive look into the myriad of hidden forces that shape our decisions. It offers valuable insights that can help us understand our own irrational behaviours and make better decisions. By recognising these behavioural patterns, we can also devise strategies to counteract our irrational tendencies, leading to more rational and beneficial decision-making. In a broader sense, these insights have significant implications in various fields – from marketing and policy making, to personal finance and self-improvement. Understanding human irrationality can lead to more effective interventions, better products, and policies that truly cater to human needs and behaviour.

Between Parent and Child - The Bestselling Classic That Revolutionized Parent-Child Communication
Dr. Haim G. Ginott

Key Facts and Insights from "Between Parent and Child" Emphasizes the importance of effective communication between parents and children, with a focus on understanding and respect. Promotes the concept of child-centered parenting, where the child's thoughts, feelings and ideas are given due consideration. Discusses the impact of parents' words and actions on a child's self-esteem and emotional well-being. Advocates for the use of empathetic and non-judgmental language when communicating with children. Highlights the detrimental effects of punishment and criticism, recommending alternative discipline strategies. Details the principles of conflict resolution, fostering an environment that encourages a child's cooperation and self-discipline. Encourages parents to allow children to express their emotions freely, while guiding them to appropriate behavior. Suggests the method of "I-messages" instead of "You-messages", to express feelings and needs without attacking the child's character. Underlines the importance of modeling desired behavior rather than simply demanding it. Asserts the significance of setting and maintaining clear and consistent boundaries with children. In-Depth Analysis and Summary Dr. Haim G. Ginott's "Between Parent and Child" is a transformative work that revolutionized the dynamics of parent-child communication. The book is predicated on the philosophy of child-centered parenting, a concept that places the child's thoughts, feelings, and ideas at the center of parenting decisions. This approach demands that parents respect and understand their children as unique individuals, fostering a sense of self-worth and confidence. Ginott's work emphasizes the powerful influence of parents' words and actions on a child's emotional well-being. He asserts that the language used by parents can either build or erode a child's self-esteem. Consequently, he advocates for empathetic and non-judgmental communication, underscoring the importance of parental tact, warmth, and understanding. "Between Parent and Child" robustly criticizes punitive measures and harsh criticism as disciplinary strategies. Instead, Ginott proposes alternative methods such as problem-solving, setting clear expectations, and guiding children towards self-discipline. He underscores that discipline should not be an avenue for venting parental frustration, but a tool to teach children about the consequences of their actions. The book provides parents with effective conflict resolution strategies, focusing on cooperation rather than coercion. The author's principles are designed to foster an environment that encourages self-discipline and responsibility in children. This approach promotes harmony and reduces power struggles between parents and children, as the child is actively involved in finding solutions to problems. Ginott also encourages parents to allow children to express their feelings freely. He believes that by acknowledging and validating their emotions, parents can guide children towards appropriate behavior without suppressing their emotional expression. This nurtures emotional intelligence and empathy in children, skills that are vital for their overall development. The book introduces the concept of "I-messages", a form of communication that expresses the speaker's feelings and needs without attacking the listener's character. This is in contrast to "You-messages", which tend to be accusatory and provoke defensiveness. Ginott suggests that "I-messages" foster better understanding and empathy, thus enhancing the parent-child relationship. Importantly, Ginott emphasizes the role of parents as role models. Children learn behavior by observing their parents, and therefore, parents must embody the values and behavior they wish their children to adopt. This involves demonstrating respect, patience, honesty, and other desired traits consistently. Lastly, the author underscores the importance of clear and consistent boundaries. Setting limits helps children understand what is expected of them, providing a sense of security and predictability. It also teaches them to respect others' boundaries, fostering healthy social interactions. In conclusion, "Between Parent and Child" offers valuable insights into creating a respectful and understanding relationship between parents and children. It is a must-read for parents seeking to foster a nurturing environment that promotes their child's emotional and psychological well-being.

The Book of Children - Supporting the Freedom and Intelligence of a New Generation

Key Facts and Insights from "The Book of Children" Freedom and Intelligence: The book emphasizes the importance of allowing children the freedom to explore and understand the world around them while encouraging their innate intelligence. Individuality: It advocates for the respect of children's individuality and discourages imposing societal norms and expectations on them. Education System Critique: Osho critiques the current education system, arguing that it suppresses children’s natural curiosity and creativity. Love and Acceptance: The importance of love, acceptance, and understanding in the upbringing of a child is emphasized throughout the book. Comprehension Over Memorization: Osho encourages comprehension and understanding over rote learning and memorization. Life as a Learning Process: The book views life as a continuous process of learning and growing, not confined to the walls of a school. Parenting Responsibility: Osho stresses the responsibility of parents to guide their children without imposing their own dreams and expectations. Freedom From Fear: The book discusses the importance of freeing children from fear and insecurity to enable them to lead fulfilling lives. Children’s Rights: Osho asserts the rights of children, calling for their recognition as independent individuals with their own thoughts, feelings, and desires. Intuitive Intelligence: The book emphasizes the importance of intuitive intelligence over intellectual knowledge. Non-Violent Communication: Osho suggests the use of non-violent communication methods to facilitate understanding and cooperation between parents and children. An In-depth Analysis and Summary "The Book of Children" by Osho is a comprehensive guide that emphasizes the importance of treating children as independent individuals, nurturing their innate intelligence, and allowing them the freedom to explore and understand the world around them. It is a seminal work that challenges conventional approaches to child-rearing and education. One of the key themes of the book is the respect for children’s individuality. Osho argues that every child is unique, with their own talents, interests, and potential, and should be treated as such. Rather than molding children to fit societal norms and expectations, he advocates for nurturing their individual talents and potential. This is aligned with the philosophy of many progressive educators, who advocate for child-centered education. A major part of the book is a critique of the current education system. Osho argues that the focus on rote learning and memorization, standardized testing, and competition suppresses children’s natural curiosity, creativity, and love for learning. Instead, he advocates for an education that encourages comprehension over memorization, nurtures creativity, and respects individual differences. This echoes the views of educational reformers like Sir Ken Robinson, who argue for a radical rethink of our school systems. The book emphasizes the importance of love, acceptance, and understanding in the upbringing of a child. Osho believes that children should be loved and accepted for who they are, not for what they do or achieve. He stresses the need for parents to be understanding, patient, and communicative, and to guide their children without imposing their own dreams and expectations. This aligns with the principles of positive parenting, which advocates for a loving, respectful relationship between parents and children. Osho views life as a continuous process of learning and growing, not confined to the walls of a school. He believes that every experience, every interaction, every moment is an opportunity for learning and growth. This is reminiscent of the philosophy of lifelong learning, which sees learning as an ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge. One of the most powerful messages in the book is the call for freedom from fear. Osho argues that many children grow up in fear - fear of failure, fear of punishment, fear of not living up to expectations. He believes that freeing children from these fears can enable them to lead fulfilling, authentic lives. Finally, the book advocates for non-violent communication methods to facilitate understanding and cooperation between parents and children. Osho suggests that parents should communicate with their children in a respectful, empathetic, and non-judgmental way. This is aligned with the principles of non-violent communication, a communication process developed by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. In conclusion, "The Book of Children" by Osho is a radical, thought-provoking work that challenges conventional wisdom on child-rearing and education. It offers a vision of a world where children are respected as individuals, nurtured to develop their innate intelligence and potential, and free to explore and understand the world around them. This is a vision that, if realized, could revolutionize the way we raise and educate our children.
