I'm Jobert, a passionate Software Engineer with over 14 years of experience in the iOS development world. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of delivering high-quality mobile apps for industry-leading companies across various sectors. As an active participant in Scrum teams, I've honed my skills in code reviews and implementing CI/CD solutions, ensuring that our projects run smoothly and efficiently. I'm a firm believer in continuous learning and always stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices by following official forums and consuming a variety of content. My personal projects allow me to dive deeper into skills like SwiftUI, Combine, and even Kotlin, ensuring I'm always at the cutting edge of technology. Additionally, I'm well-versed in most design tools and genuinely enjoy writing comprehensive tests—be it unit, snapshot, or UI tests. Community engagement is a significant part of my professional life. I founded a thriving Swift group on LinkedIn that has grown to over 24,000 members, where I regularly share insightful articles and foster discussions. I also contribute to the open-source community with several projects on GitHub, aiming to give back and help others learn. As a mentor, my goal is to guide you through your iOS development journey, sharing my extensive experience, industry insights, and passion for technology. Whether you're looking to master new skills, navigate the complexities of project management, or simply want to discuss the latest trends in mobile development, I'm here to support and inspire you. Let's build the future of mobile technology together!

My Mentoring Topics

  • Core iOS Development
  • 1. Swift Programming Language
  • - Fundamentals of Swift
  • - Advanced Swift techniques
  • - Best practices for writing clean, maintainable code
  • 2. UIKit and SwiftUI
  • - Building user interfaces with UIKit
  • - Transitioning to SwiftUI
  • - Combining UIKit and SwiftUI in projects
  • 3.Combine Framework
  • - Introduction to Combine
  • - Practical use cases and patterns
  • - Integrating Combine with SwiftUI
  • 4. Core Data and Persistence
  • - Basics of Core Data
  • - Efficient data storage and retrieval
  • - Alternatives to Core Data
  • Advanced iOS Development
  • 5. Concurrency and Multithreading
  • - Using GCD (Grand Central Dispatch)
  • - Understanding and applying Swift concurrency (async/await)
  • 6. Networking and API Integration
  • - Making network requests with URLSession
  • - Handling JSON and other data formats
  • - Using third-party libraries like Alamofire
  • 7. CI/CD for iOS
  • - Setting up Continuous Integration with tools like Jenkins and GitHub Actions
  • - Automating tests and deployments
  • - Best practices for CI/CD pipelines
  • 8. Testing and Quality Assurance
  • - Writing unit tests, snapshot tests, and UI tests
  • - Test-driven development (TDD)
  • - Code review practices and tools
  • Design and User Experience
  • 9. Design Principles and Tools
  • - Basic design principles for developers
  • - Using design tools like Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD
  • - Collaborating with designers
  • 10. User Experience (UX) Best Practices
  • - Creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces
  • - Conducting user research and usability testing
  • - Implementing accessibility features
  • Professional Development
  • 11. Career Advancement
  • - Building a standout portfolio and resume
  • - Navigating job interviews and technical assessments
  • - Networking and personal branding
  • 12. Soft Skills for Developers
  • - Effective communication and collaboration
  • - Time management and productivity
  • - Conflict resolution and team dynamics
  • 13. Community Engagement and Open Source
  • - Contributing to open-source projects
  • - Building and managing tech communities
  • - Sharing knowledge through blogging and public speaking

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