Karthik Dhanabalan

Karthik Dhanabalan

Project Manager & Structures Engineer in Aircraft Certification Engineering (ACE) FLYHT Aerospace Solns

Greetings, I am Karthik Dhanabalan (aka KD). I am an Aerospace Engineer with strong Research, Presentation, and Analytical skills demonstrated by 7+ years of experience in the Aerospace Industry. I am a Master's graduate in Aerospace Structures & Composites from McGill - Concordia joint Aerospace program in Canada. I am currently working as a Project Manager & Structures Engineer in the Aircraft Certification Engineering (ACE) Department at FLYHT Aerospace. I have demonstrated research experience from India and Canada, Few of my research projects include, Developing a low-cost novel subsonic Ramjet engine design using CFD, Fabricating the engine setup and Testing it with an alternate biofuel, Designing and Developing a natural composite plate using coconut Fibre and natural resin, Various graduate level projects involving stress analysis and vibrational analysis of composite structures. My long-term goal is to develop a Research organization that could provide innovative solutions to improve and economize Aircraft Structures & Gas Turbines. Apart from being an Aerospace Engineer and doing awesome stuff. I started volunteering from November 2015. I started applying for my Master's in Canada in the month of June 2015, By September 2015 I was already aware of the complete application process by researching websites and reaching out to professors & students in Canada. A few of my college juniors came to know that I had applied to Canadian Universities and they got in contact with me to evaluate their profile's so that I could suggest/classify universities for them. I started doing this for 10 more peeps, after initial calls with them they all had similar questions so I created a WhatsApp group and added all 10 to respond to their questions. The WhatsApp group reached its limit in 4 days and then I had to create 2 more groups to fit in others. Then in the month of January 2016, I received admits from all 4 universities to which I had applied for my Master's, and the group count increased to 5 already. It was difficult to answer the same question, again and again, and that's when I started this group Canadian Association for International Students (MEng / MASc / PhD / PGD) on Facebook. Now the group has 15k members, and I would happily say I should have mentored more than half the people in it. I am always passionate about research and developing new stuff in science. The research project that I did during my bachelor's thesis is my best work to date and seeing that my undergrad professors pass on my contact info to every final year student who is trying to do something innovative. I have been guiding a lot of students in their final year and have also collaborated with a few to help them to achieve in their research work.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Project Management
  • Leadership
  • Team Management
  • Guiding Students pursuing Masters in Engineering branches.
  • Mentoring Students interested in Research.
  • Mentoring New Graduates to get into the Industry.
  • Guiding Students to apply for Higher Education in Canada.
  • Evaluating SOP and CV for Higher Studies.
  • Core Engineering Skill Development.
  • Guiding New Grads from Aerospace, Mechanical and Electrical disciplines align their skill development according to the industry requirement and their area of interest.
16.September 2023

Good session talking about concept of risks in general and how can it effect on project scheduling

9.September 2023

Thanks for your valuable information,and I learned how can I schedule for a month instead of week or day and also learn how can I integrate holidays of each person on the team by sending email at the beginning of the year

9.October 2021

It is awesome - Karthik helped me understand LOR part and have been guiding on my queries related to application process.

10.October 2020

1, importance of job experience 2, practical difficulty of finding job 3, master's application process

10.October 2020

1. Application process 2. Current job opportunity 3. Internship details

19.September 2020

That I should not lose hope There are ways to handle a tough situation That God always sends someone when u feel the most vulnerable and lost :)

19.September 2020

Ground Truth, Different types of programs and Overall knowledge about various provinces.

30.August 2020

Shortlisting Universities ; Help on writing CV and SOP

29.August 2020

Regarding admission process Regarding thesis program Regarding admission requirements

29.August 2020

How to apply for thesis program How to get a supervisor approval On and all everything about Canada. Never seen such a mentor like him. Karthik Anna has known everything about Canada and definitely has a good heart for helping others.

23.August 2020

1.about selecting courses and colleges 2.oppurtunities of jobs related toy field. 3. Clear path for abroad study and settlement.

22.August 2020

1. Got to know about karthik's experience and how that will help me in my future. 2. The mentor (Karthik) is a extremely helpful and positive person. 3. Got insights about aerospace industry, its requirements and how I should prepare myself.

22.August 2020

University admission, course difficulty and aerospace jobs

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