🦹🏻‍♀️ I'm a Business Coach, Organisational Culture Consultant & Psychologist. 🙌🏼 As an experienced Head of People and Culture in several startups based in Berlin and London, I can bring a lot of insights into the best practices of building resilient teams, engagement of the employees and secret sauce to establish authentic Organisational Culture. 🤟🏼 I use the Positive Intelligence Framework in my coaching practice. After getting to know ourselves and accepting who we are deep at heart (with all the "unlovable" aspects), we can truly thrive in any aspect of our existence and manifest the life of our heart's wildest desire. ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🩹 Having gone through burnout many times in my career and overcoming those challenges I'm confident in supporting people in that state and helping them get back in the driver's seat of their life 🏎 Connect with me on LinkedIn or via my website to see if we can start working together! 💫 🧘🏽‍♀️ Privately - well-being activist, yoga teacher and incurable traveller - aiming to transform my life into my career mission - inspire people around me to make their life an extraordinary journey! 🌏

My Mentoring Topics

  • Coaching & Executive Coaching
  • Positive Intelligence as a Coaching Framework
  • Organisational Culture
  • Recruitment based on the Culture
  • Employee Retention
  • Self Development
  • Getting out of Burnout
18.July 2023

I had a mentoring session with Kasia. It was informative and eye-opening. I learned a lot about recruitment, how one should apply for jobs, and how to give interviews. The conversation was smooth and systematic. If you are looking to discuss anything regarding HR and coaching, I highly recommend Kasia.

6.June 2023

Kasia's mentoring skills are truly remarkable, particularly in the realm of organization culture. She patiently devoted time to help me comprehend her unique perspective, leaving me with a good understanding. Her ideas further showcased her exceptional abilities. Overall, the session was both pleasant and enlightening, leaving me grateful for her thoughts.

24.April 2023

Kasia is an amazing coach and mentor. I have have worked with many coaches and she is a natural. Kasia is so intuitive and genuine it is easy to share even the most complex and personal of issues with her, even in early stages of the coaching relationship. Then she works her magic and gets to the route of the problem. I can recommend Kasia as a coach for anyone.

6.April 2023

I had an amazing session with Kasia. She truly listened to everything I needed, and got to the bottom of why and how to get there. She has a gift, and I highly recommend her! Thank you again Kasia for all your help.

8.March 2023

It was really helpful to communicate with Mrs. Kasia. She is amazing coach.

15.February 2023

Super helpful session, rather an enlightening experience. Thanks again for indulging and hearing me out. Further help me get calmer and thoughtful about the exciting times ahead.

7.February 2023

Yes. This session was beneficial. It helped me realise a few things and connect with many things. It allowed me to understand better and I am glad I found such a mentor. Thanks for having this one session and helping me throughout my burnout and career clarifications.

1.February 2023

The Session with Kasia was extremely helpful. Her way of helping me sort my own thoughts together with her experience and advise was precious to me!

Time to Think - Listening to Ignite the Human Mind
Nancy Kline

Key Facts or Insights from "Time to Think - Listening to Ignite the Human Mind" The quality of our attention determines the quality of other people's thinking. Creating a 'Thinking Environment' can foster better communication, decision making, and relationships. There are ten components of a Thinking Environment: attention, equality, ease, appreciation, encouragement, feelings, information, diversity, incisive questions, and place. The 'Thinking Environment' encourages independent thinking, which is critical for personal and professional growth. 'Incisive Questions' are powerful tools that can replace assumptions with fresh perspectives. Listening without interruption fosters creativity and problem-solving abilities. Time to think and being listened to can ignite the human mind and result in transformative changes. Recognizing and acknowledging feelings can enhance thinking and decision making. Diversity in a 'Thinking Environment' can lead to richer, more innovative ideas. 'Ease' promotes creativity and bold, confident thinking. Detailed Analysis and Summary "Time to Think - Listening to Ignite the Human Mind" by Nancy Kline is a remarkable exploration of the power of effective listening and its impact on the human mind. As a professor with many years of experience dealing with concepts from this book, I appreciate the depth and breadth of insights Kline offers. One of the most impactful insights from the book is the assertion that the quality of our attention determines the quality of other people's thinking. This concept, simple yet profound, underlines the importance of active and attentive listening in fostering intellectual growth and creativity. Kline suggests that when we genuinely pay attention to others, we create an environment that encourages them to think more deeply and creatively. Kline introduces the concept of the 'Thinking Environment', a space that fosters better communication, decision making, and relationships. This environment is not merely physical but also psychological and is defined by ten components: attention, equality, ease, appreciation, encouragement, feelings, information, diversity, incisive questions, and place. The 'Thinking Environment' encourages independent thinking, which is critical for personal and professional growth. One of the ten components of a 'Thinking Environment' that merits particular attention is the idea of 'Incisive Questions'. These are powerful tools that can replace assumptions with fresh perspectives. Through these questions, we can challenge our existing beliefs and open our minds to new possibilities. In Kline's view, listening without interruption is another fundamental aspect of the 'Thinking Environment'. By giving others the space and time to articulate their thoughts without fear of interruption, we can foster their creativity and problem-solving abilities. This approach affirms the idea that time to think and being listened to can ignite the human mind and result in transformative changes. Equally significant is the role of feelings in enhancing thinking and decision making. Recognizing and acknowledging feelings, rather than ignoring or suppressing them, can lead to more authentic and effective thinking. Kline also emphasizes the importance of diversity in a 'Thinking Environment'. A diverse group can lead to richer, more innovative ideas, affirming the value of multiple perspectives and experiences. Finally, 'Ease' is another component of a 'Thinking Environment' that Kline highlights. A state of ease promotes creativity and bold, confident thinking. In a culture that often equates busyness with productivity, Kline's emphasis on ease is a refreshing reminder of the value of slowing down to think. In conclusion, "Time to Think - Listening to Ignite the Human Mind" offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the art of listening and its impact on the human mind. By applying the concepts and ideas presented by Kline, we can create 'Thinking Environments' that foster creativity, innovation, and personal and professional growth.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Klaus Schwab

Key Facts and Insights from "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by a fusion of technologies that blur the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. This revolution is not only changing the “what” and the “how” of doing things but also “who” we are. Unlike previous industrial revolutions, this one is evolving at an exponential rather than a linear pace. It is disrupting almost every industry in every country, creating profound change in a non-linear way at unprecedented speed. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is about more than just technology-driven change; it’s an opportunity to help everyone, including leaders, policy-makers and people from all income groups and nations, to harness converging technologies in order to create an inclusive, human-centred future. It involves the transformation of entire systems, across and within countries, companies, industries and society as a whole. It has the potential to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for populations around the world, but it also has potential negative impacts such as job displacement due to automation, increased inequality, and wider social and political disruption. It presents a host of regulatory, security, and ethical issues, which have to be addressed for the greater good of society. The response to this Fourth Industrial Revolution must be integrated and comprehensive, involving all stakeholders of the global polity, from the public and private sectors to academia and civil society. There is a need for leaders and citizens to “shape a future that works for all by putting people first, empowering them and constantly reminding ourselves that all of these new technologies are first and foremost tools made by people for people.” An In-depth Analysis of "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" In "The Fourth Industrial Revolution", Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, provides a comprehensive overview of the technological advancements driving the current wave of industrial development and their far-reaching impact on economies, industries, and society. He also explores the opportunities and challenges that these changes pose, and how we can navigate them to ensure an inclusive, human-centered future. The nature and scope of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are unlike anything humanity has experienced before. It is marked by a fusion of technologies straddling the physical, digital, and biological worlds, leading to transformative changes in how we live and work. This revolution is not limited to isolated technological advancements but involves the transformation of entire systems. For instance, 3D printing and autonomous vehicles are not just new technologies, but they signify a shift in the production and transportation paradigms. While the Fourth Industrial Revolution holds immense potential for global progress, it also presents significant challenges. Job displacement due to automation is a major concern, with many fearing that machines will replace human labor in a wide range of professions. However, Schwab argues that while certain jobs will inevitably become obsolete, new ones will also be created, requiring skills that align with the changing technological landscape. Increased inequality is another potential consequence of this revolution. As the benefits of technological advancements are not equally distributed, they may exacerbate the divide between the rich and the poor. However, Schwab emphasizes that this revolution is also an opportunity to create new forms of value and to increase the overall wealth of societies. Social and political disruption is also a concern, especially as the rapid pace of change can lead to instability. The author argues that we need to develop robust frameworks for governance and regulation to manage these disruptions and ensure that the benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are broadly shared. Security and ethical issues arise as well, particularly with advancements in areas like artificial intelligence and biotechnology. Schwab stresses the need for a global dialogue on these issues to create norms and standards that protect individuals and societies. One of the key messages of the book is that the response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution should be integrated and comprehensive, involving all stakeholders – governments, private sector, academia, and civil society. Schwab believes that we have the power to shape the Fourth Industrial Revolution in a way that improves the human condition and safeguards the world for future generations. The book offers an optimistic view of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, suggesting that if we harness its potential and manage its risks effectively, we can create a future that works for all. It reminds us that these new technologies are first and foremost tools made by people for people, and it's our responsibility to ensure they serve humanity's best interests.

Behave - The bestselling exploration of why humans behave as they do
Robert M Sapolsky

Key Insights from the Book Human behavior is shaped by multiple layers of biology, from neurons and hormones to genes and evolution. Context is vital in evaluating behavior; what might seem irrational in one setting can be perfectly logical in another. Our brain's frontal cortex plays a crucial role in controlling our behavior, making us unique among animals. Aggression is not solely a product of testosterone, but rather a complex interplay of numerous factors. Stress has significant physiological effects and can lead to chronic diseases and mental disorders. Human empathy and compassion are not just moral choices but have evolved as essential survival mechanisms. Our understanding of free will is challenged by the science of the brain; it suggests that our decisions may be predetermined by our biology. The concept of 'Us versus Them' is deeply ingrained in our brains due to evolution but can be overcome with effort. The human brain is plastic, meaning it can change and adapt throughout our lives. Understanding our biological impulses can help us make better decisions and build a more empathetic society. In-depth Analysis and Conclusions "Behave" by Robert M. Sapolsky is an ambitious exploration of the biology behind human behavior. Sapolsky, a neuroendocrinologist, and primatologist, draws from multiple scientific disciplines to paint a comprehensive picture of why we act the way we do. His arguments are rooted in both the microscopic world of genes and neurons and the macroscopic realm of culture and evolution. An essential insight from the book is that human behavior cannot be reduced to a single cause. Instead, it is the product of a myriad of biological layers interacting with each other. For instance, the frontal cortex in our brain is critical for controlling our behavior, but it doesn't act in isolation. It's influenced by hormones, genes, and environmental factors as well. This idea challenges many traditional views of behavior that attribute it to a single cause, like genes or upbringing. Sapolsky also emphasizes the importance of context in understanding behavior. What might seem irrational or abnormal in one setting can be perfectly logical in another. This insight has profound implications for disciplines like psychology and sociology, which often seek universal explanations for behavior. One of the most engaging sections of the book deals with aggression. Sapolsky challenges the common belief that testosterone causes aggression. Instead, he argues that aggression is a complex phenomenon influenced by numerous factors, including stress, upbringing, and even gut bacteria. This perspective dispels many stereotypes about gender and aggression and emphasizes the complexity of human behavior. Stress is another critical topic in the book. Sapolsky shows how chronic stress can lead to a host of physical and mental disorders, from heart disease to depression. This finding underscores the importance of managing stress in our modern, fast-paced society. The book also explores the biological roots of empathy and compassion. According to Sapolsky, these traits have evolved as survival mechanisms, enabling us to cooperate and live in communities. This view challenges the notion that humans are inherently selfish and competitive. Sapolsky's exploration of free will is particularly thought-provoking. He suggests that our decisions may be predetermined by our biology, a controversial idea that challenges our understanding of morality and responsibility. The concept of 'Us versus Them' is another central theme in the book. Sapolsky argues that this instinct is deeply ingrained in our brains due to evolution. However, he also believes that we can overcome this bias with effort, fostering a more inclusive and empathetic society. Finally, Sapolsky discusses the plasticity of the human brain, showing that it can change and adapt throughout our lives. This finding is hopeful, suggesting that we can learn and grow no matter our age or circumstances. In conclusion, "Behave" provides a profound understanding of human behavior from a biological perspective. It challenges many conventional views, offering a nuanced and complex picture of why we act the way we do. As a seasoned scholar in the field, I found Sapolsky's approach refreshing and his arguments compelling. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the science behind our actions and decisions. It shows that by understanding our biological impulses, we can make better decisions, build a more empathetic society, and ultimately, become better humans.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - A Leadership Fable
Patrick M. Lencioni

Key Facts and Insights: The fundamental premise of the book is that teams often fail due to five common dysfunctions, which are: Absence of Trust, Fear of Conflict, Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of Accountability, and Inattention to Results. The book uses a business fable approach to convey the message, following a fictional company and its new CEO who identifies and resolves these five dysfunctions. The first dysfunction, Absence of Trust, is rooted in the team members’ unwillingness to be vulnerable and open with each other. This leads to a lack of trust and a fear of making mistakes. The second dysfunction, Fear of Conflict, arises from the team's inability to engage in unfiltered, passionate debate about things that matter, leading to inferior decision-making. Lack of Commitment is the third dysfunction, where team members, due to lack of clarity or buy-in, fail to fully commit to decisions, causing ambiguity about direction and priorities. Next is the Avoidance of Accountability, where team members hesitate to call out peers on their actions and behaviors that can potentially harm the team. The final dysfunction is Inattention to Results, where team members put their individual needs (such as ego, career development, or recognition) above the collective goals of the team. Through the fable, Lencioni provides practical advice for overcoming these dysfunctions. He suggests building trust through vulnerability, encouraging constructive conflict, gaining commitment through clarity and buy-in, holding team members accountable, and focusing on collective results. The book is not just about identifying the dysfunctions but also provides a model and actionable steps to overcome these dysfunctions and build a cohesive and effective team. At the heart of the book lies the idea that success in any team is dependent on overcoming these dysfunctions and working together towards a common goal. An In-Depth Summary and Analysis: "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - A Leadership Fable" by Patrick M. Lencioni is an insightful book that unveils the reasons why teams often fail and offers practical advice on how to overcome these issues. Lencioni uses a business fable, a unique approach that combines storytelling with business principles, to illustrate his points and make the book relatable and engaging. The first dysfunction, Absence of Trust, is linked to the unwillingness of team members to be vulnerable and open with each other. This lack of transparency creates a culture of fear, where team members are afraid to make mistakes or take risks. As a long-standing academic in this field, I've seen how this lack of trust can paralyze a team, stifling creativity and innovation. Overcoming this dysfunction requires creating a safe environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, ideas, and potential misgivings. The second dysfunction, Fear of Conflict, stems from the team's inability to engage in meaningful, passionate debate about things that matter. This fear of conflict often leads to artificial harmony, where team members pretend to agree even when they have differing opinions. This avoidance of conflict can result in poor decision-making, as not all perspectives are considered. I believe that constructive conflict is a crucial component of a high-performing team. Encouraging open, honest debate ensures that all viewpoints are heard and considered, leading to better, more informed decisions. Lack of Commitment is the third dysfunction, where team members don't fully commit to decisions due to lack of clarity or buy-in. This lack of commitment can lead to ambiguity about the team's direction and priorities. In my experience, clear communication and the inclusion of all team members in the decision-making process can help overcome this dysfunction. The fourth dysfunction, Avoidance of Accountability, occurs when team members hesitate to call out peers on their actions and behaviors that could potentially harm the team. This avoidance often stems from a desire to maintain personal relationships and avoid conflict. However, holding each other accountable is crucial for maintaining high standards and achieving the team's collective goals. The final dysfunction, Inattention to Results, happens when team members prioritize their individual needs above the collective goals of the team. This can lead to a lack of focus on the desired results and a failure to achieve the team's objectives. Focusing on collective results and rewarding team success rather than individual achievements can help overcome this dysfunction. In conclusion, "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - A Leadership Fable" is an insightful book that provides practical advice on overcoming common team dysfunctions. It highlights the importance of trust, constructive conflict, commitment, accountability, and a focus on results in creating a successful team. As a professor with years of experience in this field, I can attest to the effectiveness of Lencioni's methodology in transforming dysfunctional teams into high-performing ones. This book is an essential read for anyone looking to build or improve their team.

The Prosperous Coach - Increase Income and Impact for You and Your Clients
Steve Chandler, Rich Litvin

Key Facts and Insights The core theme of the book is about creating a prosperous coaching business by focusing on the quality of service rather than the quantity of clients. It emphasizes the importance of deep, transformational coaching instead of surface-level coaching. It highlights the role of self-confidence, authenticity, and integrity in building a successful coaching practice. The book explores the concept of "Fearless Coaching," which involves being bold and taking risks to create impactful change for clients. It promotes the idea of creating a "Client Transformation Proposal" instead of a sales pitch, to shift the focus from selling to serving. It discusses the importance of investing time and energy in personal development and self-growth as a coach. The authors emphasize the need for coaches to constantly learn, grow, and challenge their own limitations. It introduces the concept of "Prosperous Coach Mindset" which is about embracing abundance, not scarcity. The book proposes a unique approach to marketing, which is based on creating deep connections with people instead of chasing prospects. It underlines the importance of referrals and testimonials in building a thriving coaching practice. The authors challenge the conventional wisdom of charging per hour and propose value-based pricing. In-depth Analysis and Summary "The Prosperous Coach," authored by Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin, is a transformative guide for coaches seeking to increase their income and impact. It's a profound deviation from the conventional coaching books that focus on gaining more clients or perfecting coaching techniques. Instead, this book delves deep into the intricacies of creating a prosperous coaching practice by emphasizing the quality of service and deep connection with clients. The quality-over-quantity approach is a refreshing perspective in the coaching business where coaches often strive to accumulate as many clients as possible. Chandler and Litvin debunk this myth and advocate for deep, transformational coaching that genuinely impacts the clients' lives. This approach not only enhances the coaches' fulfillment but also leads to higher client satisfaction, thereby building a sustainable coaching practice. The book extensively discusses "Fearless Coaching," a concept that encourages coaches to be bold, take risks, and step out of their comfort zone. This fearless approach can lead to revolutionary change in clients' lives. It's a clear departure from surface-level coaching, which only scratches the surface of clients' problems and doesn't lead to substantial change. Authenticity, self-confidence, and integrity are other significant elements that the authors emphasize. These traits are essential for building trust with clients and fostering a deep connection. Authenticity in coaching involves being true to one's values and principles, while integrity is about honoring commitments and being accountable. The idea of a "Client Transformation Proposal" instead of a sales pitch is another unique concept introduced in the book. This shift from selling to serving reinforces the notion of providing value and creating transformational change, rather than simply closing a sale. Chandler and Litvin also highlight the importance of personal development and self-growth for coaches. They argue that coaches need to constantly evolve, learn, and challenge their limitations to serve their clients effectively. This commitment to personal growth also cultivates the "Prosperous Coach Mindset," characterized by an abundance mentality rather than a scarcity mindset. The book's approach to marketing is based on creating deep connections with people instead of chasing prospects. This authentic connection fosters trust and builds long-term relationships, which are critical for a thriving coaching practice. The power of referrals and testimonials is also emphasized, highlighting that satisfied clients are the best marketers. Lastly, the authors challenge the traditional coaching model of charging per hour. They propose value-based pricing, which is a more profitable and fair method of compensation. This approach ensures that coaches are compensated based on the transformational value they provide to their clients, rather than the time they spend. In conclusion, "The Prosperous Coach" offers a profound and transformational approach to building a prosperous coaching business. It shifts the focus from gaining more clients to creating impactful change, from selling to serving, and from scarcity to abundance. It's not just a book for coaches but a manifesto for anyone seeking to live a fulfilled and prosperous life.
