25 year in Information Technology and Cyber Security from desktop administrator to network engineer to sales engineer to named account manager. It's been a great ride from obscurity to prosperity where I was blessed with great mentors that helped guide my career path. I'm ready to pay back the guidance that was given to me over the last 25 years.

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  • IT Career path
  • How to move from enterprise IT to pre sales engineering
  • How to move from pre sales to account manager
  • How to build a territory from nothing to producing
  • How to sell into state government

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The 10X Rule
Grant Cardone

Key Facts or Insights from "The 10X Rule" Setting High Goals: The book emphasizes the importance of setting high goals that are 10 times what you think you can achieve. Exerting 10X Effort: Not only should your goals be 10X, but so should your effort. The book suggests that you need to do 10 times more work than others to meet your goals. Embracing Fear: Fear is a common barrier to success. The author encourages readers to face their fears and regard them as signs that they are on the right path to success. Proactive Action: Success doesn't just happen; it requires action. The 10X Rule promotes taking massive action to achieve your goals. Avoiding Average: The book criticizes the idea of settling for an average life, arguing that it leads to missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential. Maintaining Persistence: Persistence is key to overcoming challenges and achieving your goals, according to the author. Having a Can-Do Attitude: Cardone stresses the importance of maintaining a positive, can-do attitude in the face of adversity. Responsibility for Results: The author emphasizes that you alone are responsible for your success and the results you achieve. Dealing with Criticism: The book advises readers to deal with criticism in a positive way, viewing it as a sign of success. Creating Wealth: The author argues that creating wealth is a necessity for fulfilling your potential and contributing to society. Deep Dive into "The 10X Rule" "The 10X Rule" by Grant Cardone is a motivational book that aims to propel its readers towards success, by adopting a mindset that is characterized by extremely high ambition, massive action, and relentless persistence. The first key concept that the book introduces is the idea of setting high goals, or targets that are tenfold of what one would usually consider attainable. This notion challenges conventional wisdom, which often encourages setting "realistic" or "attainable" goals. However, according to Cardone, goals that are set low have a ceiling on potential success. By setting our sights higher, we challenge ourselves to think creatively, expand our skills, and push boundaries. The second major concept is the advice to exert ten times more effort than others. This is tied to Cardone's belief that success requires an extraordinary amount of work. In a society that often seeks shortcuts and quick fixes, this is a significant departure. The author is not promoting workaholism, but rather a focused and strategic application of effort towards our goals. Cardone also discusses the importance of embracing fear. Fear, according to him, is an indicator that you are on the right path to success. This ties into the concept of "stepping out of your comfort zone" that has been widely discussed in the field of personal development. In addition, the book highlights the importance of taking proactive action. It's not enough to set high goals and work hard; one also has to be an initiator and a problem-solver. Cardone asserts that success is not a passive event—it requires active participation. The author is also critical of the idea of settling for an average life, which he views as a form of underachieving. He argues that humans have unlimited potential, and settling for anything less than extraordinary is a waste of this potential. Persistence, according to Cardone, is key to overcoming challenges and achieving goals. This idea is not new, but the author's emphasis on it is a reminder of its importance. He suggests that giving up is the only sure way to fail. A positive, can-do attitude is also stressed in the book. This aligns with the psychological theory of "learned optimism" proposed by Martin Seligman, which suggests that an optimistic outlook can lead to increased resilience and success. Cardone also puts the responsibility for success squarely on the individual, arguing that we alone are responsible for our results. This is consistent with the psychological concept of "internal locus of control", which suggests that individuals who believe they can control their own destiny are more likely to be successful. Criticism, according to Cardone, should be viewed positively, as it is a sign of success. This perspective can help individuals to handle criticism more constructively and use it as motivation. Finally, Cardone argues that creating wealth is not just a personal desire, but a duty. He believes that wealth creation is a reflection of one's potential and contributes to society. This is an interesting perspective that challenges the idea that the pursuit of wealth is selfish or materialistic. In conclusion, "The 10X Rule" is a powerful book that promotes high ambition, massive action, and relentless persistence. Its core principles challenge conventional wisdom and encourage readers to push their limits and strive for extraordinary success.

The Unplugged Alpha
Richard Cooper

Key Facts and Insights from "The Unplugged Alpha" Understanding Masculinity: The book puts a strong emphasis on understanding the essence of masculinity and the traditional roles of men. Importance of Self-Improvement: The author advocates for continuous self-improvement, both mentally and physically. Red Pill Philosophy: The book is deeply rooted in the 'Red Pill' philosophy that emphasizes recognizing and understanding the harsh realities of life, particularly in relation to gender dynamics. Entrepreneurship: Cooper believes that men should strive for financial independence and suggests entrepreneurship as a viable path. The Role of Women: The book explores the dynamics of male-female relationships, with a focus on understanding female nature. Developing a Dominant Mindset: Cooper preaches the development of a dominant, alpha-male mindset as key to successful relationships and life in general. Repercussions of Modern Feminism: The book critically examines the impact of modern feminism on men and society. Dealing with Breakups: Cooper provides practical advice on how men should handle breakups and move forward. Physical Fitness: The importance of maintaining physical fitness and its impact on masculinity and confidence is discussed. Understanding and Handling Rejections: The book provides insights into why men face rejections and how to handle them productively. Challenges of the Modern Man: The book explores the various challenges modern men face in society and provides strategies to overcome them. In-Depth Analysis of "The Unplugged Alpha" "The Unplugged Alpha" by Richard Cooper is a provocative and insightful book that seeks to redefine the equation of masculinity in the modern world. The book is a comprehensive guide for men to understand their inherent worth, improve their lives, and navigate the complex gender dynamics that are prevalent in society today. The author begins by discussing what it means to be a man in today's society. This resonates with the sociological concept of "doing gender," which refers to the way individuals actively create and recreate gender through their interactions with others. Cooper asserts that men have been disconnected from their innate masculinity due to cultural shifts and societal pressures. He urges men to reconnect with their inherent masculine traits - assertiveness, competitiveness, independence, and courage. Cooper's focus on self-improvement is a critical aspect of his philosophy. He believes that men should strive for continuous growth and development, both mentally and physically. This aligns with the psychological concept of 'self-actualization,' which refers to the realization or fulfillment of one's potential. He advocates for regular physical exercise, not just for aesthetic purposes, but for the confidence, discipline, and resilience it builds. Underpinning Cooper's advice is the 'Red Pill' philosophy. This philosophy, originating from the movie "The Matrix," encourages individuals to recognize and confront harsh realities, particularly in relation to gender dynamics. Cooper applies this to men's understanding of women, arguing that many men hold unrealistic or misguided beliefs about female nature. Cooper also discusses the role of entrepreneurship in achieving financial independence. He suggests that entrepreneurship is a viable path for men to attain financial stability and independence, which he believes is crucial for men’s self-esteem and sense of worth. The book critically examines the impact of modern feminism on men and society. Cooper believes that certain aspects of modern feminism have led to the emasculation of men and the degradation of traditional male roles. He argues that while feminism has achieved important gains for women, it has also contributed to a societal climate that is often hostile towards men and traditional masculinity. This argument creates a robust dialogue on the consequences of feminism and its impact on gender dynamics. Cooper provides practical advice on how men should handle breakups. He believes that breakups are an opportunity for self-improvement and growth and encourages men to use these experiences to understand their emotional needs and improve their future relationships. The book also explores the challenges of the modern man. Cooper believes that men today face a unique set of challenges, from societal expectations to changing gender roles, and provides strategies to overcome these obstacles. Overall, "The Unplugged Alpha" is a compelling read that provides a fresh perspective on masculinity and gender dynamics. It challenges conventional wisdom, encourages self-reflection, and provides actionable strategies to help men navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Profit First - Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine
Mike Michalowicz

Key Facts and Insights from "Profit First" Flipping the Formula: The standard formula for business is Sales - Expenses = Profit. This book flips that formula to Sales - Profit = Expenses. By taking profit first, businesses are forced to adapt to what's left for expenses. Profit is a Habit, not an Event: Profit should be designed into a business from its inception, rather than being considered a future event that may or may not happen. Small Plates Principle: Inspired by the principle of portion control in dieting, Michalowicz suggests businesses should utilize smaller operating expense accounts to prevent overspending. Bank Balance Accounting: Michalowicz acknowledges that most small business owners base their spending on their bank account balance rather than formal accounting methods. He suggests setting up multiple bank accounts for specific purposes to manage finances better. Sequential Deposits: Rather than depositing all revenue into a single account, money should be deposited into income account first, and then allocated to profit, owner's pay, and tax accounts. Removing Temptation: To avoid dipping into profit or tax accounts, Michalowicz advises keeping these accounts at a different bank. Quarterly Profit Distributions: Profits should be distributed on a quarterly basis, giving business owners a tangible reward and motivation to keep implementing the Profit First system. Target Allocation Percentages: The book provides a guideline for what percentage of revenue should be allocated to different categories based on a company's revenue range. Importance of a Debt Recovery Plan: Michalowicz asserts that implementing Profit First may reveal a company's excessive debt and emphasizes the importance of a plan to deal with it. Profit First Professional: A network of accountants, bookkeepers, and business coaches trained in the Profit First method can assist in its implementation. Instant Assessment: A tool in the book that allows businesses to assess their current financial health and see how it lines up with the Target Allocation Percentages. An In-Depth Analysis of "Profit First" Mike Michalowicz's "Profit First" provides a fresh and unconventional perspective on managing business finances. He challenges the traditional formula: Sales - Expenses = Profit which implies profit is what's left after expenses are paid. In reality, this approach often leaves businesses with little or no profit. Michalowicz flips this equation to Sales - Profit = Expenses, implying that businesses should prioritize taking their profit first and then manage whatever is left for expenses. This principle, though seemingly simple, requires a paradigm shift in how business owners view profitability. One of the key principles in the book is treating profit as a habit rather than an event. This idea aligns with the concept of "paying yourself first" popularized by personal finance experts. By incorporating profit into the daily operations of a business, Michalowicz argues that businesses can ensure their financial health and sustainability. This principle is a deviation from conventional business practices where profit is often seen as a residual, something that may or may not happen in the future. The "Small Plates Principle" is another significant concept in the book. Michalowicz likens managing business expenses to managing a diet. Just as smaller plates can trick our brains into feeling full with less food, smaller operating expense accounts can prevent overspending. This reflects the principles of behavioral finance, which study how psychological influences and biases affect financial decisions. Recognizing that many small business owners use "Bank Balance Accounting", Michalowicz suggests setting up multiple bank accounts for specific purposes such as profit, owner's pay, taxes, and operating expenses. This system, known as "Envelope Budgeting" in personal finance, allows business owners to visually manage their finances and avoid overspending. Sequential deposits ensure that every dollar that comes into the business is allocated properly. The money is first deposited into an income account and then distributed to the other accounts based on predetermined percentages. The profit account and tax account should ideally be at a different bank to remove temptation and prevent business owners from dipping into these funds. Michalowicz also emphasizes the importance of regular profit distribution. He suggests a quarterly distribution to give business owners a tangible reward and the motivation to continue implementing the system. This aligns with the principles of reinforcement theory, which suggests that behaviors that are rewarded are more likely to be repeated. The book provides Target Allocation Percentages (TAPs) as a guideline for how much of the revenue should be allocated to different categories based on a business's revenue range. However, these are not fixed rules but starting points that can be tailored to each business's unique situation. Implementing the Profit First system may reveal a company's excessive debt. Michalowicz does not shy away from this harsh reality and emphasizes the importance of a debt recovery plan. He provides practical steps to address this issue, acknowledging that it is a common challenge for many businesses. For those who need assistance in implementing the Profit First system, Michalowicz refers to a network of Profit First Professionals - accountants, bookkeepers, and business coaches trained in the method. This network can provide the necessary support to businesses to successfully implement and maintain the system. Finally, the book provides an "Instant Assessment" tool that allows businesses to assess their current financial health and see how it lines up with the TAPs. This serves as a reality check for businesses and provides a clear starting point for implementing the Profit First system. In conclusion, "Profit First" provides a compelling alternative to traditional business financial management methods. It combines principles of behavioral finance, personal finance, and reinforcement theory to create a system that prioritizes profit and promotes financial health and sustainability.

The Price of Tomorrow - Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future
Jeff Booth

Key Facts and Insights Technological advancement is leading to deflation, which is contrary to the common belief that it leads to inflation. Deflation is not necessarily a bad thing. It can actually lead to a future of abundance if properly managed. The current global financial system, based on debt and inflation, is not sustainable in a deflationary environment. Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation will significantly contribute to deflation by reducing the cost of goods and services. Job displacement due to AI and automation is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. There is a need for a complete overhaul of the global economic system to accommodate the inevitability of deflation. The book proposes Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a potential solution to address job displacement. Despite the challenges, the book optimistically views the future as one of potential abundance if society can adapt to these changes. The book criticizes the current approach of central banks to stimulate economies by printing money, leading to increased debt. Booth suggests that deflation is the key to unlocking more sustainable and equitable economic growth. In-Depth Analysis and Summary "The Price of Tomorrow - Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future" by Jeff Booth is a thought-provoking book that challenges conventional wisdom about economic growth and technological advancement. Booth, a successful tech entrepreneur, brings a unique perspective to the discussion on the future of the global economy. At the core of Booth's argument is the idea that technological advancement leads to deflation, not inflation as is commonly believed. This is due to the fact that technology, particularly in the form of AI and automation, reduces the cost of goods and services. As we increase our technological capabilities, we can produce more for less, leading to a drop in prices - the very definition of deflation. However, our current global financial system is built on the premise of inflation and debt. Central banks stimulate economies by printing money, which in turn leads to inflation. This system is not sustainable in a world where technology is driving prices down. It leads to increased debt and potentially, economic instability. Booth argues that deflation is not necessarily a bad thing. It can actually lead to a future of abundance if properly managed. With the cost of goods and services dropping due to technology, we could potentially have more for less. However, this requires a complete overhaul of our economic systems to accommodate the reality of deflation. One of the biggest challenges of this deflationary environment is job displacement. With AI and automation taking over more and more tasks, there will be fewer jobs for humans. Booth proposes Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a potential solution. This would provide everyone with a basic income, regardless of employment status, to ensure they can meet their basic needs. Despite the potential challenges, Booth views the future optimistically. He believes that if we can adapt to the changes brought about by technology and deflation, we can unlock a future of abundance. Booth's ideas are a significant contribution to the discussion on the future of the global economy. They challenge the status quo and provide a fresh perspective on the role of technology in economic growth. However, they also raise important questions about the feasibility of implementing such radical changes in our economic systems. In conclusion, "The Price of Tomorrow - Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future" offers an intriguing, and perhaps controversial, perspective on the future of the global economy. It challenges readers to rethink their assumptions about economic growth, technological advancement, and the role of central banks. Whether or not you agree with Booth's ideas, they are certainly worth considering as we navigate the rapidly changing technological landscape.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Robert T. Kiyosaki

Key Insights from 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' The poor and the middle-class work for money, but the rich have money work for them. Financial literacy is essential to wealth creation. Being rich is more about financial intelligence than being high-income earners. Understanding assets and liabilities, and making investments to acquire assets. The significance of entrepreneurship and taking risks. The importance of using corporations to protect and grow wealth. Why it's crucial to teach financial education in schools. How fear and ignorance can lead to financial struggles. Recognizing the difference between working for money and financial independence. Why your primary residence is not an asset. How to use tax and debt to your advantage. Deep-Dive Analysis of 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki is a best-selling personal finance book that has revolutionized the way millions of people perceive wealth creation and financial management. The book draws on Kiyosaki's experiences growing up with two father figures: his biological father (Poor Dad) who was highly educated but financially poor, and his friend's father (Rich Dad) who was less educated but a successful entrepreneur. The poor and the middle-class work for money, but the rich have money work for them. This initial concept emphasizes the fundamental difference between the financial habits of the poor/middle-class and the rich. The former works hard to earn money, often living paycheck to paycheck. In contrast, the latter understand the power of investments and passive income, making their money work hard for them. Financial literacy is essential to wealth creation. This point highlights the importance of financial education. Financial literacy, including understanding financial statements, investing, risk management, and tax laws, is key to making informed decisions that lead to wealth creation. Being rich is more about financial intelligence than being high-income earners. Kiyosaki challenges the conventional wisdom that high income equates to wealth. It's not how much money you make, but how much you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for. Understanding assets and liabilities, and making investments to acquire assets. An asset is anything that puts money into your pocket, while a liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket. Kiyosaki stresses the importance of investing in income-generating assets like real estate, stocks, and bonds. The significance of entrepreneurship and taking risks. The author encourages readers to overcome fear and take calculated risks in pursuit of wealth. He stresses the importance of entrepreneurship, asserting that owning a business could potentially provide a more robust avenue for wealth accumulation than working for others. The importance of using corporations to protect and grow wealth. Using corporations as a tool for wealth protection and growth is a strategy often used by the rich. Corporations provide benefits like tax advantages and protection from personal liability. Why it's crucial to teach financial education in schools. Kiyosaki laments the lack of financial education in schools, arguing that this gap in knowledge perpetuates a cycle of financial struggle for many people. How fear and ignorance can lead to financial struggles. Fear of losing money and ignorance about managing finances can cause people to make poor financial decisions. Overcoming these barriers is vital to achieving financial independence. Recognizing the difference between working for money and financial independence. Working for money is a never-ending cycle, whereas financial independence, achieved through investing and creating passive income streams, offers freedom and wealth. Why your primary residence is not an asset. This concept is perhaps one of the most controversial Kiyosaki presents. He argues that a home does not fall into the asset category because it does not generate income. Instead, it incurs costs such as mortgage payments, maintenance, and property taxes. How to use tax and debt to your advantage. Kiyosaki highlights that understanding tax laws and using good debt to acquire assets can contribute to wealth creation. In conclusion, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" provides insightful and often unconventional wisdom on wealth creation and financial management. By understanding, embracing, and applying these principles, individuals can transform their financial future. The book’s emphasis on financial literacy, investment in assets, and entrepreneurial spirit offers a pathway to financial independence that challenges traditional norms and approaches.
