KEY ACHIVEMENTS: Enterprise Development: As an ILO/SIYB certified Trainer in Enterprise Development and financial literacy trainer, I have worked as a lead facilitator , mentor and consultant in multiple programs across the various counties in Kenya. Have been instrumental in implementing various programs including the Yawk, KCEP, and SDCP in Kenya, (Equity Group Foundation and MasterCard) 1500 MSMEs trained, assessed and recommended for financing to the credit committee,346 business plans successfully vetted and funded to up to Kshs.10m for small enterprises,678 SMEs mentored during onsite visits and hence embracing business formalization,109 groups trained, opened accounts, saved and now accessing finance from the bank.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Project management, financial management,change management,marketing and growth,innovation, leadership and managemnet, enterprenuership, career advice and self advice

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