As a Machine Learning Specialist Solution Architect, I talk to customers in EMEA and provide them best practices for their ML projects. Besides, I also compile blog posts, code samples, podcast, conference speaking content about ML on AWS as part of my job. During my seven years of career, I spent my first four years in Taipei, Taiwan as a backend engineer, data scientist in startups. After that I moved to Berlin, Germany. I worked as a senior data scientist in a real estate company. Then join AWS as ML specialist solutions architect. Happy to share my knowledge about: Data scientist career path/Women in tech/Work culture differences (company size/countries/industries) I speak at 50+ technical events around the globe, and published two technical books on Amazon. And as the community organizer of TPG, Taiwanese professionals in Germany, since 2019. If you are interested in these topics. I'm open to talk about: personal branding as an engineer/ community organization/ build professional networking. Talk to you soon.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Data Science Career Path
  • Women in Tech
  • Personal Branding as an Engineer
  • Community Organization
  • Build Professional Networking
  • Working Culture Differences (company size/countries/industries)
16.February 2022

The session was excellent, I received good insights about the industry and was given good guidance on preparation steps to learn the field. Really appreciate the notes given to me post-session. Thank you for a great mentoring session!

14.February 2022

Being able to hear the tasks assigned in real-world practice during the session was valuable information for me. This content is not easy to approach unless you have the chance to talk to someone who is experienced about it. I could feel that Mia was prepared for the questions that I asked during booking this session and was willing to provide additional information/learning materials regarding my further questions. It was a great experience for using Mentoring Club for the first time.

2.February 2022

Mia was on time for the call. She was very patient and kind, she listened to me patiently and started giving me all the required information. Please have a notebook so that you can take down all the points. I was able to take all those important points in the notebook.

20.January 2022

The session was amazing. It was very informative and got a lot of advice about moving into the data science field. How I should approach an interview, how to prepare and talk about my projects. What to focus on in terms of skills sets. I feel more confident after talking to her. So thank you Mia.

13.January 2022

Within 45 mins mentoring session, this session helps me identify my career goal and learn how to prepare myself mentally when continuously growing in my career without burnout or having imposter syndrome. Mia also shared some useful learning resources with me to buildup my technical skillsets. I would like to build up a long-term and steady mentee/mentor relationship with Mia for seeking advice in my career and exchange the experience from each other.

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Lean Analytics - Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster
Alistair Croll, Benjamin Yoskovitz

Key Facts or Insights from "Lean Analytics - Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster" Startups should focus on one metric that matters (OMTM) at each stage of their growth. The Lean Analytics stages of a startup: Empathy, Stickiness, Virality, Revenue, and Scale. Every business model, whether it's B2B, B2C, e-commerce, or SaaS, has different key metrics. Lean Analytics is about learning continuously through the process of measuring, learning, and iterating. Data-driven decisions can help mitigate risks and guide a startup toward growth and success. Startup growth is a function of the right product, the right market, and the right business model. Qualitative data (empathy and user interviews) is as important as quantitative data. There's a strong correlation between the speed of iteration and success in a startup. Building an effective data culture in the startup team is crucial for Lean Analytics. Lean Analytics is applicable beyond startups, including in corporate innovation labs, government, and nonprofit organizations. An In-Depth Analysis of "Lean Analytics - Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster" "Lean Analytics - Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster" by Alistair Croll and Benjamin Yoskovitz is an essential guide for modern entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders. It integrates the principles of Lean Startup and data analytics, offering a structured approach to navigate the chaotic and uncertain journey of starting a new venture. The core idea is to focus on one metric that matters (OMTM) at a time. These metrics change as the startup progresses through five stages: Empathy, Stickiness, Virality, Revenue, and Scale. This focus allows the startup to devote its resources and attention to achieving one key goal at a time. This concept is reminiscent of the Theory of Constraints, which emphasizes that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. By focusing on one metric at a time, startups can effectively identify and strengthen their weak links. The authors elucidate that every business model has different key metrics. For example, a SaaS (Software as a Service) company would be more concerned with Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and churn rate, while an e-commerce startup might focus on shopping cart abandonment rates and average order value. This reflects the principle of context specificity in management, where strategies and actions must be tailored to the unique circumstances of each business. An essential part of Lean Analytics is the cycle of measuring, learning, and iterating. This is akin to the scientific method, where hypotheses are tested, results are analyzed, and conclusions are drawn to form new hypotheses. It's a continuous learning process, which is a cornerstone of the Lean Startup methodology. Startups should strive to make this cycle as fast as possible, as there's a strong correlation between the speed of iteration and success. Data-driven decisions are emphasized throughout the book. In an era of information overload, being able to sift through noise and focus on relevant data is a critical skill. As Nate Silver's "The Signal and the Noise" posits, the ability to distinguish useful signal from irrelevant noise is vital in today's world. By leveraging data, startups can make more informed decisions, mitigate risks, and increase their chances of success. However, the authors also highlight the importance of qualitative data, through empathy and user interviews. This is a nod to the design thinking methodology, where empathizing with users is a crucial step in understanding their needs and pain points. Building an effective data culture in the startup team is also discussed. This involves fostering a mindset where everyone in the team understands the importance of data, is comfortable with using data to make decisions, and contributes to the data collection and analysis process. Lastly, the book points out that Lean Analytics is not just for startups. Its principles can be applied in various settings, including corporate innovation labs, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. This aligns with the broader trend of data democratization, where access to data and analytics is spreading across different sectors and roles. In conclusion, "Lean Analytics - Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster" provides a practical and comprehensive guide to using data to navigate the journey of building a startup. It integrates key principles from Lean Startup, data analytics, design thinking, and other management theories, making it a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders.

Ask for More - 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything
Alexandra Carter

Key Insights from "Ask for More - 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything" Power of Questions: The book emphasizes the power of asking questions and the importance of following a question-based approach in negotiations. Self-Awareness: The first step in any negotiation is self-awareness, understanding your needs, desires, and what you bring to the table. Information Gathering: The core of effective negotiation involves gathering information about the other party’s needs and interests. Importance of Preparation: Preparation is the key to successful negotiation. Understanding how to prepare effectively is crucial. Problem Solving: Negotiation is essentially a problem-solving process. It is about meeting the needs and interests of both parties. Value Building: The book emphasizes the importance of creating and building value in negotiations for both parties. Communication Skills: Effective negotiation requires excellent communication skills, including active listening and clear messaging. Emotional Intelligence: The ability to manage emotions and understand the emotions of others plays a vital role in negotiation. Collaborative Approach: The book promotes a collaborative approach to negotiation, where both parties work together to find a solution. The 10 Questions: The book provides ten powerful questions that can be used to guide any negotiation process. Practical Application: The book includes numerous examples and case studies to illustrate how these principles can be applied in real-life situations. In-depth Analysis of "Ask for More - 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything" "Ask for More - 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything" by Alexandra Carter is a comprehensive guide on negotiation, aimed at equipping readers with the knowledge and skills to confidently negotiate anything. As an experienced professor dealing with the topics in this book for many years, I found this book to be a compelling read that provides a fresh perspective on negotiation. The book begins by emphasising the power of questions, a concept that resonates with my own belief in the critical role of inquiry in negotiation. By asking the right questions, we can uncover the underlying interests and needs of all parties involved, leading to more effective outcomes. Carter introduces the idea of the first five questions, which are aimed at fostering self-awareness. These questions encourage us to reflect on our needs, goals, and the value we bring to a negotiation. This resonates with the concept of 'intra-personal intelligence' proposed by Howard Gardner, which involves understanding oneself, one's feelings, and motivations. Next, Carter discusses the importance of information gathering. Here, we are encouraged to ask questions to understand the other party's perspective and interests better. This approach aligns with the 'interest-based' or 'principled' negotiation strategy advocated by Fisher and Ury in "Getting to Yes". The book underscores the importance of preparation in negotiation. Carter provides practical tips and strategies for effective preparation, such as understanding the other party's interests, identifying our best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA), and anticipating potential objections or concerns. Carter presents negotiation as a problem-solving process. This perspective resonates with Roger Fisher and William Ury's approach in their seminal work, "Getting to Yes", where negotiation is viewed as a process of 'joint problem-solving'. The book also emphasizes the importance of creating and building value in negotiations, which aligns with the concept of 'integrative negotiation', where the aim is to create a win-win situation for all parties involved. The importance of communication skills and emotional intelligence in negotiation cannot be overstressed. Carter delves into these topics, providing valuable insights and advice on how to improve these skills. The book encourages a collaborative approach to negotiation, a concept that is closely linked to the 'interest-based' or 'win-win' negotiation strategy. This involves working together with the other party to find a solution that satisfies both parties' needs and interests. Carter introduces the concept of the 'last five questions' which are aimed at facilitating the negotiation process. These questions focus on exploring options, building value, and finding common ground. They provide a practical tool that can be used to guide any negotiation process. Finally, the book's strength lies in its practical application. Carter includes numerous examples and case studies that illustrate how these principles can be applied in real-life situations, making the concepts more relatable and easier to understand. In conclusion, "Ask for More - 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything" is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their negotiation skills. It offers a fresh, question-based approach to negotiation, emphasizing self-awareness, information gathering, preparation, problem-solving, value building, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and collaboration. By applying the principles and strategies outlined in this book, one can confidently navigate any negotiation scenario.

The Memo - What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table
Minda Harts

Key Facts or Insights from "The Memo" The "Myths of Meritocracy": The book starts by debunking the myth of meritocracy and highlighting the systemic biases faced by women of color in the workplace. Importance of Self-Advocacy: Harts emphasizes the importance of self-advocacy and teaching women of color to negotiate for themselves. The "Seat at the Table": The book highlights that securing a seat at the table is more than just getting a job; it's about having a voice and influence. Mentorship and Sponsorship: The book underscores the importance of mentorship and sponsorship in career advancement for women of color. Workplace Microaggressions: Harts discusses the harmful impact of microaggressions on women of color and offers strategies to navigate them. Building Professional Capital: The book emphasizes building professional capital by investing in skills and networking. Overcoming Impostor Syndrome: Harts provides strategies for overcoming impostor syndrome, a common phenomenon among high-achieving women of color. Importance of Self-Care: The book outlines the importance of self-care in managing stress and maintaining mental health amidst workplace challenges. Shaping Corporate Culture: Harts calls for reshaping corporate culture to be inclusive and supportive of diversity. Role of Allies: The book emphasizes the importance of allies in the fight for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. An In-Depth Analysis of "The Memo" "The Memo" is an empowering and practical guide aimed at helping women of color navigate the complex terrain of the modern workplace. One of the key takeaways from this book is the debunking of the "Myths of Meritocracy." Harts astutely challenges the notion that hard work alone leads to success. She argues that systemic biases often create hurdles for women of color that their white colleagues do not encounter. This concept resonates with what Kimberlé Crenshaw termed as "intersectionality," which refers to the overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage that women of color often face. Harts also places a strong emphasis on self-advocacy. She posits that women of color must learn to negotiate for themselves, to ask for fair pay, and to assert their worth in the workplace. This aligns with the concept of "agency" in sociology, which refers to the capacity of individuals to act independently and make their own free choices. Securing a "seat at the table" is a core theme in the book. For Harts, it is not just about getting a job, but having a voice and influence in decisions and policies. This is reminiscent of Sheryl Sandberg's "Lean In" philosophy, but Harts extends it to focus specifically on the unique challenges faced by women of color. Mentorship and sponsorship are underscored as significant components in career advancement for women of color. Harts argues that these relationships can provide guidance, opportunities, and advocacy that are crucial for upward mobility. This is in line with the concept of "social capital" in sociology, where relationships matter in career progression. One of the most striking aspects of the book is its discussion on workplace microaggressions. Harts offers strategies on how to navigate these daily slights and insults that women of color often encounter. This links with Chester M. Pierce's theory of microaggressions, which refers to brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults. Building professional capital is another important facet of the book. Harts emphasizes investing in skills and networking as a means of securing career advancement. This concept is similar to Bourdieu's theory of "cultural capital," where one's non-financial social assets (like education and intellect) can promote social mobility. Harts also provides strategies to overcome impostor syndrome—a phenomenon where individuals doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent, internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud." This is a common occurrence among high-achieving women of color, and Harts offers practical advice on how to combat it. The book also stresses the importance of self-care in dealing with the stress and mental toll that workplace discrimination and bias can cause. This aligns with the growing emphasis on mental health and well-being in workplace discussions. Harts advocates for the reshaping of corporate culture to be more inclusive and supportive of diversity. She argues that it's not enough to just hire women of color; workplaces need to foster an environment where they can thrive and succeed. This is consistent with Kanter's theory of tokenism, where being a minority in a workplace can lead to increased pressure and visibility. Finally, the book emphasizes the role of allies in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Harts argues that allies can use their privilege to support and advocate for their colleagues of color. This reflects the concept of "allyship," where individuals from privileged groups support marginalized groups. In conclusion, "The Memo" offers a powerful and necessary guide for women of color to navigate and succeed in the workplace. It's a book that not only provides practical advice but also challenges structural biases and calls for systemic change.

Natural Language Processing with Transformers - Building Language Applications with Hugging Face
Lewis Tunstall, Leandro von Werra, Thomas Wolf

Key Facts and Insights Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP): The book provides a comprehensive introduction to NLP, explaining how it is used to help computers understand, interpret, and manipulate human language. Deep Dive into Transformers: The authors delve into the details of Transformer models, illustrating their architecture, working mechanism, and their significant role in improving the performance of NLP tasks. Understanding Hugging Face: The book extensively covers Hugging Face, a popular library for NLP tasks, demonstrating how it simplifies the process of implementing Transformer models. Practical Implementations: The authors present various real-world applications of NLP using Hugging Face and Transformers, including text generation, translation, summarization, and sentiment analysis. Training Custom Models: The book explains how to train custom models using Hugging Face, giving readers the skills to apply these techniques to their own unique tasks. Advanced Topics: The book covers advanced topics in NLP, including attention mechanisms, BERT, GPT-2, and fine-tuning models for specific tasks. Exploring Ethical Considerations: The authors discuss the ethical implications of AI and NLP, emphasizing the need for responsible AI development and use. Future of NLP: The final chapters speculate on the future of NLP, keeping in view the rapid advances in the field and potential upcoming developments. In-depth Analysis and Summary Authored by experts in the field - Lewis Tunstall, Leandro von Werra, and Thomas Wolf, this book serves as a comprehensive guide to Natural Language Processing (NLP) using Transformers and the Hugging Face library. The authors have done a commendable job in breaking down complex concepts into digestible content, making the book accessible to both beginners and experienced practitioners in the field. The book begins with a robust introduction to NLP, outlining its importance in enabling computers to understand and interact with human language. This foundation provides readers with the necessary context to appreciate the intricate workings of NLP. The heart of the book dives into the fascinating world of Transformer models. These models have revolutionized NLP tasks with their ability to handle long-range dependencies in text, solving problems inherent in previous architectures like RNNs and LSTMs. The authors meticulously explain the architecture of these models, focusing on their key components - self-attention mechanisms and positional encodings. They further delve into the concept of attention mechanisms, examining how they allow models to focus on relevant information while processing language data. Hugging Face, a library that has emerged as a game-changer in the NLP landscape, is covered extensively in the book. The authors illustrate how Hugging Face simplifies the implementation of Transformer models and democratizes AI by providing pre-trained models that can be fine-tuned for specific tasks. The book provides practical examples of various NLP applications using Hugging Face and Transformers, including text generation, translation, summarization, and sentiment analysis. This practical approach helps readers understand and apply the concepts they learn. Training custom models is another major topic covered in the book. Readers are guided through the process of training their own models using Hugging Face, equipping them with the skills to tailor models to their unique tasks. This is further complemented by a discussion on more advanced topics in NLP, such as BERT and GPT-2, which have made significant contributions to the field. The authors also take time to explore the ethical implications of AI and NLP, a crucial yet often overlooked aspect in the rush of technological advancements. They emphasize the importance of responsible AI development and usage, discussing potential biases in NLP models and exploring ways to mitigate them. In conclusion, the book speculates on the future of NLP, considering the rapid advances in the field and the potential for further breakthroughs. This forward-looking perspective provides readers with a broader context for the ongoing developments in NLP. In essence, this book provides a comprehensive exploration of NLP using Transformers and the Hugging Face library, making it an invaluable resource for anyone interested in the field. It balances theoretical understanding with practical implementation, providing readers with a well-rounded understanding of the subject. The authors' expertise and clear explanation make complex concepts accessible, offering readers the knowledge and skills to apply these techniques in their own work. From a broader perspective, the book also prompts readers to consider the ethical implications of their work, fostering a more responsible approach to AI development.

Edge - Turning Adversity into Advantage
Laura Huang

Key Insights from "Edge - Turning Adversity into Advantage" by Laura Huang Perception is everything: Your success is highly dependent on how others perceive you. Your perceived value can even outweigh your actual value in determining your success. Enrich: Deliver value by knowing and showing your strengths. This requires self-awareness and strategic self-promotion. Delight: Unexpectedly surpass expectations to surprise and impress others. This can help change perceptions about you. Guide: Actively influence others’ perceptions. It's not enough to do good work; you need to guide people to understand your work and value. Effort alone is not enough: Hard work is necessary but not sufficient for success. You also need to understand and navigate the situational and institutional contexts around you. Adversity is an advantage: Adversity doesn’t inherently disadvantage you; it provides opportunities to develop unique strengths and perspectives. Understanding bias: Everyone has unconscious biases. Recognizing these biases can help you navigate and overcome them. Authenticity: Authenticity is key to building relationships and trust. However, it requires you to be strategic about what parts of your authentic self you show. Building your own "EDGE": The path to success is about Enriching, Delighting, Guiding, and using Effort strategically to build your own edge. Power of storytelling: Stories are a powerful tool for guiding others’ perceptions and making your value visible. Grit and resilience: Developing grit and resilience enables you to persevere in the face of adversity and rejection. In-depth Analysis of "Edge - Turning Adversity into Advantage" In her book, Laura Huang proposes a novel way of thinking about success and adversity. Contrary to the traditional belief that hard work alone leads to success, Huang argues that our success is largely determined by how others perceive us. This sets the stage for the core concept of her book - EDGE, an acronym for Enrich, Delight, Guide, and Effort. The concept of Enrich refers to the idea that individuals need to understand their unique strengths and deliver value through these strengths. This involves a level of self-awareness and strategic self-promotion, which Huang argues is not about bragging, but about making your value visible to others. This resonates with the concept of personal branding, which involves strategically shaping how others perceive you based on your strengths and unique value proposition. The idea of Delight revolves around surpassing expectations in unexpected ways. This aligns with the principles of positive psychology, which emphasizes the power of positive experiences and surprises in shaping perceptions and behaviors. In this context, delighting others can serve as a powerful tool for changing perceptions about you and your value. Guiding, according to Huang, involves actively influencing others' perceptions. This involves not just doing good work, but also guiding people to understand your work and its value. This echoes the principles of effective communication and persuasion, suggesting that guiding others' perceptions is an integral part of success. The final component, Effort, challenges the notion that hard work alone leads to success. Huang argues that effort is necessary but not sufficient. Instead, individuals need to understand and navigate the situational and institutional contexts around them. This harks back to the idea of cultural competence, i.e., the ability to effectively operate within different cultural contexts, which is increasingly recognized as a key skill in today's globalized world. Huang's approach to adversity is also notable. Rather than viewing adversity as a disadvantage, she sees it as an opportunity to develop unique strengths and perspectives. This aligns with the concept of post-traumatic growth, which suggests that individuals can grow and develop in profound ways as a result of adversity. Finally, Huang's book underscores the importance of authenticity, storytelling, grit, and resilience. Authenticity is seen as key to building relationships and trust, while storytelling is identified as a powerful tool for guiding others’ perceptions and making your value visible. Grit and resilience, in turn, are seen as crucial traits that enable individuals to persevere in the face of adversity and rejection. In conclusion, "Edge - Turning Adversity into Advantage" provides a refreshing perspective on success and adversity, advocating for a more strategic and holistic approach to personal and professional growth. Its concepts are not only applicable to individuals, but can also be used by organizations to foster a culture of authenticity, resilience, and strategic effort.
