Hi, I´m Milian - Nice to meet you! 😊 I´m a highly motivated and honorable business guy who understand a business with all its departments. Only if you know about each work in a small, medium-sized or big company you can be lead this business in a consistent way. I worked very hard and deep to get a clear understanding of each department within a big company. If you see a good fit, please book a time slot 📅 Looking forward to get in touch and brainstorm with you to find a perfect solution 🙌

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  • Tender business
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30.April 2024

Milan is a very knowledgeable sales professional and a great mentor. I had no experience in sales but had to get involved in it regularly and learn to grow my startup. I have enjoyed bouncing ideas with him and he has provided me great insights on sales techniques. I would highly recommend him.

5.April 2024

WOW. Fokusierte Impulse. Volle Kanne Empathie von Milian-Erik Retkowski für das Produkt "FIUFRI", was ich gerade anfasse/lauche. Doch auch kritisches Beleuchten, was ich als immens wichtig empfinde - fast wichtiger als Wohlwollen. Deshalb hatte ich auf das Mentoring mit Milian gehofft und es bestätigt gefunden. Immerhin beschäftigt sich ein Mentee generell sehr, sehr viel länger mit den eigenen Belangen - der Mentor geht da "instant" rein und gibt - Reflexe - geht ja auch nicht anders, wie ich finde. Begeisterungsfähigkeit, Querdenken, Mut, Weiter fühlen, Motivation des Mentees durch Engagement. Nach Denken - das siehst Du Milian regelrecht an. Das ist ehrlich und offen. Nichts verbildet oder künstlich. All das zeichnete unser Mentoring-ComeTogether aus. Chapeau! Danke sehr dafür Milian...Cheers, Tom

7.October 2023

Milian has been incredibly helpful to me. He shared extremely valuable insights with me and was very motivated throughout the process. He made me feel more confident in the application process. I can only say thank you several times and recommend everyone to book a session with him!

3.October 2023

I had a friendly conversation with Milian. He has answered all my questions. He gave some tips to improve my interview skills. He has really really helpful minded. To be honest, one of the best mentor I have ever seen. Thanks Milian.

29.June 2023

I cannot stress enough, just how awesome it was to found Milian and booked the session with him! He took my problems like they were his own problems. I am thoroughly impressed with his industry insights and most importantly, his attitude, and willingness to help others. After the first session with Milian, I believe that we have talked 4 or 5 more times after. He keeps on accountable and motivated during the whole process. He also took the time to practice a very important presentation with me, gave me constructive feedback, I cannot thank him enough. As someone who's from America, I was unfamiliar with European way of doing thing sometimes. Milian was the one that offered my positive feedback, which granted me confidence to keep on cracking. In general, no matter wherever you are in your journey. I believe that Milian will do the best he can to help you, and that's more than enough! Best mentor so far! highly recommended!

23.March 2023

Hi Milian, It was an absolute joy and a great learning experience. He has been such a great listener and so willing to help you in the best possible way. He is approachable, warm, kind and full of wisdom. He is generous with his ideas and knowledge and brings so much comfort in that space. Thank you so much for all your insights and going beyond time as well extending your support in finding a job in Germany. You are an amazing mentor.

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Kopf schlägt Kapital - die ganz andere Art, ein Unternehmen zu gründen ; von der Lust, ein Entrepreneur zu sein
Günter Faltin

Key Facts and Insights from the Book Entrepreneurship is not just about capital; it is mainly about ideas. Establishing a successful business can be achieved by focusing on the power of ideas, rather than the size of the investment. The entrepreneurial concept should be simple, yet innovative and unique. Entrepreneurs should focus on creating value for customers rather than profit-making. It is crucial to have a deep understanding of the market and the customer's needs. Entrepreneurship should be driven by passion and the desire to make a difference. The entrepreneurial journey is more about learning, growth, and personal development than about financial gain. Entrepreneurs should be flexible and adaptable to changes and uncertainties. Failure is part of the entrepreneurial journey and should be embraced as a learning opportunity. Entrepreneurship requires a combination of creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking. An In-depth Analysis of the Book's Contents "Kopf schlägt Kapital - die ganz andere Art, ein Unternehmen zu gründen; von der Lust, ein Entrepreneur zu sein" by Günter Faltin is a seminal work that goes beyond the traditional understanding of entrepreneurship. It debunks the common misconception that starting a business requires significant capital. Instead, it emphasizes that the power of ideas, coupled with creativity and innovation, is the true driving force behind successful entrepreneurship. The book underscores the importance of the entrepreneurial concept being simple yet innovative and unique. This insight resonates with the Lean Startup methodology advocated by Eric Ries, which emphasizes the importance of starting small with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and then iterating based on customer feedback. This approach reduces risk, conserves resources, and increases the potential for creating a product or service that truly meets consumer needs. Faltin's emphasis on value creation over profit-making aligns with the modern business paradigm shift from profit-centric to customer-centric. It echoes the sentiments of renowned marketing expert Philip Kotler, who stated that "the purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer." This focus on customer value over profits ultimately leads to long-term business sustainability and success. The book also highlights the importance of passion and desire to make a difference as driving forces behind entrepreneurship. This aligns with the theory of 'effectuation' proposed by Saras Sarasvathy, which posits that successful entrepreneurs are guided by their passions and the opportunities they can create. Faltin discusses the entrepreneurial journey as one of learning, growth, and personal development rather than merely financial gain. This perspective aligns with the concept of 'entrepreneurial learning,' which views entrepreneurship as a continuous learning process. This process involves learning from both successes and failures, which Faltin notes should be embraced as learning opportunities. Furthermore, Faltin stresses the need for entrepreneurs to be flexible and adaptable, echoing the sentiments of business gurus like Jack Welch who said, "Change before you have to." In an ever-changing business environment, successful entrepreneurs are those who can adapt to changes and turn uncertainties into opportunities. In conclusion, "Kopf schlägt Kapital" presents a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship. It underscores the importance of ideas, creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking in entrepreneurship, challenging the traditional emphasis on capital. It provides valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs and offers a roadmap for establishing a successful business in today's competitive marketplace. The principles outlined in the book align well with established theories and concepts in the field of entrepreneurship, making it a valuable resource for both practitioners and scholars in the field.

The Silicon Valley Challenge - A Wake-Up Call for Europe
Christoph Keese

Key Facts and Insights The Silicon Valley culture promotes risk-taking, innovation, and entrepreneurship - The book reveals that the success of Silicon Valley cannot be separated from its unique culture that fosters creativity and encourages failure as part of the learning process. This is contrary to the more conservative and risk-averse European business culture. Europe's regulatory environment is a major deterrent for start-ups - Keese argues that Europe's regulatory framework, while designed to protect consumers, often stifens innovation and limits the growth of start-ups. Europe's education system needs to adapt to the digital age - Keese suggests that Europe's traditional education system does not adequately equip students with the skills needed for the digital economy, thus creating a skills gap. Europe lacks a unified digital market - Unlike the US, Europe does not have a unified digital market. This fragmentation limits the scalability of European start-ups, making them less competitive globally. The role of venture capital in Silicon Valley's success - Keese highlights the significant role of venture capital in funding start-ups and driving innovation in Silicon Valley, something that is less prevalent in Europe. The importance of a digital transformation strategy - Keese argues that European companies need to develop a comprehensive digital transformation strategy to compete in the global market. Europe's ageing population could be a barrier to digital adoption - Keese suggests that Europe's ageing population could slow down the adoption of new technologies, thus hindering Europe's digital transformation. The rise of tech giants and the threat to privacy - Keese discusses the rise of tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, and the privacy concerns associated with their dominance. The need for Europe to develop its own tech giants - Keese argues that Europe needs to nurture its own tech giants to compete on the global stage and protect its digital sovereignty. The role of governmental policies in promoting digital innovation - Keese highlights the need for government policies that promote digital innovation, such as tax incentives for start-ups and regulatory frameworks that encourage competition. In-Depth Analysis and Conclusions Christoph Keese's book, "The Silicon Valley Challenge - A Wake-Up Call for Europe", provides a comprehensive analysis of the digital divide between Europe and Silicon Valley, offering insights into the cultural, regulatory, and economic factors that have contributed to this gap. Keese argues that the culture of risk-taking, innovation, and entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley is a significant factor in its success. This culture is deeply embedded in the region's DNA, and is supported by a strong venture capital ecosystem that fuels innovation. This is in stark contrast to the more conservative, risk-averse business culture in Europe. It echoes the concept of "creative destruction" proposed by economist Joseph Schumpeter, where innovation is driven by the continuous process of annihilation and creation. The book also highlights the role of regulation in hindering Europe's digital advancement. Keese argues that Europe's regulatory environment, while designed to protect consumers, often stifles innovation and limits the growth of start-ups. This resonates with the theory of "regulatory capture", where regulations are manipulated by incumbent firms to limit competition. Keese suggests that Europe's education system is not keeping pace with the demands of the digital economy. He calls for a reformation in the education system to equip students with the skills needed for the digital age. This aligns with the concept of "21st-century skills", which emphasizes the importance of skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and digital literacy. The book also discusses the lack of a unified digital market in Europe. Unlike the US, Europe does not have a single digital market, which limits the scalability of European start-ups. This fragmentation is a significant barrier to Europe's competitiveness in the global digital economy. Keese also addresses the rise of tech giants and the threat to privacy. He argues that Europe needs to nurture its own tech giants to compete on the global stage and protect its digital sovereignty. This is in line with the "network effect" theory, where the value of a product or service increases as more people use it. In conclusion, Keese's book is a wake-up call for Europe to address the digital divide with Silicon Valley. It calls for a change in culture, regulatory reform, education reform, and a unified digital market to foster innovation and competitiveness in the digital age. The book is a must-read for policy makers, business leaders, and academics interested in understanding the digital economy and the future of Europe in the digital age.

Das Silicon Valley Mindset - Was wir vom Innovationsweltmeister lernen und mit unseren Stärken verbinden können
Mario Herger

Key Facts and Insights from the Book: 1. The importance of a growth mindset in driving innovation. 2. The role of failure and iteration in the innovation process. 3. Collaboration and networking as a foundation for success. 4. The significance of a diverse and inclusive culture. 5. Emphasis on rapid prototyping and agile methodologies. 6. The power of storytelling in promoting ideas and innovations. 7. Leveraging data and analytics for informed decision-making. 8. Creating an ecosystem that supports startups and entrepreneurship. 9. The impact of a customer-centric approach. 10. Empowering employees to take risks and think creatively. 11. Bridging the gap between traditional industries and cutting-edge technology. The book delves into the mindset and cultural aspects that have made Silicon Valley a global leader in innovation. It explores how these principles can be adopted and integrated with local strengths to drive success in other regions. Growth Mindset: A fundamental principle is the emphasis on a growth mindset. This concept, popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, posits that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. In the context of innovation, a growth mindset encourages individuals and organizations to continuously learn and improve, fostering an environment where creativity and problem-solving thrive. Failure and Iteration: Another critical insight is the role of failure and iteration in the innovation process. Silicon Valley's culture embraces failure as a learning opportunity rather than a setback. This approach encourages experimentation and risk-taking, which are essential for developing groundbreaking technologies and solutions. Iteration, or the process of refining ideas through repeated testing and feedback, ensures that innovations are continually improved upon. Collaboration and Networking: Collaboration and networking are highlighted as foundational elements of Silicon Valley's success. The region's dense concentration of tech companies, startups, and venture capital firms creates a unique ecosystem where ideas and resources flow freely. This collaborative environment accelerates innovation by enabling knowledge sharing and partnerships. Diverse and Inclusive Culture: The book emphasizes the significance of a diverse and inclusive culture in driving innovation. Diverse teams bring varied perspectives and experiences, which can lead to more creative and effective solutions. Inclusivity ensures that all voices are heard and valued, fostering a culture of mutual respect and collaboration. Rapid Prototyping and Agile Methodologies: Rapid prototyping and agile methodologies are essential practices in Silicon Valley. These approaches prioritize quick development cycles and adaptability, allowing companies to respond swiftly to market changes and customer feedback. Rapid prototyping involves creating early versions of products to test and refine ideas, while agile methodologies focus on iterative progress and flexibility. Storytelling: The power of storytelling is another key insight. Effective storytelling helps promote ideas and innovations by making them relatable and compelling. In Silicon Valley, entrepreneurs and innovators use storytelling to communicate their vision, attract investors, and build customer loyalty. Data and Analytics: Leveraging data and analytics for informed decision-making is a crucial practice. Data-driven insights help companies understand market trends, customer preferences, and operational efficiencies. This information guides strategic decisions and helps optimize products and services. Supporting Ecosystem: Creating an ecosystem that supports startups and entrepreneurship is vital. Silicon Valley benefits from a robust support network, including venture capital, incubators, accelerators, and mentorship programs. These resources provide startups with the financial and strategic support needed to grow and succeed. Customer-Centric Approach: A customer-centric approach is emphasized as essential for innovation. Understanding and addressing customer needs and pain points drive product development and improvement. Companies that prioritize customer satisfaction are more likely to succeed in competitive markets. Empowering Employees: Empowering employees to take risks and think creatively is another important principle. Silicon Valley companies often encourage a culture of autonomy and trust, allowing employees to experiment and innovate. This empowerment leads to higher job satisfaction and more innovative outcomes. Bridging Traditional Industries with Technology: The book also discusses the importance of bridging the gap between traditional industries and cutting-edge technology. By integrating innovative technologies into established sectors, companies can enhance efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. In conclusion, the book provides valuable insights into the mindset and cultural practices that drive innovation in Silicon Valley. By adopting a growth mindset, embracing failure and iteration, fostering collaboration and diversity, and leveraging data and agile methodologies, organizations can create an environment conducive to innovation. Additionally, storytelling, a customer-centric approach, and employee empowerment are crucial for promoting and sustaining innovative efforts. Integrating these principles with local strengths can help regions outside of Silicon Valley achieve similar success in innovation and entrepreneurship.
