In 2016, I started my career as working student at Avira's Customer Support, learning a lot about customer centricity and their related customer experience. I then internally moved on, writing my Bachelor-Thesis in the IT department, joining the company in 2018 as Full-Time-Employee as IT Business Analyst. I have grown by being responsible for several IT systems (Document Management System, Collaboration Tools, Communication Tools) leading several projects in order to improve processes by targeted use of IT. Despite process improvements, I always aimed to have great adoption rates and a great user experience. In 2021, Avira was acquired by NortonLifeLock where I switched responsibilities into sales processes, supporting Salesforce after the migration actions of the legacy Avira tools were completed. In 2022, NortonLifeLock and Avast joined forces and founded a new company - GenDigital Inc. During the past couple of years, I frequently challenged myself to grow my hard and soft skills as I believe that learning is never ending, following the motto to be at least 1% better than the day before. After a couple of years of working and learning from colleagues and the communities, I think, it's time to give something back and provide the same help I received when I was starting my career.

My Mentoring Topics

  • IT Services
  • Project Management
  • Building Presentations and Presenting
  • Customer Centricity
  • Customer Experience
  • Collaboration
4.January 2024

I had a nice conversation with Patrick. He shared plenty of insights with me about career goals, effective job search strategies, and more. Patrick also provided tips to enhance my interview skills. Moreover, he shared information about the work culture. I'm really glad to be connected with him and highly recommend his mentorship. His insights on approaching recruiters and building meaningful connections were invaluable. Patrick's guidance has not only equipped me with practical tips but has also boosted my confidence in navigating the job market. His personalized advice and wealth of knowledge make him an exceptional mentor. I am genuinely grateful for the opportunity to connect with him. If you're seeking professional guidance and want to elevate your career strategy, I highly recommend Patrick. Thank you, Patrick, for an insightful and empowering session!

25.July 2023

I had an incredibly positive experience during my interview with Patrick. He provided insightful answers from a real-world perspective, which truly helped me understand the topics we discussed. What impressed me most was his willingness to share personal examples, giving me a better grasp of the subject matter. Patrick's open-mindedness and honesty made the conversation even more engaging as he shared the the most valuable information possible. Learning from his real-life experiences was not only informative but also relatable. I truly appreciate his approach to the interview, and it was a pleasure to interact with someone so knowledgeable and willing to share their expertise. Furthermore, at the end of our conversation, Patrick kindly provided a whole summary, which was incredibly helpful in reinforcing the key points and takeaways from our discussion. His dedication to ensuring I had a comprehensive understanding of the topics discussed was remarkable and highly appreciated.

13.June 2023

Patricks expertise has been valuable in providing me with insights and knowledge as I begin my new career. I greatly appreciate the structured approach he took during our call, addressing both general tips and specific questions with utmost clarity and precision. Moreover, I was impressed by his dedication in documenting our conversation, ensuring that all the key points and takeaways were captured in writing. His advice was clear, sound and practical. Based on my experience, I can recommend any new business analyst to seek out Patricks guidance and support.

17.April 2023

I had a first session with Patrick today and here is what I can say: - well-structured approach to organizing the process - before, during, and after the session, - openminded person, ready to share his experience and expertise, - a seasoned professional with a wide range of know-how and a deep understanding of what instruments when to use. Highly appreciated and very recommended.

14.April 2023

thank you very much for taking the time to meet and also have a conversation with me. your journey into the tech world is very inspiring and I learnt a lot from just you sharing about your experiences and also the advice you gave me. Thank you for also taking the time to share additional material and links to how I can break into my desired role. I hope you carry on and also do for others what you did for me.

13.February 2023

Yes, the session is helpful and insightful. I really understand the mistake I'm making while looking for my internship.

Our Iceberg Is Melting - Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions
John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber

Key Facts and Insights Change is inevitable and necessary for survival, both in the business world and in life. Effective communication of the urgency and importance of change is vital for successful implementation. Building a guiding coalition or teamwork is critical in driving change. It is important to create a vision and strategy for change. Obstacles to change must be identified and addressed promptly. Short-term wins should be celebrated to motivate and encourage further efforts towards change. Changes should be consolidated and embedded in the culture for long-lasting impact. The story is an analogy, depicting an iceberg as a company and the penguins as its employees. It's an easy-to-understand guide to the complex and daunting process of leading change. This book employs the use of fables to simplify the concept of change management. The eight-step process of successful change is the cornerstone of the book. Book Analysis and Conclusions "Our Iceberg Is Melting - Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions" by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber is a compelling and insightful book that uses a fable about a penguin colony in Antarctica to illustrate the vital importance of being able to adapt to change. The penguins symbolize the various roles and behaviors within an organization, and the melting iceberg represents the impending crisis or change. The penguin Fred represents the change agents who identify the problem and propose solutions. He communicates the urgency of the situation, a key component in the change process, and forms a coalition with Alice, Louis, Buddy, and the Professor. Together, they create a vision and strategy for the colony's survival, which emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration in successful change management. As the story progresses, the penguins encounter obstacles, symbolizing the resistance often faced when initiating change. However, these are addressed promptly, demonstrating the need for flexibility and resilience in overcoming challenges. Also, the celebration of short-term wins serves as a morale booster and motivation for the penguins to continue with the change process. The book emphasizes the importance of consolidating and embedding changes in the culture for lasting impact. This is a critical step often overlooked in many organizations, leading to a return to old habits and practices. The simplicity of the fable does not undermine its profound insights. The book presents an easy-to-understand guide to the complex process of leading change, emphasizing the inevitability of change and the necessity for adaptability and flexibility. It provides an eight-step process for successful change, which is a practical application of the principles discussed. In conclusion, "Our Iceberg Is Melting - Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions" offers valuable lessons applicable to both personal and professional life. It emphasizes the inevitability of change, the importance of effective communication, the value of teamwork, and the need for a clear vision and strategy. It teaches that obstacles are opportunities for growth and that celebrating victories, however small, boosts morale and motivation. Lastly, it reminds us that change should be a continuous process, embedded in our culture and way of life for lasting impact.

How to Make Sense of Any Mess
Abby Covert

Key Insights from "How to Make Sense of Any Mess" Understanding is a process: The book emphasizes the importance of understanding that sense-making is not a one-time event, but a continuous process. It requires time, effort, and patience. The role of language in understanding: Covert points out that language plays a significant role in understanding any mess. It is the tool we use to describe, categorize, and communicate. Importance of asking questions: The author encourages readers to ask more questions to gain clarity and deeper understanding. Mapping the mess: One of the major tips given is to create visual representations of the mess. This helps in better understanding and organizing the chaos. Importance of context: The book emphasizes the significance of understanding the context in which the mess exists. Breaking down large messes: Covert suggests breaking down larger messes into smaller, manageable chunks to make them less overwhelming. The role of perspective: The author discusses how different perspectives can understand the same mess in different ways. Information architecture: The book introduces the concept of information architecture and its role in making sense of any mess. Understanding the users: Covert highlights the importance of understanding the needs and perspectives of the users while making sense of the mess. Iterative process: The book stresses that making sense of any mess is an iterative process that involves trial and error. Importance of clarity: The author emphasizes the importance of clarity in communication and understanding. In-Depth Analysis of "How to Make Sense of Any Mess" "How to Make Sense of Any Mess" by Abby Covert is an enlightening guide designed to help readers navigate through the complexities and chaos they encounter in their personal and professional lives. The book offers actionable insights and techniques that can be applied to make sense of any 'mess', whether it be a cluttered workspace, a complex project, or even a confusing life situation. One of the primary concepts introduced in the book is that understanding is a process. This is an important takeaway that shifts our perspective from seeking instant solutions to embracing a patient and methodical approach. Covert emphasizes the role of language as a fundamental tool in this process. Language allows us to define, categorize, and communicate our understanding of the mess. The author further elaborates on the importance of asking questions. Questions act as keys that unlock deeper understanding and clarity. They allow us to probe the mess from different angles and uncover insights that may be otherwise overlooked. Another practical suggestion offered is mapping the mess. Visual representations help us to view the mess from a bird's eye perspective, aiding in the identification of patterns, relationships, and irregularities. Context is another crucial factor that Covert touches upon. She stresses that the context in which the mess occurs significantly affects our understanding and approach towards resolving it. Similarly, the role of perspective is highlighted. Different individuals may perceive the same mess differently based on their experiences, knowledge, and viewpoints. The book introduces the concept of information architecture - the practice of organizing and structuring information. This is a powerful tool that enables us to handle complex messes more effectively. The author also emphasizes the importance of understanding the users or stakeholders involved in the mess. Their needs, expectations, and perspectives significantly influence the approach to making sense of the mess. Covert reminds us that making sense of any mess is an iterative process that involves continuous refinement through trial and error. And finally, she underscores the importance of clarity in all stages of the process - from understanding the mess to communicating the solutions. In conclusion, "How to Make Sense of Any Mess" is a valuable guide that equips us with the mindset and tools to navigate through complexities and chaos. It is a testament to the power of information architecture and a testament to the human capacity for sense-making.
