Pavlo is CTO at ProSiebenSat.1 / Seven.One Entertainment Group - shaping the entertainment! 📺 Seven.One Entertainment Group is part of ProSiebenSat.1, we are responsible for Consumer Products and providing the digital footprint of P7S1 (e.g. TV channels websites, mobile apps, Smart TV, HbbTV, etc) with an impact on over 20 million consumers worldwide. At the same time, Seven.One Entertainment Group is a reliable partner for content ingestion, transcoding and video assets enrichment for live streaming channels, serving internal products and external partners. Former CTO of InstaMotion Retail GmbH - an e-commerce platform for the used cars; Before that, former Head of Engineering at AutoScout24 responsible for the OEM products/project and Ad Business of Scout24 Group (across ImmobilienScout24 and AutoScout24). Founder of the Facebook community of Russian Speaking Engineers of Munich with 6.500+ participants. The group aims to help newcomers, discuss engineering trends and build transparency around the engineering culture/market. Mentoring startups at APX - a joint venture between Axel Springer and Porsche, an early-stage investor and startup accelerator based in Berlin. Leading product/project engineering teams/organizations, developing and growing new business with a focus on the Engineering domain, Web, Cloud and DevOps. Fostering customer-oriented product development, lean thinker, growth mindset. Value transparency, integrity and feedback. Believe in empowerment, autonomy and ownership. International experience and ability to lead and manage distributed teams.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Recruitment with a focus on engineers
  • Nearshoring/offshoring, outstaffing/outsourcing - how to build high performing cross-functional distributed/remote teams
  • Technical strategy - deep expertise in fields of Web development, Cloud ecosystem in particularly with AWS, DevOps Salesforce
  • Fostering customer-oriented product development, lean thinking, building and managing Strategic Portfolios
  • OKRs and another tooling to set the right goals, hypothesis-driven development
  • How to empower the organisation, delegate more, build trust and unleash creativity
  • Career advise, individual coaching
23.July 2020

Career development strategy, freelance

15.July 2020

First steps in selling your idea/startup to be able to bring it live. Never accept first offer. Investigate potential market and gather as much information as possible. I'm very satisfied with the mentoring session with Pavlo. I got much more highly valuable information from different sights as I expected. Thanks

22.June 2020

(1) How to tackle certain technical questions in an interview (2) Which companies I could apply to (3) What I could change in my CV, LinkedinProfile and answers. Mr Pavlo really helped me a lot in giving me the reassurance from the someone who has been doing recruitment in Munich that all I am doing is fine. I am more positive that I will be successful in my job search. I just need to fine tune my answers, prepare better and select the right companies suitable for my profile and aspirations.

16.June 2020

How to set up the metrics for the engineering team, how to scale the team, relations with near-shore staffing companies

3.June 2020

Career development, Interviews, leadership skills.

29.May 2020

1) Importance of networking 2) Examining all opportunities 3) Tailoring LinkedIn profile & CV

20.May 2020

Which books to read. What Engineering Managers do. Recommendations on applying for EM position.

19.May 2020

1. Pavlo told me about his professional path, there are definitely some principals and learnings that I can use. 2. Pavlo explained "The Conscious Competence Ladder". 3. He also gave me a list of resources (like books and podcasts) from which I can continue learning.

15.May 2020

Adapt CV towards management highlights; selling my leadership skills on interview; better career perspectives in a big company

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