I possess a proven track record of orchestrating successful organization-wide data and analytics transformations and adeptly managing diverse data platforms while developing comprehensive data and analytic solutions. Connect with me today to find out how I will make your mission my mission, to help bring all of your business objectives into focus!

My Mentoring Topics

  • Data Strategy
  • Data Leadership
  • Building Data Teams from scratch
  • Turning Data Managers into Leaders
  • Navigating change and difficult situations
8.February 2024

Pier was great! I am extremely grateful that he took the time out of his day to help me. He really helped me to gain clarity on how I can improve my chances of getting a job, and re-work my resume and linkedin. He told me a lot of things that I didn't already know, or that weren't immediately obvious to me. He helped me to learn on how I could better deliver value to a business. He gave me some good input on freelancing in the data space, and how long it takes to get started freelancing. I am extremely happy with my experience both with Pier, and the mentoring club!

5.September 2023

I had a good time connecting with Pier about resume building. Pier brought all valid scenarios and guided me on what's required and what doesn't make a cut. He also gave a good understanding of which format to use and set priorities while crafting a resume. His pointers helped me remove all misconceptions that I had or doubted and helped me believe in some of my own intuitions. Would love to recommend him to other people when it comes to resume building and analytics industry.

25.January 2023

Pier was AMAZING. He was so professional, knowledgeable, nice, and generous with sharing his knowledge and expertise! I am in the process of building a new function and team which I don't have a lot of prior experience, but Pier was very patient and *generous* in sharing his experience and knowledge. That's so valuable and appreciated. Our conversation has helped me developed a much better idea and confidence of the direction and approach that I want to take. It's also so wonderful to have this platform for people to share knowledge and ideas! Thank you Pier and the Mentoring Club!

15.November 2022

Pier, thanks a lot for nobly investing your time and efforts in people's mentoring. Your advices were great and I want to put them in practice ASAP. Let's stay in touch. Kind regards, Sergey

19.July 2022

My first session with Pier brought to the table a career option that I had not considered before. I noted that he was effective in connecting his experience with mine thus ensuring that his insights hit home. He also patiently reviewed and shared constructive feedback on my resume. Overall, I found Pier to be personable, invested in the sessions and generous with this knowledge. The takeaways from the sessions far exceeded my expectations. Thanks Pier!

Storytelling with Data - Let's Practice!
Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

Key Facts and Insights from Storytelling with Data - Let's Practice! The importance of context: The book emphasizes the significance of context in data visualization and storytelling. It teaches how to frame data in a meaningful context that resonates with the audience. Choosing the right visual: The author provides a guide on how to choose the best type of visualization for the data and the story you want to tell. Clarity and simplicity: The book teaches how to keep data visualization simple and clear to avoid confusion and misinterpretation. Color and design principles: The author discusses the use of color and other design principles in enhancing the understanding of data. Eliminating clutter: The book explains strategies on how to eliminate unnecessary information or ‘clutter’ in data visualization. Data storytelling: The book highlights the importance of narrative in presenting data, offering techniques on how to weave compelling stories around data. Practice exercises: The book consists of numerous practice exercises and case studies to help readers apply the concepts learned. Feedback and iteration: The author emphasizes the importance of feedback and iteration in the process of creating effective data visualizations. The role of ethics: The book underlines the ethical considerations in data visualization, such as avoiding misleading representations. The audience: The book teaches how to tailor data stories to the audience's needs and knowledge level. An In-Depth Analysis and Summary "Storytelling with Data - Let's Practice!" by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic is a groundbreaking book that combines the art of storytelling with the science of data analysis. The main focus of the book is to teach the reader how to communicate effectively using data. The book begins with the premise that context is king. Knaflic emphasizes that any data presented should be appropriately contextualized to create a meaningful and comprehensive narrative. This approach aligns with the concept of situated cognition, which holds that knowledge is not merely a collection of abstract facts but is deeply embedded in context. Next, the author discusses the importance of selecting the right visual representation for your data. Various visualization types are discussed, including bar charts, line graphs, scatter plots, and more complex visuals like treemaps. The choice of visualization should be dictated by the nature of the data and the story you wish to tell. This concept resonates with the semiotic theory, which posits that signs and symbols (including visual representations) carry meaning and should be carefully chosen to effectively communicate the intended message. The principles of clarity and simplicity are underscored as critical in data visualization. Knaflic advises against overloading visuals with too much information, which can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. This aligns with cognitive load theory, which posits that our working memory has limited capacity and can be overwhelmed by excessive information. The book delves into the use of color and design principles in data visualization. Knaflic encourages readers to use color sparingly and purposefully. She also advocates for the use of design principles like alignment, proximity, and contrast to enhance understanding. These principles mirror the core tenets of visual design and reinforce the idea that design is an essential aspect of effective data visualization. The ability to eliminate clutter is another crucial skill that the book teaches. Knaflic instructs readers to remove unnecessary information and focus on what’s important. This is similar to the concept of signal-to-noise ratio in information theory, where the aim is to amplify the signal (important information) and reduce the noise (irrelevant information). The author then delves into the art of data storytelling, teaching readers how to weave compelling narratives around their data. This resonates with the narrative paradigm theory, which posits that we are fundamentally storytellers and that narratives are more persuasive than logical arguments. The book is sprinkled with numerous practice exercises and case studies, allowing readers to apply the concepts learned. This aligns with the experiential learning theory, which emphasizes the importance of learning by doing. Knaflic also highlights the importance of feedback and iteration in the process of creating effective data visualizations. This aligns with the iterative design process, which emphasizes the need for continuous testing and improvement. The author doesn't shy away from discussing the role of ethics in data visualization. She warns against misleading representations and advocates for honesty and transparency. This is in line with the ethical guidelines of data science and journalism, which stress the importance of truth and objectivity. Finally, Knaflic emphasizes the need to tailor data stories to the audience's needs and knowledge level. This aligns with audience awareness principles in rhetoric, which advocates for the adaptation of communication to suit the audience. In conclusion, "Storytelling with Data - Let's Practice!" is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to communicate effectively with data. It combines theory and practice, providing readers with the tools and knowledge to tell compelling, data-driven stories.

Scaling People - A Tactical Guide to Company Building
Claire Hughes Johnson

I'm sorry, I am an AI model developed by OpenAI and I don't have the ability to read books or access external databases to fetch information about them. The book "Scaling People - A Tactical Guide to Company Building" by Claire Hughes Johnson seems to be a fictional creation as it doesn't exist in real life. However, based on the title and author, I can provide some insights and key topics that might be covered in such a book. Key Topics that might be covered in the book: Understanding the role of people in scaling businesses Strategies for effective team building Leadership and management best practices Creating a positive and productive workplace culture Attracting and retaining top talent Developing effective communication systems for large organizations Implementing successful training and development programs Approaches to handling organizational change and growth Building resilient teams capable of handling business expansion Maximizing human resource capabilities for business success Detailed Analysis of Potential Content Understanding the Role of People in Scaling Businesses: A key concept here would likely be understanding that people are the core of any business. As a company scales, its success becomes more and more tied to the people who work there. This includes both their skills and knowledge, as well as their engagement and satisfaction. Strategies for Effective Team Building: The book would likely discuss various strategies for building strong, cohesive teams, such as fostering open communication, promoting collaboration, and encouraging diversity and inclusion. Leadership and Management Best Practices: Effective leadership and management are critical for scaling businesses. The book would possibly cover essential leadership qualities, decision-making strategies, and techniques for managing teams effectively. Creating a Positive and Productive Workplace Culture: A positive workplace culture can greatly contribute to a company's success. The book would likely explore ways to create such a culture, such as promoting transparency, recognizing employee achievements, and fostering a sense of community. Attracting and Retaining Top Talent: The book would likely provide insights on attracting and retaining top talent - a critical factor in scaling a company. This might include offering competitive compensation, providing opportunities for growth and development, and creating a positive work environment. Developing Effective Communication Systems for Large Organizations: As companies grow, communication can become more challenging. The book might discuss strategies for maintaining effective communication, such as implementing robust communication systems, promoting open dialogue, and ensuring transparency. Implementing Successful Training and Development Programs: Training and development are crucial for equipping employees with the skills they need to contribute to a company's growth. The book could discuss ways to develop and implement successful training programs. Approaches to Handling Organizational Change and Growth: Change is inevitable in a scaling company. The book might provide strategies for managing change effectively, such as involving employees in the change process, communicating changes clearly, and providing support during transitions. Building Resilient Teams Capable of Handling Business Expansion: The book could discuss the importance of building resilient teams that can adapt to changes and challenges as the company grows. Maximizing Human Resource Capabilities for Business Success: Lastly, the book would likely discuss how to maximize human resources for business success. This could include strategies for talent management, workforce planning, and employee engagement. These are only hypothetical topics based on the title of the non-existent book. These topics, however, are crucial for any leader or manager looking to scale their businesses effectively.
