Piradeepan here, IT Operations Manager at Qwiet AI with a deep background in IT Infrastructure, Operations, and Cybersecurity. Each role I've had built my experience in IT operations, security integration, and cloud management. My expertise extends to leading IT helpdesk and support functions, where I’ve made operational excellence and strengthened the security posture. Through roles ranging from DevOps Engineer to Senior IT Engineer, I’ve honed my skills in cloud platforms, database administration, and the automation of CI/CD pipelines, ensuring infrastructure dependability and operational efficiency. The successful implementation of strategic IT initiatives has marked with notable achievements in SOC2 compliance and rebranding endeavors, highlighting my ability to navigate complex IT projects. I aim to guide and inspire through mentoring, rooted in these experiences, by sharing insights from my journey and practically applying IT principles. My commitment as a mentor is to establish a learning atmosphere that promotes curiosity, innovation, and the acquisition of critical IT skills customized to address the challenges of the modern technology. Having earned a Master of Science in Computer Science and a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering, my academic credentials provide a solid foundation. I aspire to mentor and be a role model for those committed to succeeding and expanding their skills in your industry.

My Mentoring Topics

  • IT Operations
  • SOC 2 Compliance
  • Identity Access Management
  • Information Security
  • Cybersecurity
26.March 2024

Very informative session. Mr. Piradeepan mentored me in the right direction. Looking forward to future sessions!