Hi, I am Rahul. I work as Head of Business Intelligence and Analytics Engineering at Beat Mobility (https://thebeat.co/en/about-us/?intl=1). I have been writing code for over 20 years. In my current role, I lead a team of highly motivated Data Engineers and Analytics Engineers. When I am not working, I spend some of my time helping out open source communities in the Data space. Prior to Beat, I worked at Omio as Principal Engineering Manager and at Thoughtworks (https://www.thoughtworks.com/) as a Lead Consultant. I was born and raised in India and have lived and worked in several cities around the world. I currently live in Berlin Germany. Mentoring is very close to my heart. When I started out in my career, I did not have anyone I could look up to as a mentor/advisor and I sorely felt this gap. Filling this sort of gap effectively for someone else has since been a very important personal goal for me. My own life experiences, pitfalls and learnings have led me to strongly believe that good and timely mentoring can be extremely helpful in breaking myths and overcoming self-doubts that stop most of us from achieving our full potential. As a mentor, my approach is informal and non-judgmental. During the mentoring sessions, I focus on your specific challenges and then offer my own personal viewpoints and experiences. Together we can find ways to apply these approaches and lessons to your own needs. Personally, I find this sort of empathetic exchange preferable to the top-down advice approach. If this works for you as well, I welcome you to book a session with me.

My Mentoring Topics

  • **Building a career as Analytics Engineer or Data Engineer**
  • **Interview Prep for Analytics engineer or Data Engineer role**
  • Navigating your way through career progression in the Technology industry.
  • Transitioning from an individual contributor into a leadership role.
  • Mastering your technical skills.
  • Identifying signs of burnout and managing mental health in a fast paced environment
  • Sense of inadequacy and inferiority complex while working in a high-performing team.
  • Peer pressure and how to cut through the noise so you can craft a career route that works for you.

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