With a background in operations management and strategy consulting, I specialize in ESG function, creating long term value for my clients so they can play a transformative role in addressing sustainability issues at the organization and industry level with special focus on net-zero transitions. My core ideation of systemic solutioning lies in mapping interdependence of multiple industries (energy, utilities, mobility, smart infrastructure, etc.) and relating their circular macro-economic implications. As a certified GHG accountant, my current role involves ideating carbon management and transition energy products with precise consideration of the unique needs of hard-to-abate industries, to facilitate the necessary changes towards a more sustainable, carbon-neutral future. I am also working as a technical advisor in the technical committee at the ESG exchange (a non-profit think tank), helping design sustainable, replicable and easy-to-follow playbooks in areas of tax and regulatory compliance, data management, reporting, materiality and biodiversity. As part of the Business School for Climate leadership forum, I have recently been nominated to be the alumni champion for Oxford Said business school in the network of 8 leading business schools in Europe. I am using this platform to influence business education and corporate engagement with these schools to have a higher focus in climate consciousness for current students and the alumni community. In my spare time, I also love guiding aspiring MBA/MS candidates on their application strategy and early/mid career professionals in their growth trajectory, pivoting strategy, resume building and LinkedIn community and profile building.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Sustainability
  • GHG Accounting/Carbon management
  • Decarbonization pathway/ scenario analysis/SBTi
  • Energy transition/Oil & Gas /Hydrogen/Carbon capture and storage
  • Project management
  • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Job search/Salary negotiations/Career transitions/Interview preparation (structured/experienced hiring - PEI & Case)
  • Higher Education (MBA/MS/MPP/GRE/GMAT)
8.April 2024

Rajarshi's experience and knowledge gave me a clear path. He asked me key questions to address my interest in ESG reporting. After identifying my interests, he provided references aligned with them. I highly recommend Raj's mentoring in the ESG field.

18.December 2023

I had a nice conversation with Rajarshi. He shared plenty of insights with me about career goals, effective job search strategies, and more. Rajarshi also provided tips to enhance my interview skills. Moreover, he shared information about the work culture. I'm really glad to be connected with him and highly recommend his mentorship. Thanks, Rajarshi. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon.

13.November 2023

I had the pleasure of being mentored by Ray, and the experience was exceptional. Ray demonstrated generosity with time and insights, which were offered in a clear and structured communication style that made our session highly productive. His encouragement and positive mindset were motivational, instilling confidence in my professional career transition. I highly recommend Ray to anyone seeking a mentor who not only shares knowledge but invests wholeheartedly in the growth and success of their mentees.

24.October 2023

I had an excellent session with Rajarshi. He offered me invaluable guidance personalized to my professional aspirations. Moreover, his expertise in the ESG field makes him an outstanding mentor for early career ESG/sustainability professionals striving to define their future career paths. I highly recommend Rajarshi.

16.October 2023

Rajarshi was extremely helpful and gave huge insight into the steps I needed to undertake, to make a successful career transition into project management. I would highly recommended Rajarshi for any mentees out there who are seeking guidance and support within their career transitions. In addition, Rajarshi is knowledgeable, polite, and understanding to all your reasonings and circumstances. Great mentor!

13.October 2023

Ray provided me with invaluable insights to navigate my professional career. His guidance helped me understand which areas to prioritize for further learning and development. The session was not only informative but also highly productive.

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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - There Are No Limits to the Prosperity, Happiness, and Peace of Mind You Can Achieve Simply by Using the Power of the Subconscious Mind, Updated
Joseph Murphy

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Key Insights The subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can be harnessed to achieve prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind. Our subconscious mind operates on the beliefs we hold, which are often formed during our early life experiences. By changing our beliefs, we can change our reality. The principles of affirmations and visualizations can be used to program the subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind responds to the thoughts that we feed it, manifesting them into our reality. The subconscious mind has healing powers which can be activated through positive thinking and faith. The subconscious mind can guide us in making better decisions and solving problems. The subconscious mind works best when we are relaxed and receptive. The subconscious mind can be used to improve our relationships and attract the right people into our lives. By understanding the laws of the mind, we can use the subconscious mind to overcome fears and phobias. Delving Deeper into the Power of the Subconscious Mind Joseph Murphy in his seminal work "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" explores the idea that our subconscious mind is a powerful tool that we can harness to achieve prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind. This idea is not novel or unique to Murphy, as many philosophers, spiritual leaders, and psychologists have discussed the power of the subconscious mind. However, Murphy's approach is pragmatic and accessible, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their life. He begins by explaining that our subconscious mind operates based on the beliefs we hold, which are often formed during our early life experiences. These beliefs can be limiting or empowering, and they shape our perception of reality. This concept aligns with the psychological theory of cognitive schemas, which are mental models that we use to understand and interpret the world. Murphy posits that by changing our beliefs, we can change our reality. This idea echoes the principle of neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. By consciously choosing our thoughts and beliefs, we can rewire our brain and create a more positive and empowering reality. The author introduces the principles of affirmations and visualizations, explaining that these tools can be used to program our subconscious mind. By regularly repeating positive affirmations and visualizing our desired outcomes, we can influence our subconscious mind and manifest our desires into reality. This concept is rooted in the law of attraction, which suggests that like attracts like, and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. Murphy also discusses the healing power of the subconscious mind. He suggests that through positive thinking and faith, we can activate these healing powers and improve our physical and mental health. This aligns with the field of psychoneuroimmunology, which studies the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body. The author explains that our subconscious mind can guide us in making better decisions and solving problems. This idea is supported by research in psychology and neuroscience, which shows that our subconscious mind processes information and makes decisions even when we're not aware of it. He further argues that the subconscious mind works best when we are relaxed and receptive, suggesting that practices like meditation and mindfulness can enhance the functioning of our subconscious mind. This aligns with research showing that these practices can improve mental clarity, focus, and decision-making abilities. Finally, Murphy discusses how we can use our subconscious mind to improve our relationships and attract the right people into our lives. By changing our beliefs about ourselves and others, and by focusing on what we want in a relationship, we can attract and sustain healthy, fulfilling relationships. This concept is consistent with the law of attraction and the psychological theory of self-fulfilling prophecy. In conclusion, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" offers valuable insights into the functioning of the subconscious mind and provides practical strategies to harness its power. While the concepts presented in the book are not new, Murphy presents them in a way that is accessible and applicable, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking personal growth and self-improvement.

The Culture Map (INTL ED) - Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures
Erin Meyer

Key Facts and Insights Understanding Cultural Differences: The book lays emphasis on understanding cultural differences as a crucial aspect of effective global communication and leadership. The Culture Map: This is a tool developed by the author to visualize and compare the communication styles, leadership strategies, and work approaches of different cultures. Eight Cultural Dimensions: The Culture Map is based on eight cultural dimensions, namely Communicating, Evaluating, Persuading, Leading, Deciding, Trusting, Disagreeing, and Scheduling. Culture Vs. Personality: The book distinguishes between culture and personality, emphasizing that while individuals may have unique characteristics, their behaviors and responses are largely influenced by their cultural environment. Contextual Models: The book presents concepts of high-context and low-context cultures, which refer to the degree to which people in a culture rely on contextual elements to communicate. Leading Across Cultures: The book provides strategies for effective leadership across different cultures, stressing the importance of flexibility, empathy, and understanding. Adapting to Cultural Differences: The book encourages adopting an adaptive approach when dealing with different cultures, rather than a one-size-fits-all strategy. Case Studies: The book includes numerous real-world case studies that demonstrate the application of the Culture Map in various professional situations. Globalization and Culture: Despite the increasing influences of globalization, the book argues that cultural differences remain significant and require careful consideration in business and leadership practices. Conflict Resolution: The book highlights how understanding cultural differences can aid in conflict resolution and negotiation. Importance of Learning: The book emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and openness to different viewpoints in order to become an effective global leader. In-depth Analysis and Conclusions "The Culture Map" provides a deep dive into the complex terrain of cross-cultural communication and leadership. It highlights how cultural differences can impact the way people think, lead, and execute tasks, thus making it a crucial factor to consider in global business operations and leadership. The book introduces the Culture Map, a tool developed by Erin Meyer, which serves as a visual representation of the cultural differences that exist across different nations. This tool is based on eight dimensions, which cover a wide spectrum of human behavior from communication to decision-making. The concept of the Culture Map resonates with Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, which also focuses on cultural differences along several dimensions. One of the key insights from the book is the distinction between culture and personality. While it acknowledges the uniqueness of individual personalities, it emphasizes that cultural context significantly influences individual behavior and responses. This understanding aligns with the sociocultural theory, which posits that social interaction plays a fundamental role in the development of cognition. The book delves into the concept of high-context and low-context cultures, originally proposed by anthropologist Edward T. Hall. It explains how people in high-context cultures rely more on non-verbal cues and the overall context of a conversation, while those in low-context cultures depend more on explicit verbal communication. This insight is crucial for effective cross-cultural communication. In terms of leadership, the book provides valuable strategies to lead effectively across different cultures. It emphasizes the importance of flexibility, empathy, and understanding, which aligns with the concept of transformational leadership. Leaders are encouraged to adapt their style based on the cultural context, rather than using a 'one-size-fits-all' approach. Through numerous case studies, the book illustrates the practical application of the Culture Map. These real-world examples provide readers with a clear understanding of how cultural differences can impact business operations and negotiations, and how these differences can be addressed effectively. Despite the increasing influence of globalization, the book asserts that cultural differences remain significant. This point is particularly important in the current globalized world, where there is a common misconception that globalization leads to cultural homogenization. The book also highlights the role of cultural understanding in conflict resolution and negotiation. It suggests that understanding and respecting cultural differences can lead to more effective conflict resolution strategies. Lastly, the book emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and openness to different viewpoints for being an effective global leader. This aligns with the concept of lifelong learning, which is increasingly being recognized as a key skill in the 21st century. Overall, "The Culture Map" serves as an excellent guide for anyone looking to navigate the complex terrain of cross-cultural communication and leadership. It provides valuable insights and practical strategies that can help individuals and organizations thrive in a multicultural world.

You're Not Listening - What You're Missing and Why It Matters
Kate Murphy

Key Facts and Insights: The crisis of listening: The book highlights a significant, yet largely ignored issue, that is, we're facing a global crisis of listening. People are more interested in expressing themselves than understanding others, which disrupts effective communication. The impact of technology: The constant use of smartphones and computers has made us more distracted and less attentive to others. This technological interference has made active listening even more challenging. Understanding vs. hearing: There's a stark difference between hearing and understanding. While hearing is merely perceiving sounds, understanding involves comprehending the meaning behind the spoken words and non-verbal cues. Listening as a skill: Listening is not just a passive activity; it's an active skill that requires effort and practice. It involves empathy, openness, and a willingness to understand and engage with others' perspectives. Importance of silence: Silence is not a void but an essential part of meaningful conversations. It allows people to process information, reflect on it, and respond thoughtfully. Effects on relationships: Poor listening skills can lead to misunderstandings, conflict, and dissatisfaction in relationships, both personal and professional. Benefits of effective listening: Good listeners can gain a lot, including better relationships, improved work productivity, enhanced learning, and overall well-being. The role of empathy: Empathy plays a critical role in effective listening. It enables us to comprehend others' feelings and perspectives, fostering mutual understanding and trust. Need for self-awareness: Self-awareness is crucial for listening. Being aware of our biases and preconceptions can help us listen more objectively and openly. Listening and mental health: Not being listened to can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and even mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Practical tips for listening: The book provides practical strategies and tips to improve listening skills, such as minimizing distractions, practicing empathy, asking open-ended questions, and maintaining eye contact. In-depth Summary and Analysis In "You're Not Listening", Kate Murphy brings to light an overlooked problem in our society - our declining ability to listen. Drawing from a wide array of sources, including psychology, neuroscience, sociology, and even her interviews with professionals like hostage negotiators and bartenders, Murphy presents compelling evidence of this listening crisis. This crisis, as she notes, is largely due to our increasing self-absorption and technological distractions, which inhibit our ability to fully engage with others. Murphy explains that listening is more than just hearing. It is an active process that involves understanding the meaning behind words and non-verbal cues, reflecting on the information, and responding in a thoughtful and empathetic manner. This concept aligns with Carl Rogers' theory of 'active listening', which emphasizes the importance of understanding, empathy, and validation in communication. A significant part of the book is dedicated to the impact of technology on listening. Murphy argues that our constant reliance on digital devices has made us more distracted and less capable of paying attention to others. This observation resonates with Nicholas Carr's notion of 'The Shallows', where he discusses how the internet is changing our brains, making us more superficial and less capable of deep thinking and understanding. One of the most profound insights from the book is the importance of silence in conversations. Murphy sees silence not as an awkward pause but as a space for reflection and thoughtful responses. This perspective echoes the teachings of Buddhist mindfulness, which value silence and stillness for fostering awareness and understanding. Murphy also underscores the role of empathy in listening. She contends that empathy enables us to understand others' feelings and perspectives, thereby fostering mutual understanding and trust. This idea syncs with Daniel Goleman's concept of 'emotional intelligence', which posits empathy as a key aspect of effective communication and interpersonal relationships. Moreover, the book outlines the adverse effects of poor listening, such as misunderstandings, conflicts, dissatisfaction in relationships, and even mental health issues. This point is supported by numerous psychological studies showing the link between feeling unheard and experiencing feelings of isolation, loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Finally, Murphy offers practical strategies to improve our listening skills. These include minimizing distractions, practicing empathy, asking open-ended questions, maintaining eye contact, and being aware of our biases and preconceptions. These strategies are not only useful but also backed by research in communication, psychology, and neuroscience. In conclusion, "You're Not Listening" is a timely and insightful exploration of the art and science of listening. It sheds light on a fundamental yet overlooked aspect of human communication, offering valuable insights and practical tips to enhance our listening skills and, by extension, our relationships and overall quality of life.

How to Be an Inclusive Leader - Your Role in Creating Cultures of Belonging Where Everyone Can Thrive
Jennifer Brown

Key Facts and Insights: The importance of being an inclusive leader in today's diverse work environment. Understanding unconscious bias and its impact on decision-making and inclusivity. The role of empathy and active listening in creating an inclusive environment. The significance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence in inclusive leadership. The value of diversity and the necessity of equity in the workplace. The four stages of the Inclusive Leader Continuum: unaware, aware, active, and advocate. The practical steps and strategies to become an inclusive leader. Acknowledging the need for continuous learning and growth in the journey towards inclusive leadership. How to handle microaggressions and promote a culture of respect. The importance of allyship and the role of leaders in creating a culture of belonging. An In-depth Analysis: In today's increasingly diverse work environment, the need for inclusive leadership cannot be overstated. Jennifer Brown's book provides a comprehensive guide on how to become an inclusive leader and foster a culture of belonging in the workplace. She emphasizes that inclusive leadership goes beyond simply acknowledging diversity; it involves actively promoting an environment where everyone feels valued and can thrive. A key concept that Brown discusses is unconscious bias. These are the automatic, often unintentional, stereotypes that affect our understanding and decision-making. By becoming aware of our unconscious biases, we can work towards mitigating their impact and promoting inclusivity. This ties in with the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence in inclusive leadership. Leaders need to understand their own emotions and biases, as well as those of their team members, in order to foster a truly inclusive environment. The author also highlights the significance of empathy and active listening. By putting ourselves in others' shoes and genuinely listening to their experiences and perspectives, we can create a more inclusive culture. This is particularly important in handling microaggressions, subtle acts of discrimination that can create a hostile environment. Leaders need to be equipped to address these issues and promote a culture of respect. In her book, Brown introduces the Inclusive Leader Continuum, which comprises four stages: unaware, aware, active, and advocate. This continuum provides a roadmap for leaders to become more inclusive, emphasizing the need for continuous learning and growth. Moving from being unaware of the importance of inclusivity, to becoming aware of its significance, actively promoting it, and finally advocating for it, is a journey that all leaders should undertake. One of the most significant concepts discussed in the book is the value of diversity and the necessity of equity in the workplace. Diversity brings a variety of perspectives and ideas, which can lead to more innovative solutions. However, diversity alone is not enough; there needs to be equity, where everyone has fair access to opportunities and resources. This is where the role of inclusive leaders becomes crucial. Lastly, the book discusses the importance of allyship. Leaders have a responsibility to stand up for marginalized groups and create a culture of belonging. This involves understanding and acknowledging the unique experiences of different groups, and using their position of power to advocate for change. In conclusion, "How to Be an Inclusive Leader" provides a practical and comprehensive guide for leaders aiming to create a more inclusive work environment. By understanding and implementing the concepts discussed in the book, leaders can foster a culture where everyone feels valued and can thrive. As an experienced professor, I can attest to the validity and importance of these concepts in creating inclusive and successful organizations. The journey towards inclusive leadership is a continuous one, but with commitment and effort, it is certainly achievable.

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Updated For the Next Generation of Leaders
Dale Carnegie

Key Facts and Insights from the Book Understanding the fundamental importance of genuine interest in others. Recognizing the power of appreciation and praise. The need for empathy in communication and relationships. Importance of listening to understand, rather than listening to respond. Ways to make people feel important and valued. How to handle criticism constructively. Understanding the power of persuasive but non-argumentative conversation. Mastering the art of leadership through influencing people. Techniques to manage relationships both personally and professionally. Developing a positive attitude and outlook. The role of continuous learning and self-improvement. Detailed Analysis and Summary of the Book The book is a timeless guide to effective leadership and communication, written by Dale Carnegie, that has been updated to suit the needs and contexts of the next generation of leaders. The author provides practical advice and strategies for building and maintaining successful relationships with others, both in personal and professional contexts. One of the primary insights from the book is the fundamental importance of showing a genuine interest in others. Carnegie posits that people are more likely to be influenced by those who show authentic interest in them and their concerns. This principle is closely linked with the concept of emotional intelligence, which emphasizes the ability to understand and manage one's own and others' emotions. The author also emphasizes the power of appreciation and praise. He suggests that these are powerful motivators and that people are more likely to respond positively to requests or directions when they feel appreciated and valued. This aligns with the principles of positive psychology, which highlight the importance of focusing on strengths and positives in individuals and groups to motivate and inspire them. Carnegie discusses the importance of empathy in communication and relationships. He argues that understanding and sharing the feelings of others can build stronger relationships and enable more effective communication. This concept is central to many theories of communication and interpersonal relationships. The book underscores the importance of listening to understand, rather than listening to respond. Carnegie suggests that truly effective communication requires active listening and a genuine attempt to understand the other person's perspective. This aligns with the principles of active listening, a communication technique that requires the listener to fully concentrate, understand, respond and then remember what is being said. Carnegie also discusses ways to make people feel important and valued. He suggests that people are more likely to be influenced and motivated when they feel valued and important. This concept is central to many theories of motivation, including Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which posits that individuals have a fundamental need for esteem and recognition. The author provides practical advice on how to handle criticism constructively. He suggests that criticism should be used as a tool for self-improvement rather than as a weapon to attack or defend. This principle aligns with many theories of conflict resolution and emotional intelligence, which emphasize the importance of managing emotions and reactions in difficult situations. Carnegie also discusses the power of persuasive but non-argumentative conversation. He suggests that influence and persuasion are more effective when they are based on understanding and respect, rather than on force or coercion. This is a core principle of many theories of negotiation and persuasion, which emphasize the importance of cooperation and mutual benefit. The book provides valuable insights into the art of leadership through influencing people. Carnegie posits that effective leadership is not about commanding or controlling, but about influencing and inspiring others. This aligns with the principles of transformational leadership, which emphasize the importance of inspiring and motivating followers to exceed their own individual performance goals. The author also provides techniques for managing relationships both personally and professionally. He suggests that effective relationship management requires a balance of understanding, respect, and communication. This aligns with many theories of relationship management, which emphasize the importance of managing and balancing various aspects of relationships, including trust, communication, and mutual respect. Carnegie emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and outlook. He suggests that positivity can influence one's own behavior as well as the behaviors of others. This aligns with the principles of positive psychology, which emphasizes the importance of positivity and optimism in promoting well-being and success. Finally, the author highlights the role of continuous learning and self-improvement. He argues that leaders must continuously seek to improve their skills and knowledge in order to remain effective. This principle is central to many theories of leadership and organizational behavior, which emphasize the importance of continuous learning and development for both individuals and organizations. In conclusion, "How to Win Friends and Influence People - Updated For the Next Generation of Leaders" provides timeless and practical advice for effective leadership and communication. The book's principles align with many theories and concepts in psychology, communication, leadership, and organizational behavior, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their influence and relationships.
