As a dedicated Global Product Manager at ABB with the ambition of enhancing my leadership capabilities, I am currently enriching my skill set through an Executive MBA at Kellogg. With a proven track record in managing complex projects and driving innovation within the tech industry, I possess a deep understanding of product lifecycle management, strategic planning, and market analysis. My journey has been fueled by a relentless pursuit of excellence, a passion for learning, and a commitment to leading high-performing teams towards achieving business objectives. Beyond my professional aspirations, my personal life is a tapestry of diverse experiences and passions that shape who I am. My love for hiking and running is not just a testament to my dedication to health and wellness, but also reflects my appreciation for nature's beauty and the lessons of resilience and perseverance it teaches. Traveling has been a significant part of my life; having lived in 10 countries around the globe, I've embraced a multitude of cultures, which has enriched my worldview and fostered a deep sense of empathy and adaptability. Fostered by my international experience, my language skills are a bridge to connecting with people, understanding their stories, and building meaningful relationships. These experiences have instilled in me a profound appreciation for diversity, a passion for exploration, and a relentless curiosity about the world, complementing my professional journey and shaping my approach to leadership and collaboration.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Navigating office politics
  • Effective Product Management strategies
  • Leading teams in global settings
  • Executive decision making and strategic planning
  • Innovating at scale: from idea to market success
  • Cross-cultural communication and team building
  • Personal branding and networking
  • Time management
  • Negotiation skills
  • Interested in pursuing Executive Education? I am here for you
19.March 2024

I found my session with Ramón to be super helpful. I really felt like he understood my situation and was able to suggest practical, actionable advice. As his experience matches my field, I feel comfortable having more conversations with him in the future around navigating the workplace and career growth.

HBR Guide to Office Politics
Karen Dillon

Key Facts and Insights from the HBR Guide to Office Politics: Understanding office politics is crucial: The book emphasizes that navigating office politics is not a luxury but a necessity for success in any organization. Office politics is not inherently negative: Contrary to popular belief, office politics doesn’t always mean backstabbing or power plays. It can simply be about understanding the dynamics of the workplace and leveraging them for mutual benefit. Build a network of relationships: Forming relationships is key; not just with those above you, but with your peers and those below your level as well. Conflict management: The book provides strategies to manage conflicts in a positive way, thus avoiding unnecessary stress and strain. Align your goals with organizational goals: Aligning your personal objectives with the larger goals of the organization can increase your influence and visibility. Understand your company’s culture: Understanding the culture of your workplace and adapting to it is crucial in navigating office politics. Manage your reputation: The book outlines how to build a solid reputation that can enhance your standing and influence in the office. Communication is key: Effective communication can help avoid misunderstandings and foster better relationships. Develop leadership skills: Being proactive in developing leadership skills can set you apart and increase your influence. Office politics is inevitable: The book reinforces that politics is present in every organization, and being equipped to handle it is crucial. In-depth Analysis and Summary: The "HBR Guide to Office Politics" by Karen Dillon provides an insightful and practical guide to navigating the often murky waters of office politics. Understanding the importance of office politics is the first key insight from the book. Many professionals try to steer clear of office politics, viewing it as a dirty game best left to those interested in power plays and backstabbing. However, Dillon’s book dispels this misconception and emphasizes that understanding and participating in office politics is essential for professional growth and success. This aligns with the concept of organizational behavior, which posits that understanding the political landscape of an organization can significantly impact one’s ability to influence others and make things happen. The book further highlights that office politics is not inherently negative. It is simply about understanding and navigating the social and power dynamics within an organization. This perspective is quite refreshing and aligns with the concept of positive organizational politics, which focuses on leveraging relationships and power dynamics for mutual benefits. The importance of building a network of relationships is another significant insight from the book. Building relationships across all levels in the organization can provide a better understanding of the decision-making processes and power structures. It also aligns with research in the field of social capital, which emphasizes the value of relationships and networks in achieving professional success. Conflict management is also discussed extensively in the book. Dillon provides strategies for managing conflicts in a positive way, thus reducing stress and strain. This ties into the idea of conflict resolution and negotiation in organizational behavior, where positive conflict management can lead to increased creativity and better decision-making. Another key point is the importance of aligning personal goals with organizational goals. This can increase your visibility and influence in the organization. This is consistent with the principle of goal alignment in management theory, which states that aligning individual and organizational goals can lead to increased job satisfaction and performance. The book also emphasizes the importance of understanding and adapting to the company’s culture. Culture is the set of shared values, beliefs, and practices that shape how an organization operates. Understanding this can help a professional navigate office politics successfully. Managing one's reputation is another key insight from the book. Dillon outlines how to build a solid reputation that can enhance your standing and influence in the office. This aligns with the concept of personal branding in career development, which emphasizes the importance of managing your personal image and reputation in the workplace. The book also underscores the value of effective communication in avoiding misunderstandings and fostering better relationships. This is consistent with the principles of effective communication in organizational behavior, which suggest that clear and concise communication can lead to better relationships and improved team performance. Finally, the book stresses the importance of developing leadership skills, even if you are not in a leadership position. This aligns with the concept of transformational leadership, which posits that every professional, regardless of their position, can exhibit leadership behaviors and influence others. In conclusion, the "HBR Guide to Office Politics" provides a practical and insightful guide to understanding and navigating office politics. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the dynamics of the workplace, building relationships, managing conflicts, aligning personal and organizational goals, adapting to the company culture, managing reputation, communicating effectively, and developing leadership skills. These concepts align with various principles and theories in organizational behavior and management, making this book a valuable resource for professionals looking to navigate the complex world of office politics successfully.

Scientific Advertising - 21 Advertising, Headline and Copywriting Techniques

Key Facts Understanding the Consumer: Hopkins emphasizes that the success of any advertising campaign relies on understanding the consumer's needs, desires, and behaviors. Effective Headlines: The book details techniques for creating compelling headlines that grab attention and encourage further reading. Scientific Approach: Hopkins advocates for a systematic, data-driven approach to advertising, using tests and tracking results to refine strategies. Copywriting Techniques: The book provides guidelines for effective copywriting, including using simple language, focusing on benefits, and incorporating testimonials. Value of Free Samples: Hopkins champions the use of free samples as a powerful tool to introduce products and gain customers' trust. Importance of Consistency: Hopkins stresses the importance of maintaining a consistent brand message across all advertising mediums. Role of Psychology: The book delves into the psychology of persuasion, explaining how to use emotional triggers and cognitive biases in advertising. Testing and Iteration: Hopkins encourages ongoing testing and iteration of advertising strategies to optimize results. Long-Term Customer Relationships: The book highlights the importance of building long-term relationships with customers, rather than focusing purely on immediate sales. Value Proposition: Hopkins emphasizes that every ad should clearly communicate the product's value proposition to the customer. Specificity and Clarity: The book advises advertisers to be specific and clear in their messaging, avoiding vague or ambiguous language. Analysis of Contents One of the most enduring principles of "Scientific Advertising - 21 Advertising, Headline and Copywriting Techniques" is Claude C. Hopkins' emphasis on understanding the consumer. He posits that a deep understanding of the consumer's needs, desires, and behaviors is fundamental to the success of any advertising campaign. This aligns with much of the current literature on consumer psychology and behavior, underscoring the timeless relevance of Hopkins' work. In the realm of headlines, Hopkins provides a wealth of techniques for crafting compelling headlines. He advises advertisers to use powerful, action-oriented verbs and to draw on the consumer's curiosity and self-interest. Importantly, he cautions against using clever or witty headlines that fail to communicate the ad's main selling proposition. This perspective is consistent with modern copywriting best practices, which favor clear and straightforward messaging over cleverness for its own sake. Hopkins advocates for a scientific, data-driven approach to advertising. This involves setting clear objectives, testing different strategies, tracking results, and refining strategies based on these results. This approach is now widely accepted in the advertising industry, with the advent of digital marketing tools enabling advertisers to track and analyze their campaigns with unprecedented precision. The book also provides insightful guidelines for effective copywriting. Hopkins advises using simple, everyday language that the average consumer can easily understand. He also recommends focusing on the product's benefits rather than its features, and incorporating real-life testimonials to build credibility. These principles remain highly relevant in today's advertising landscape, where consumers are increasingly skeptical of overt sales pitches and value authenticity and transparency. Hopkins also champions the use of free samples as an advertising tool. He argues that free samples not only introduce consumers to the product, but also foster goodwill and trust between the company and the consumer. This technique is widely used today, particularly in the beauty and food industries. The importance of maintaining a consistent brand message across all advertising mediums is another key theme in Hopkins' work. He argues that consistency helps to build brand recognition and trust, which are crucial for long-term customer loyalty. This principle is echoed in contemporary branding literature, which emphasizes the need for a cohesive brand identity across all touchpoints. The psychology of persuasion is another notable aspect of Hopkins' work. He explains how advertisers can leverage emotional triggers and cognitive biases to influence consumer behavior. This includes techniques such as scarcity (limited time offers), social proof (testimonials), and reciprocity (free samples). Hopkins also strongly encourages ongoing testing and iteration of advertising strategies. He argues that there is no 'one-size-fits-all' solution in advertising, and what works for one product or audience may not work for another. This aligns with the current emphasis on A/B testing and data analysis in digital marketing. Finally, the book underscores the importance of building long-term relationships with customers. Hopkins argues that focusing purely on immediate sales can lead to short-term success but long-term failure, as it neglects the value of customer loyalty and repeat business. This perspective is now widely accepted, with many businesses investing heavily in customer relationship management (CRM) systems and loyalty programs. In conclusion, "Scientific Advertising - 21 Advertising, Headline and Copywriting Techniques" by Claude C. Hopkins offers timeless insights into effective advertising practices. Its principles of understanding the consumer, crafting compelling headlines, using a scientific approach, and building long-term customer relationships remain highly relevant in today's advertising landscape. Despite being written over a century ago, it continues to inform and inspire modern advertising practices.

Kellogg on Marketing - The Marketing Faculty of the Kellogg School of Management
Alexander Chernev, Philip Kotler

Key Insights from "Kellogg on Marketing - The Marketing Faculty of the Kellogg School of Management" Marketing as a Strategic Function: The book emphasizes the strategic role of marketing in business. It's not just about selling a product or service, but about understanding the customer and aligning the business to meet their needs. Consumer Behavior: Understanding consumer behavior is key to effective marketing. This includes understanding the cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses of consumers to marketing stimuli. Brand Management: The book stresses the importance of brand management, including the creation of brand equity, brand positioning, and brand extension. Marketing Research: The book provides an in-depth view of the role and importance of marketing research in understanding consumers and markets. Product Development: The book highlights the role of marketing in product development, from idea generation to commercialization. Integrated Marketing Communications: The book discusses the integrated approach to marketing communication, focusing on the coordination of all promotional activities to produce a consistent, customer-focused message. Marketing Channels: The book covers the importance of managing marketing channels and the role they play in delivering value to customers. Global Marketing: The book discusses the challenges and opportunities of global marketing and how to adapt marketing strategies for different international markets. Marketing Ethics: The book underscores the importance of ethical considerations in marketing decisions and strategies. The Future of Marketing: The book explores future trends in marketing, including the rise of digital marketing, social media, mobile marketing, and data analytics. An In-Depth Analysis of "Kellogg on Marketing" "Kellogg on Marketing", authored by the distinguished faculty of the Kellogg School of Management, is a comprehensive guide to modern marketing principles and practices. With its in-depth exploration of essential marketing concepts and trends, it provides valuable insights to both marketing students and professionals. The book emphasizes the strategic role of marketing, arguing that it is a crucial function that goes beyond selling products or services. Instead, marketing involves understanding customers' needs and aligning the business to meet these needs. This strategic view of marketing is not only relevant but also necessary in today's business landscape where customer-centricity is key to success. Understanding consumer behavior is another key theme in the book. It delves into the cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses of consumers to marketing stimuli. This understanding is crucial for marketers as it informs the development of effective marketing strategies and campaigns. A significant portion of the book is dedicated to the topic of brand management. It discusses how to create brand equity, position a brand in the market, and extend a brand to new products or markets. These insights are particularly valuable in a competitive business environment where strong and differentiated brands can provide a competitive edge. The role of marketing research in understanding consumers and markets is another critical topic covered in the book. The authors stress the importance of marketing research in gathering and analyzing data about consumers, competitors, and market trends. This data-driven approach to marketing is increasingly important in the era of big data and advanced analytics. Importantly, the book also highlights the role of marketing in product development. It discusses the stages of product development, from idea generation to commercialization, and the role of marketing in these stages. This underscores the importance of marketing in not just selling, but also creating products that meet consumer needs and preferences. The book also discusses the integrated approach to marketing communication, which involves coordinating all promotional activities to produce a consistent, customer-focused message. This approach is increasingly relevant in today's multi-channel marketing environment. The book also covers the importance of managing marketing channels and their role in delivering value to customers. This includes not just traditional distribution channels, but also digital channels like e-commerce and social media. The challenges and opportunities of global marketing are also discussed in the book. It provides insights on how to adapt marketing strategies for different international markets, highlighting the importance of understanding cultural, economic, and legal differences. Ethical considerations in marketing are also underscored in the book. It stresses the importance of ethical decision-making in marketing, a topic that is increasingly relevant in a world where consumers expect businesses to act responsibly. Finally, the book explores future trends in marketing, including the rise of digital marketing, social media, mobile marketing, and data analytics. It provides valuable insights on how to navigate these trends and leverage them for marketing success. In conclusion, "Kellogg on Marketing" offers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of modern marketing principles and practices. With its in-depth coverage of essential marketing topics, it provides valuable insights for both marketing students and professionals. The book successfully bridges the gap between marketing theory and practice, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in marketing.
