Why most freelancers, executives and managers fail to master deadline pressure & performance pressure, while my clients wake up with significantly more positive, energy and start the day motivated! You are tired of lack of time & deadline pressure while trying to relax with meditation? Only to realize resignedly the next day that the hectic pace of everyday life has you again and you lack freedom and flexibility? You would like to be able to cope with your professional everyday life full of energy and also be able to fully engage yourself in private life, but you are facing the problem that your energy level is rapidly decreasing and you are faced with meticulously planned twelve-hour days? My name is Rene Recktenwald and I help freelancers, executives and business managers to control stress, achieve key performance indicators with ease, without getting totally burned out. Your results through my help: ✅Through step-by-step instructions, I help you continuously develop inner peace and balance.... ✅ You come to rest and can switch off in the evening... ✅ No more lack of time, you finally get everything under one hat... ✅More relaxation, it feels stress-free and easy... If you want to find this out, then let's talk. Just book your first session with the Mentoring Club Schedule.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Stressmanagement
  • Mental Training
  • Burnout Prevention
18.June 2023

I had the pleasure of being mentored by Rene, and I can confidently say that his insights have been transformational to both my professional and personal life. Rene's adept ability to pinpoint pain points, especially those related to energy management, was nothing short of remarkable. He provided me with an array of practical tools and innovative ideas. His understanding and knowledge of diverse topics were impressive, and his recommendations were spot-on and applicable. I was particularly appreciative of his offer to follow up on our session, demonstrating his commitment to his mentees' growth and development. To anyone considering a mentor, I highly recommend Rene.

13.November 2022

If anyone is struggling with career transition or self-improvement, Rene is the go-to person. I had a brief session with Rene and he outlined really valuable decision-making points for me.

26.October 2022

It was really helpful to me and got me structured thinking rather than confused cloudy thoughts what i had initially.

8.July 2022

Rene is a fantastic coach. He took time to listen and understand the confusion I was going through, and then asked questions which helped me get clarity on my doubts. I admire his coaching style, of asking the right questions, rather than immediately jumping to answers. The sessions were very helpful to me. I would highly recommend Rene as a coach! Thanks

The Upside of Stress - Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It
Kelly McGonigal

Key Facts or Insights from "The Upside of Stress" Stress is not inherently negative: Contrary to popular belief, stress is not always detrimental. It can actually be beneficial, depending on your perception and response to it. The stress mindset: The way you think about stress determines its effect on you. Viewing stress as helpful rather than harmful can lead to better health, emotional well-being, and productivity. The stress response: The body's stress response is designed to help us survive and thrive in challenging situations. It's not just about the fight-or-flight response, but also about the tend-and-befriend response. Growth through adversity: Stressful experiences can lead to personal growth and resilience. This concept is known as post-traumatic growth. The importance of social connection: In times of stress, connecting with others can be a powerful way to cope and even thrive. Transforming stress: By embracing stress, you can transform it into courage, compassion, and connection instead of anxiety, fear, and isolation. Empowering others: You can help others handle stress better by changing their mindset about it, thereby fostering resilience and well-being in your community. The three types of stress: These are 'Fight-or-flight', 'Challenge', and 'Tend-and-befriend'. Each has different physiological responses and can be beneficial in different situations. Resilience through stress: Facing stress can actually make you stronger and more resilient in the long run. Mindfulness and stress: Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your stress reactions and choose more helpful responses. The role of oxytocin: This hormone, released during stress, can promote social bonding and healing, demonstrating the deep connection between stress and empathy. Detailed Analysis Kelly McGonigal's "The Upside of Stress" offers a revolutionary perspective on stress, which challenges the conventional wisdom that stress is inherently harmful. Instead, the book posits that stress, when understood and managed correctly, can actually be beneficial. The central premise of the book is the concept of a 'stress mindset'. This posits that the way we perceive and respond to stress fundamentally alters its impact on us. If we view stress as harmful, it tends to have negative effects. Conversely, if we view it as a helpful tool for growth, it can lead to improved health, emotional well-being, and productivity. McGonigal explains that the body's stress response isn't just about the 'fight-or-flight' reaction, which is often associated with negative stress. There's also the 'tend-and-befriend' response, which promotes social connection in stressful situations. This response, driven by the release of oxytocin, can lead to feelings of empathy, courage, and caring, demonstrating the potential positive aspects of stress. In addition to this, the book introduces the concept of 'post-traumatic growth', a psychological phenomenon where individuals experience personal growth as a result of adversity and stress. This concept challenges the notion that stressful experiences are inherently damaging, suggesting instead that they can be catalysts for resilience and self-improvement. The book also emphasizes the importance of social connection in coping with stress. Connecting with others in times of stress can be a powerful way to manage and even thrive amidst adversity. This is a crucial insight for fostering resilience and well-being in communities. Furthermore, the book discusses the transformation of stress through embracing it. McGonigal suggests that by accepting stress, we can transform it into courage, compassion, and connection, instead of allowing it to lead to anxiety, fear, and isolation. The book also introduces the concept of 'mindfulness' as a tool to manage stress. By becoming more aware of our stress reactions, we can choose responses that are more beneficial to our well-being. In conclusion, "The Upside of Stress" offers a paradigm-shifting perspective on stress. It challenges the reader to rethink their relationship with stress and provides practical strategies to harness its potential benefits. By changing our mindset about stress, we can not only improve our own health and well-being but also empower others to handle stress more effectively.

The Stress-Proof Brain - Master Your Emotional Response to Stress Using Mindfulness and Neuroplasticity
Melanie Greenberg

Key Facts and Insights from the Book Understanding Stress: Stress is a natural response to threats or challenges, and it affects our bodies, minds, emotions, and behaviors. Mindfulness: Mindfulness is a powerful tool to manage stress. It allows us to be aware of our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without judgment or reaction. Neuroplasticity: Our brains are capable of changing and adapting throughout our lives. This ability, known as neuroplasticity, can be used to combat stress and develop resilience. The Amygdala: The amygdala plays a crucial role in stress response. Understanding its function can help us manage our emotional responses to stress. Cognitive Restructuring: Cognitive restructuring is a technique to identify and challenge unhelpful thought patterns, which can exacerbate stress. Social Connection: Social relationships can provide significant support in managing stress. Cultivating positive relationships is an essential aspect of stress management. Self-Compassion: Self-compassion involves treating ourselves with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness, especially when confronted with stressful situations. Exercise and Nutrition: Regular physical activity and a healthy diet can significantly reduce stress levels and improve our overall wellbeing. Gratitude: Cultivating a sense of gratitude can shift our focus from stressors to positive aspects of our lives, reducing stress in the process. Growth Mindset: Adopting a growth mindset, the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work, is a powerful tool in overcoming stress. Analysis and Summary of the Book "The Stress-Proof Brain" by Melanie Greenberg is a comprehensive guide that combines scientific research with practical strategies to manage and reduce stress. The book is structured around the idea that understanding stress and its impact on our bodies and minds is the first step towards managing it effectively. Greenberg begins by explaining the nature of stress, describing it as a natural response to threats or challenges. This response, while helpful in some situations, can also be harmful when it becomes chronic or overwhelming. She highlights the role of the amygdala, a region of the brain that plays a crucial role in our emotional responses to stress. Understanding the amygdala's function allows us to better manage our reactions to stressful situations. She then introduces the concept of mindfulness, a powerful tool for stress management. Mindfulness, she explains, involves being fully aware of our thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in the present moment without judgment or reaction. This practice allows us to observe our stress responses without becoming overwhelmed by them, effectively creating a buffer between ourselves and our stressors. Greenberg also discusses the concept of neuroplasticity, the ability of our brains to change and adapt over time. She suggests that by engaging in regular mindfulness practice, we can harness this neuroplasticity to reshape our brains in ways that make us more resilient to stress. In addition to mindfulness, Greenberg explores other techniques for managing stress, such as cognitive restructuring. This technique involves identifying and challenging unhelpful thought patterns that exacerbate stress. By changing the way we think about our stressors, we can reduce their impact on our wellbeing. The author also emphasizes the importance of social connections in managing stress. She suggests that cultivating positive relationships can provide a crucial support system, helping us to cope with stress more effectively. Greenberg also advocates for self-compassion, highlighting the importance of treating ourselves with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness, especially in stressful situations. This approach, she argues, can help us to remain calm and centered even in the face of significant stressors. Finally, the author discusses the role of exercise, nutrition, and gratitude in stress management. Regular physical activity and a healthy diet can reduce stress levels, while cultivating a sense of gratitude can help shift our focus from stressors to the positive aspects of our lives. Greenberg concludes the book with a discussion on the growth mindset, a concept coined by psychologist Carol Dweck. This mindset, Greenberg suggests, can be a powerful tool in combating stress. By viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than threats, we can reduce the stress they cause and increase our resilience. Overall, "The Stress-Proof Brain" provides a comprehensive and practical guide to understanding and managing stress. It combines scientific research with practical strategies, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to reduce their stress levels and improve their overall wellbeing.

Stressbewältigung - Trainingsmanual zur psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung
Gert Kaluza

Key Facts and Insights from "Stressbewältigung - Trainingsmanual zur psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung" Stress Conceptualization: The book presents a comprehensive understanding of stress, its causes, and its impact on psychological well-being. Stress Management Techniques: Kaluza's book outlines various techniques for dealing with stress, including relaxation techniques, cognitive restructuring, and problem-solving strategies. Role of Physical Activity: The book underscores the importance of physical activity in stress management and overall psychological health. Importance of Healthy Nutrition: A balanced diet, according to Kaluza, plays a crucial role in managing stress and promoting psychological well-being. Psychological Health Promotion: The book emphasizes the importance of psychological health promotion and how it can be achieved through proper stress management. Self-Regulation: Kaluza introduces the concept of self-regulation, explaining how it functions in the process of stress management. Applied Learning: The book provides practical exercises, questionnaires, and worksheets to facilitate the application of the learned stress management techniques. Interpersonal Relationships: The book explores the role of social support and good interpersonal relationships in mitigating the effects of stress. Importance of Sleep: Kaluza discusses the often-overlooked role of sleep in managing stress and promoting mental health. Mindfulness: The concept of mindfulness is introduced as a powerful tool in stress management and in maintaining a state of psychological well-being. Resilience: The book concludes with a discussion on resilience, or the ability to bounce back from stressful situations, and how to cultivate it. In-depth Analysis and Discussion The book "Stressbewältigung - Trainingsmanual zur psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung" by Gert Kaluza provides a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to understanding and managing stress for better psychological health. Kaluza begins by conceptualizing stress, outlining its causes, and detailing its impact on our psychological well-being. He goes beyond the traditional understanding of stress as a mere response to external stimuli and delves into the complex interplay of internal and external factors that contribute to stress. This understanding is crucial as it lays the foundation for the subsequent discussion on stress management techniques. Following this, Kaluza introduces a range of stress management techniques. These include relaxation techniques, cognitive restructuring, and problem-solving strategies. The inclusion of practical exercises, questionnaires, and worksheets facilitates the application of these techniques in real-life situations, thereby enhancing their effectiveness. A unique aspect of Kaluza's approach to stress management is his emphasis on the role of physical activity and nutrition. He underscores the importance of regular physical activity and a balanced diet in managing stress and promoting psychological well-being. This holistic approach to stress management aligns well with modern understandings of health and wellness, which view physical and mental health as interconnected. Kaluza also expands on the concept of self-regulation. He explains how self-regulation functions in the process of stress management, equipping readers with the knowledge to effectively manage their stress levels. Another significant aspect of the book is its exploration of the role of social support and good interpersonal relationships in mitigating the effects of stress. Kaluza's emphasis on the social dimension of stress management reflects the growing recognition in psychology of the importance of social connections for mental health. The importance of sleep in managing stress and promoting mental health is also discussed in the book. This is particularly significant given the high prevalence of sleep issues in our increasingly busy and digitally-connected society. Kaluza also introduces the concept of mindfulness as a powerful tool in stress management. This aligns with the growing body of research demonstrating the benefits of mindfulness for mental health. Finally, the book concludes with a discussion on resilience. Kaluza explains how to cultivate resilience, or the ability to bounce back from stressful situations, thereby equipping readers with another important tool for managing stress and promoting psychological health. In conclusion, "Stressbewältigung - Trainingsmanual zur psychologischen Gesundheitsförderung" provides a comprehensive, evidence-based guide to managing stress and promoting psychological health. Its emphasis on holistic health, social connections, self-regulation, and resilience sets it apart from other stress management resources, making it a valuable tool for anyone seeking to better manage stress and improve their psychological well-being.

Positive Psychologie im Coaching - Positive Coaching für Coaches, Berater und Therapeuten
Judith Mangelsdorf

Key Facts and Insights from the Book Positive psychology is not just about being positive; it's about adopting a balanced, realistic approach to life. Positive psychology in coaching focuses on promoting strengths rather than fixing weaknesses. Techniques from positive psychology can be implemented into coaching sessions to enhance client's well-being and performance. The book provides various practical tools and techniques that coaches can use. The book emphasizes the significance of the relationship between coach and client. The role of positive emotions in coaching and the ways to foster them are discussed. Positive psychology interventions are beneficial not only for clients but also for coaches and therapists themselves. It provides insights into the science behind positive psychology and how it can be applied to real-life situations. It highlights the importance of resilience and how it can be cultivated through coaching. The book discusses the concept of flow and how achieving it can boost productivity and satisfaction. An In-Depth Analysis of the Book Positive Psychologie im Coaching by Judith Mangelsdorf is a comprehensive guide for coaches, therapists, and consultants that provides a detailed exploration of the application of positive psychology principles in coaching practices. In the book, Mangelsdorf emphasizes that positive psychology is not just about promoting a positive outlook on life. Rather, it entails a balanced and realistic approach that focuses on harnessing strengths, fostering resilience, and cultivating positive emotions. This approach is particularly significant in the context of coaching, where the goal is to enhance the client's well-being and performance. The book is rich in practical tools and techniques drawn from positive psychology. These tools are designed to help coaches facilitate their clients' journey towards self-discovery and personal growth. Importantly, the book emphasizes the value of the relationship between the coach and the client. It underscores the notion that the efficacy of coaching heavily relies on the quality of this relationship. One of the key themes in the book is the role of positive emotions in coaching. Drawing from research in positive psychology, Mangelsdorf explains how positive emotions can broaden an individual's thought-action repertoire, thereby enhancing their ability to come up with innovative solutions and take decisive actions. The book provides practical suggestions on how coaches can foster these positive emotions in their clients. Moreover, the book attests to the benefits of positive psychology interventions not only for clients but also for coaches and therapists themselves. It highlights how these interventions can help enhance the practitioner's own well-being and effectiveness. A crucial concept discussed in the book is resilience. Mangelsdorf explores how resilience, or the ability to bounce back from adversities, can be cultivated through coaching. The book provides evidence-based strategies that coaches can use to help their clients develop resilience. Finally, the book delves into the concept of flow, a state of optimal experience characterized by intense focus and enjoyment in the task at hand. Mangelsdorf discusses how achieving flow can boost productivity and satisfaction, and provides practical tips on how coaches can help their clients experience flow. In conclusion, Positive Psychologie im Coaching is a valuable resource that provides in-depth insights into the application of positive psychology in coaching. It offers practical strategies that coaches can implement in their practice, thereby enabling them to facilitate their clients' journey towards enhanced well-being and performance.
