Recognised as one of the 25 leaders transforming manufacturing, My passion for public speaking and openly sharing experiences, has led me to take an active role on this mentoring platform Profile: With a drive for human centric Digital Transformation, Sachin currently leads the software and digital solutions portfolio for Rockwell's Software & Control business unit. As a technology futurist and evangelist, Sachin thrives on and specializes in navigating organizational transformational programs, identifying and enabling end-customer business outcomes via new technologies and partner ecosystems. Leveraging his business acumen and diverse industry background ranging from mining, transportation and manufacturing, Sachin brings over 15years of experience leading global projects and programs across Australia, US and Europe. With a wide array of experience in leading cross functional business objectives and spearheading meaningful progress in complex and matrixed organisations, Sachin is one of the true digital transformation leaders in the industry, driving this opportunity. He is a true believer in pushing “out of the box” execution strategies and driving digital (and self) transformation by joining hands with domain experts in a partner ecosystem.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Leadership,
  • Digital Transformation,
  • Customer & UX,
  • Team Building,
  • Humanizing technology developments
4.January 2023

Sachin was extremely helpful and generous with his experience and knowledge. Knowing how busy he usually is, I find his approach to mentoring others refreshing and inspiring.

18.January 2021

1. Improve mindset. 2. Transferrable skills. 3. Cv and cover letter importance.

16.December 2020

Different types of partnerships, Define a partner strategy, How to do partner outreach

Hit Refresh - The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone
Satya Nadella, Greg Shaw, Jill Tracie Nichols

Key Facts and Insights Leadership transformation: This is a key factor in any organization's success. Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, emphasizes on the importance of a leadership that is empathetic, collaborative and fosters a learning environment. Cultural transformation: This is another major theme in the book. Nadella emphasizes on the need to transform Microsoft’s work culture from a "know-it-all" to a "learn-it-all" culture. Importance of empathy: Nadella believes that empathy is not just a desirable quality in a leader but it's a business imperative. Empathy allows one to understand customers better and build products that truly meet their needs. Redefining mission and purpose: Nadella’s vision is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. This mission statement emphasizes on the role of technology in amplifying human capabilities. Role of technology: The book discusses at length the role of technology in our lives, particularly, the role of Artificial Intelligence, Mixed Reality and Quantum Computing. Importance of partnerships: Nadella stresses on the importance of partnerships and collaborations. Microsoft's collaboration with competitors like Apple and Salesforce are examples of this. Creating a better future: Nadella discusses the need for companies, especially in the technology sector, to ensure that the benefits of technology are accessible to all and not just a select few. Microsoft's transformation: The book outlines the journey of Microsoft under Nadella's leadership - from a company that was losing its relevance to a company that is at the forefront of technological innovation. Embracing diversity: Nadella stresses on the need to embrace diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Continuous learning: The book emphasizes on the need for continuous learning and growth, both at the individual and organizational level. An In-Depth Analysis "Hit Refresh" is not just a story about the transformation of Microsoft under the leadership of Satya Nadella, it is a roadmap for navigating the technological changes reshaping our society. The book offers valuable insights into the mind of a leader who took a technology giant on the verge of obsolescence and returned it to industry leadership. Leadership transformation is a central theme. Nadella's belief in empathetic leadership that fosters a learning environment is refreshing in a corporate world often dominated by aggressive, know-it-all styles. I have observed in my years of experience that this kind of leadership fosters innovation, creativity and a sense of belonging among employees. Cultural transformation is another critical theme. Nadella has worked to transform Microsoft’s culture from a "know-it-all" to a "learn-it-all" culture. This kind of culture encourages curiosity, innovation, and continuous learning, which are critical for an organization's growth and success. In my years of teaching and consulting, I have seen companies flounder because they were stuck in their ways and unwilling to learn and adapt. Nadella emphasizes on the importance of empathy in leadership. This resonates deeply with me as someone who has long championed the power of empathy in business. Empathy allows us to understand the needs and experiences of others, and this understanding can drive the creation of products and services that truly meet the needs of customers. The redefinition of mission and purpose under Nadella’s vision to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more, is a powerful reminder of the role of technology in amplifying human capabilities. Technology should not be seen as a replacement for humans, but as a tool that can enhance our abilities and potential. The book discusses the future of technology, particularly the role of Artificial Intelligence, Mixed Reality and Quantum Computing. These are areas that I have been researching and teaching about for years, and it's interesting to see how Nadella envisions their application in our day-to-day lives. Nadella stresses on the importance of partnerships, even with competitors. This strategy of co-opetition is becoming increasingly important in today's interconnected world. By collaborating with competitors, companies can leverage each other's strengths and create value that benefits all parties. The book also talks about the need for companies to ensure that the benefits of technology are accessible to all and not just a select few. This call for a better and more inclusive future resonates with my belief in technology as a tool for social good. The transformation of Microsoft under Nadella's leadership is a testament to the power of his vision and his leadership approach. It's a powerful case study of how a company can reinvent itself, stay relevant and lead in an era of rapid technological change. The book also emphasizes the need to embrace diversity in the workplace. This is a topic I have spent considerable time researching and teaching about. Diverse teams bring diverse perspectives, leading to richer problem-solving and innovation. Finally, the book underscores the importance of continuous learning and growth. This is a belief I have always held - in a rapidly changing world, the ability to learn and adapt is the greatest competitive advantage individuals and organizations can have. In conclusion, "Hit Refresh" offers valuable insights for anyone interested in leadership, organizational culture, the future of technology, and the role of businesses in society. It's a thought-provoking reflection on the journey of one of the world's most influential technology companies and its vision for the future.
