Dear future mentee, My name is Snezana and I am a leadership and accountability coach. My goal is to help you gain clarity, set goals and create a plan to achieve them. I walk alongside, making sure you stay motivated and on the right path to reach your goals. Before founding Snowation with the focus on coaching and management training and consulting, I worked as a project manager for about 10 years and spent 8 of those in the mobile gaming space (first as a manager and then as a Chief Marketing Officer). I led teams of marketing specialists, graphic designers, data analysis and optimization specialists. I am very passionate about personal and professional growth, which is why I believe that investing in people is the best way to make progress. Seeing someone learn, develop and grow just makes my day. As I am on a journey of constant learning and growth, it would be my pleasure to share my knowledge and also learn from you along the way. So I am looking forward to our chat.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Management
  • Team leadership
  • Marketing in gaming
  • Project planning
  • Career development
  • Personal growth
  • Professional growth
18.January 2023

Snezana is awesome! She helped me understand my challenges better, changed the way I think about them, and gave me some clear action steps. She's an amazing coach, also super friendly and easy to talk to! Can't recommend her enough and looking forward to chatting with her again! Huge thaaanks, Snezana!

23.November 2022

Snezana is an amazing person and mentor! We had a great conversation, she offered a fresh perspective on personal and professional development. Thank you for your time, Snezana!

15.September 2022

Snezana was just amazing! We had a very good time together and she is a very attentive and thoughtful listener. I really enjoyed her feedback, input and her gift to go through all the knots in my brain and untie them!

4.July 2022

I had an absolutely brilliant session with Snezana! She asked the perfect questions to make me realise things and was very encouraging but real at the same time. I left our call with a lot of food for thought and lots of new ideas and for that I am very grateful. I can't wait to meet with her again.

26.January 2022

It is helpful, through careful listening you asked few questions that are directing my attention to next steps that are obvious but I still put them aside. I appreciate your ability to sharply asess what might be blocking someone of going forward and to see what's next, at least in my case. I'll think about that more carefully.

26.January 2022

The session with Snezana was one of the most helpful and clarifying sessions I had so far! Everything she mentioned and the tips she gave me really resonated with my current situation and my current goals. Again, thanks so much for your time!

2.December 2021

Snezana is a brilliant woman! She is really open-minded and it's easy to see her readiness and willingness to share knowledge and experience. We talked about my career path and this conversation gave me a better perspective for setting my goals and following them. This conversation made me feel relaxed and I felt a kind of a relief because I was really stressed questioning myself if I am doing the right things right now within my career.

1.December 2021

Yes, Indeed. Snezana shared her experience with me about Game Development, English Linguistics, and how to manage web development. Very wonderful discussion around Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse and so on.

24.November 2021

An excellent communicator, straight to the point. You can discuss related questions also. Snezana listens very carefully, initially we discussed some marketing questions, gave me some gaming industry insights. You can bet that Snezana talks based on experience. She will give her best to answer your marketing and game industry related questions. I think that Snezana likes to learn and to share her knowledge. It's my pleasure to recommend her, so I'm booking another session now.

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Deep Work - Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
Cal Newport

Key Facts and Insights from "Deep Work - Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World" Deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's a skill that allows you to quickly master complicated information and produce better results in less time. Newport posits that deep work is becoming increasingly rare in our economy at the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable. Those who cultivate this skill will thrive. The book distinguishes between deep work (activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push cognitive capabilities to their limit) and shallow work (non-cognitively demanding logistical-style tasks often performed while distracted). Newport proposes four philosophies of deep work scheduling: monastic, bimodal, rhythmic, and journalistic. Embracing boredom and scheduled internet use are key to cultivating a deep work habit. The book discusses the concept of 'attention residue', where switching attention from one task to another reduces cognitive performance. Newport provides practical recommendations for changing work habits to incorporate deep work, such as scheduling every minute of the day and quantifying the depth of every activity. The book also emphasizes the importance of downtime. Idleness can be constructive in providing the brain the necessary rest to enhance deep work. Having a clear shutdown ritual at the end of the workday can aid in achieving work-life balance and ensure readiness for deep work the next day. Deep work is a skill that can be trained. The more one practices, the more one can perform. In-depth Summary and Analysis In "Deep Work - Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World", Cal Newport delves into the concept of deep work, distinguishing it from shallow work. Deep work is defined as activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push cognitive capabilities to their limit. These efforts create new value, improve skills, and are difficult to replicate. On the other hand, shallow work is non-cognitively demanding logistical-style tasks often performed while distracted. Newport's argument stems from the premise that deep work is becoming increasingly rare and increasingly valuable in today's economy. As a society, we're leaning more towards tasks that require less focus and are easily replicable, thus reducing our ability to perform deep work. However, the irony lies in the fact that amidst this trend, deep work is becoming more critical for success in most professional fields. The book categorizes approaches to deep work scheduling into four philosophies. The monastic philosophy involves a total removal from shallow obligations, focusing entirely on deep work. The bimodal philosophy allows for deep work in some clearly defined stretches, while the rest of the time is open for everything else. The rhythmic philosophy advocates for establishing a routine where one enters a state of deep work at set times. Lastly, the journalistic philosophy fits in deep work whenever time allows. A crucial concept discussed in the book is 'attention residue'. According to Newport, when we switch our attention from one task to another, the attention does not immediately follow. A residue of the attention remains stuck on the original task. This situation hampers our cognitive performance. Therefore, the continuous switching between tasks, common in our digitally distracted world, reduces our capacity for deep work. Newport also highlights the importance of embracing boredom. In the quest to remain productive, we often seek distractions during any potential downtime, usually resorting to our phones or the internet. However, this constant stimulation trains our mind to never tolerate boredom, thereby reducing our ability to focus when necessary. Therefore, Newport suggests scheduled internet use to control the addiction to distraction. Moreover, Newport emphasizes the importance of downtime. Contrary to the common belief that constant work leads to higher productivity, this book advocates for planned rest. Rest not only helps recharge the brain but also aids in subconscious thinking, which often leads to creative insights. Finally, Newport encourages readers to ritualize the end of the workday with a clear shutdown process. This practice helps to signal the brain that work has ended, allowing it to relax and recharge for the next day. It also helps create a clear boundary between work and personal life, promoting a healthier work-life balance. In conclusion, "Deep Work - Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World" is a compelling argument for the value of deep, focused work. It not only diagnoses the problem of our increasingly distracted world but also provides practical and actionable solutions to reclaim our ability to focus. By embracing the principles of deep work, we can enhance our productivity, creativity, and overall quality of work.

Essentialism - The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
Greg McKeown

The concept of Essentialism revolves around focusing on what truly matters, and eliminating all distractions and unnecessary commitments. Essentialism is not about getting more done in less time, but about getting the right things done. The Essentialist mindset dictates that 'less is more'. It's about making the wisest possible investment of your time and energy. Essentialism is not a time management strategy or a productivity technique. It is a systematic discipline for discerning what is absolutely essential and eliminating everything else. The Essentialist uses a more selective criteria for what is essential. The way of the Essentialist is the path to being in control of our own choices. Essentialism is about making the tough trade-off between lots of good things and a few great things. It's about exploring multiple possibilities to make sure you're on the right track. Essentialism requires us to replace 'I have to' with 'I choose to'. Essentialism is a mindset; a way of life. It is about living by design, not by default. In the world of Essentialism, there are no quick fixes or easy answers. The journey to becoming an Essentialist involves hard work, discipline, and tough choices. Essentialism is about creating a life that really matters by investing in the right activities. The Concept of Essentialism In his book, Greg McKeown presents the concept of Essentialism - the disciplined pursuit of less but better. He argues that in today’s fast-paced and complex world, being busy is not necessarily being productive. Instead, productivity and fulfilment are gained by focusing on fewer tasks that are truly essential and eliminating the rest. The key to Essentialism, according to McKeown, is not in managing our time better, but in simplifying our lives, operating from a clear sense of purpose, and rejecting everything that doesn’t align with it. McKeown's philosophy echoes the teachings of prominent thinkers like Thoreau who advocated for leading a life of simplicity and focus. Less is More The underlying principle of Essentialism is that less is more. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information and demands, the Essentialist seeks to cut out the noise and focus only on what really matters. This is not about being efficient or squeezing more into our day. Instead, it's about making a deliberate choice to focus on what's truly important, and letting go of everything else. The Essentialist Mindset The Essentialist mindset is not a one-time decision, but a continuous process of deliberate and conscious choices. An Essentialist is not driven by external pressures or a desire to please others, but by a deep conviction of what is truly important. The Essentialist doesn't react to every distraction, but creates space for critical thinking and reflection. Trade-offs and Choices Essentialism involves making tough trade-offs between many good opportunities and a few truly great ones. It's about not just reacting to life's demands, but proactively shaping our lives. The Essentialist doesn’t just recognize the reality of trade-offs; he or she embraces them as necessary and even desirable. Living by Design, Not by Default Being an Essentialist is about living by design, not by default. It's about making the conscious decision to invest your time and energy in the things that truly matter. It's about rejecting the myth of 'having it all' and recognizing that we can't do everything. Instead, we need to focus on where we can make the biggest difference. The Journey to Essentialism The journey to becoming an Essentialist is not an easy one. It requires hard work, discipline, and tough choices. It's about learning to say 'no' to the non-essentials so we can say 'yes' to what truly matters. It's about recognizing that we have a choice in where we invest our precious time and energy. Overall, Essentialism offers a refreshing perspective on life and productivity. By focusing on less, we can achieve more – not by cramming more tasks into our day, but by investing in the right activities. It's about living a life that is meaningful and fulfilling, not one that is simply busy and stressful.

The One Minute Manager
Kenneth H. Blanchard, Spencer Johnson

Key Facts and Insights from 'The One Minute Manager' The Power of One Minute Goals: The importance of setting clear, specific goals that can be reviewed in one minute. One Minute Praisings: The significant impact of immediate, specific feedback and praise on performance and motivation. One Minute Reprimands: The effectiveness of immediate, specific negative feedback, followed by reassurance of personal worth. Management Efficiency: The power of spending only a few minutes each day on managing each employee to increase productivity and employee satisfaction. People as the Most Valuable Resource: The book emphasizes that the most valuable resources in an organization are its people. Empowerment through Autonomy: The book discusses the importance of empowering employees to make decisions and solve problems autonomously. Focus on Results: The One Minute Manager is all about results, not about the process. Management Simplicity: The book promotes a simple, straightforward approach to management that is easy to understand and implement. Balance between Professional and Personal Life: The book emphasizes on maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Building High-Performing Teams: The book discusses the importance of building high-performance teams through effective management. Creating a Positive Work Environment: The book promotes creating a positive work environment that fosters productivity and satisfaction. In-depth Summary and Analysis "The One Minute Manager" by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson is a compact, easy-to-read guide to effective, efficient management. With its short, story-like narrative, it breaks down three core management techniques: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Reprimands. The first concept, One Minute Goals, emphasizes the importance of clarity in goal setting. It suggests managers and employees should agree on specific goals and write them down with a maximum of 250 words. This brief description should be clear enough to be reviewed in just one minute. This concept aligns with Peter Drucker's Management by Objectives (MBO) theory, which promotes setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. The second concept is One Minute Praisings, which underscores the significance of immediate, specific feedback. By catching people doing something right and praising them instantly, the book suggests managers can positively reinforce desired behaviors. This concept is backed by B.F. Skinner's theory of operant conditioning, which states that behavior followed by positive consequences is likely to be repeated. The third concept, One Minute Reprimands, is about correcting wrong behavior immediately. The book suggests managers should express their disapproval of the behavior, not the person, then remind them of their worth and the better performance expected from them. This method is in line with the principles of transformational leadership, focusing on promoting positive change in individuals. The book's focus on people as the most valuable resource in an organization aligns with the human relations theory of management, which emphasizes the importance of employees as active members of the organization. Furthermore, the emphasis on management efficiency, simplicity, and focus on results resonates with lean management concepts. The concepts of empowerment through autonomy, creating a positive work environment, maintaining a balance between professional and personal life, and building high-performing teams are in line with the modern approaches to management that focus on employee well-being and engagement. They reflect the principles of transformational leadership, servant leadership, and emotional intelligence. In conclusion, "The One Minute Manager" offers simple, effective, and time-efficient techniques for managing people. Its principles, while simple, are backed by various management theories and approaches. The book promotes a human-centered, results-oriented approach to management that can improve productivity, engagement, and satisfaction in the workplace.

Who Moved My Cheese
Spencer Johnson

Key Insights from "Who Moved My Cheese?" Change is inevitable: Life and work environments are in a constant state of fluctuation. Embracing change is vital for survival and progress. Adaptability: Being adaptable and open to new experiences is a significant factor in dealing with change effectively. Overcoming fear: Fear often holds us back from embracing change. However, pushing past fear can often lead to rewarding outcomes. Anticipate change: Always expect change to happen. This approach helps to reduce the shock and resistance when it actually occurs. Monitor change: Keep an eye on the small changes that are constantly happening. They are often an indication of a larger change that is about to occur. Enjoy change: Be positive and enjoy change rather than resisting it. This can turn a potentially stressful situation into an exciting opportunity. Be ready to quickly change again and again: Change is constant, so being ready to adapt over and over again is key to surviving and thriving. Imagining success: Visualizing success can help to overcome fear and resistance to change. Learning from past experiences: Reflecting on past experiences can provide valuable lessons for dealing with future changes. Accepting that change is part of life: Rather than resisting change, accepting it as a part of life can make the entire process much easier to navigate. In-Depth Analysis and Summary "Who Moved My Cheese?" is a compelling tale that imparts profound lessons about change, adaptability, and success. The book uses a parable involving four characters: two mice named Sniff and Scurry, and two little people named Hem and Haw. These characters live in a maze where their goal is to find cheese, which represents our desires, whether they are a good job, wealth, health, or peace of mind. The inevitable nature of change is a central theme in the book. The characters wake up one day to find that their cheese has been moved. This situation symbolizes the changes that occur in our lives and how we react to them. Hem and Haw struggle with the change, while Sniff and Scurry immediately start looking for new cheese. This contrast between the characters' reactions emphasizes the importance of adaptability and the dangers of resistance to change. Overcoming fear is another critical lesson from the story. Hem and Haw's fear of the unknown holds them back from seeking new cheese. However, Haw eventually overcomes his fear and ventures out into the maze, a decision that ultimately leads to success. This narrative underlines the idea that pushing past fear, despite its discomfort, can lead to rewarding outcomes. Anticipating and monitoring change are also essential strategies presented in the book. Sniff and Scurry's success in finding new cheese is attributed to their ability to anticipate change and their constant vigilance. They understand that change is a part of life and are always ready to adapt. This contrast with Hem and Haw, who are taken by surprise, supports the notion that expecting change and being observant can facilitate smoother transitions. Enjoying change and being ready to change again and again are other significant insights from the book. Haw eventually learns to enjoy the process of seeking new cheese, which turns a potentially stressful situation into an exciting opportunity. He also realizes that change is a constant process, and he must be ready to adapt repeatedly. Imagining success and learning from past experiences are strategies that Haw uses to overcome his fear and resistance to change. He visualizes himself enjoying new cheese, which motivates him to continue his search. Reflecting on his past experiences also helps him to understand the importance of moving on from old cheese. In conclusion, "Who Moved My Cheese?" offers valuable lessons about dealing with change in our personal and professional lives. By embracing change, overcoming fear, anticipating and monitoring change, enjoying the process, and being ready to adapt continually, we can navigate life's maze more effectively. These insights align well with various concepts in psychology and organizational behavior, emphasizing the importance of adaptability, resilience, positive thinking, and continuous learning in achieving success.

It Takes What It Takes - How to Think Neutrally and Gain Control of Your Life
Trevor Moawad, Andy Staples

Key Insights from "It Takes What It Takes - How to Think Neutrally and Gain Control of Your Life" Neutral Thinking: The core concept of the book is neutral thinking, which is the idea of removing emotional bias from decision-making and embracing a logical, fact-based approach. The Power of Language: The language we use in our internal and external dialogues can significantly impact our perception and performance. Behavior over Belief: Moawad emphasizes that actions speak louder than thoughts or beliefs. Our behavior, not our thoughts, ultimately shapes our lives. Importance of Non-Negativity: The author suggests avoiding negativity is more important than forcing positivity. This approach is more realistic and manageable. Role of the Environment: The influence of our environment, including our social circle, is a major factor in our success or failure. Controlling the Controllable: Focusing on the factors within our control and letting go of the uncontrollable can lead to significant improvements in life. Effectiveness of Visualization: Visualization, when used correctly, can be a powerful tool to prepare for future situations and improve performance. Persistence and Consistency: Consistent efforts, no matter how small, can lead to significant results over time. Importance of Accountability: Being accountable for our actions helps us to stay on track and fosters a sense of responsibility. Power of Choice: Every moment presents a choice, and understanding this empowers us to shape our lives consciously. Practical Application: The book provides numerous real-life examples and practical exercises that help to apply these concepts in daily life. In-depth Analysis and Summary of "It Takes What It Takes - How to Think Neutrally and Gain Control of Your Life" The central theme of Trevor Moawad's book is Neutral Thinking. This idea, at its core, is about removing emotional bias from decision-making processes. It encourages us to be pragmatic, objective, and centered on facts rather than sentiments. This concept aligns with the psychological theory of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), where our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected, and by managing our thoughts, we can influence our behaviors and emotions. The second key insight from the book revolves around the Power of Language. Moawad emphasizes how our internal and external dialogues significantly influence our perceptions and performances. This approach is reminiscent of the "linguistic relativity" hypothesis, which suggests that our language influences our thought processes and perceptions of the world. A decisive point the author makes is about Behavior over Belief. This principle echoes the behavioral theory in psychology that believes that all behaviors are learned through interactions with the environment. Moawad suggests that our actions, more than our thoughts or beliefs, shape our lives. It's a practical approach, putting emphasis on 'doing' rather than 'thinking'. Non-Negativity, another critical concept put forward in the book, is a refreshing take on the popular 'positive thinking' approach. The author suggests that avoiding negativity is more important than forcing positivity. This aligns with the concept of defensive pessimism in psychology, where anticipating negative outcomes can lead to better preparation and performance. Next, the author discusses the role of our Environment in shaping our success or failure. This is in line with the sociocultural theory in psychology, which argues that our understanding and behaviors are shaped by our social and cultural contexts. Controlling the Controllable is another major concept in the book. Here, Moawad encourages readers to focus on elements within their control and let go of the uncontrollable. This idea is reminiscent of stoic philosophy, which promotes focusing on things within our control and accepting those beyond it. The book also explores the effectiveness of Visualization as a powerful tool in preparing for future situations and improving performance. This concept is well-established within sports psychology, where athletes use mental imagery to enhance their performances. Moreover, the author highlights the importance of Persistence and Consistency, stating that consistent efforts, even small ones, can lead to significant results over time. This aligns with the principle of marginal gains, which suggests that small incremental improvements can lead to a substantial overall improvement over time. Accountability, as Moawad insists, is another crucial factor in gaining control over our lives. Being accountable for our actions helps us to stay on track and fosters a sense of responsibility. This is supported by self-determination theory, which argues that taking ownership of our actions is a key factor in achieving our goals. The book concludes with the powerful reminder of the Power of Choice. Each moment presents a choice, and understanding this empowers us to shape our lives consciously. This is in line with existential psychology, which emphasizes individual freedom and responsibility. The strength of "It Takes What It Takes" lies in its practical application. The book is filled with real-life examples and practical exercises that help apply these concepts to daily life. This approach makes the book not just a theoretical read, but a practical guide to life transformation. In conclusion, "It Takes What It Takes" offers a pragmatic and applicable approach to gaining control over our lives. The concepts within the book are grounded in various psychological theories and philosophies, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand and improve their thought processes and behaviors. Its emphasis on neutral thinking, the power of language, behavior over belief, non-negativity, and the role of the environment, among others, provide a comprehensive guide to personal development.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Team Assessment
Patrick M. Lencioni

Key Facts or Insights from "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Team Assessment" Absence of Trust: This is the foundation of all dysfunctions where team members are reluctant to be vulnerable and honest with each other. Fear of Conflict: Teams that lack trust are incapable of engaging in unfiltered, passionate debate about key issues, causing situations where team conflict can easily turn into personal attacks. Lack of Commitment: Without having aired their opinions in the course of open debate, team members rarely buy in and commit to decisions, though they may feign agreement during meetings. Avoidance of Accountability: Without commitment, team members develop an avoidance of accountability, ducking the responsibility to call out peers on performance or behaviors that might hurt the team. Inattention to Results: Teams that fail to hold one another accountable for their performance standards and behaviors are likely to put their individual needs (such as ego, career development, or recognition) or even the needs of their divisions above the collective goals of the team. Team Assessment: The book provides a powerful model and actionable steps that can be used to overcome these common hurdles and build a cohesive, effective team. Teamwork: The final message of the book is that teamwork remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare. Leadership: The role of a leader is critical in creating an environment where a team can become high performing. Trust Building: Trust is a foundational component for building a high performing team. It requires vulnerability, openness, and honesty among team members. Healthy Conflict: Conflict, when handled appropriately, can lead to better ideas, solutions, and team growth. Commitment and Accountability: These are key elements for a team to reach its goals and objectives effectively. An In-depth Analysis of "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Team Assessment" In "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: Team Assessment", Patrick M. Lencioni provides a powerful model for identifying, understanding, and rectifying dysfunctions within a team. The book is grounded in the premise that teamwork remains the ultimate competitive advantage because it is both powerful and rare. As such, it provides practical guidance for overcoming the five dysfunctions that often plague teams in the workplace. The first dysfunction, the absence of trust, is identified as the core issue that must be addressed to foster a healthy team environment. Lencioni argues that trust is built through vulnerability, honesty, and willingness to admit mistakes. This resonates with Tuckman's stages of group development which suggest that trust-building is a necessary first step in forming a productive team. The second dysfunction, the fear of conflict, is tied closely to the absence of trust. Lencioni asserts that teams lacking trust are incapable of engaging in healthy, unfiltered debate about key issues. This aligns with the concept of 'constructive conflict' in organizational behavior, where conflict is seen not as a destructive force, but as an opportunity for creativity and improvement. The third dysfunction, the lack of commitment, stems from the absence of open debate. Members who have not had the opportunity to air their opinions are unlikely to fully commit to decisions, even if they appear to agree during meetings. Here, Lencioni's insight complements the consensus decision-making model, which posits that commitment is achieved when all members feel they have been heard and their concerns addressed. The fourth dysfunction, the avoidance of accountability, arises when there is a lack of commitment. Without commitment, team members often avoid holding each other accountable for fear of conflict. This echoes the concept of 'diffusion of responsibility' in social psychology, where individuals in a group are less likely to take responsibility for actions or outcomes. Finally, the fifth dysfunction, the inattention to results, is the outcome of the previous dysfunctions. When individual needs and divisional goals are prioritized over collective team goals, the team's performance suffers. Lencioni’s model offers a comprehensive framework for diagnosing team problems, and his book provides actionable steps for overcoming these dysfunctions. It's a valuable resource for anyone involved in team leadership or management, offering insights that can help create a more cohesive, effective team. Ultimately, Lencioni’s work underscores the critical role of leadership in fostering an environment where trust, healthy conflict, commitment, accountability, and attention to results are valued and promoted.
