Hi, I’m Vivien—a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with over 6 years of professional experience in audit, financial, and general accounting across various industries. I started my career as an external auditor in one of the Big 4 firms where I gained a strong foundation in compliance and financial accuracy. I then moved into accounting and managed over 25 legal entities across five continents, gaining valuable experience in international accounting and reporting. Originally from the Philippines, I earned my MBA and set out to expand both my professional and personal horizons. My first international experience was in Switzerland where I helped improve the accounting system of a start-up consulting business. Following that, I volunteered in Turkey where I taught English to kindergarten students in support of SDG #4 (Quality Education). Now, I’m based in Germany, pursuing another master’s degree and continuing my career in a multinational setting. Travel has always been a passion of mine. Having visited over 20 countries and lived in 3, I’ve developed a deep understanding of how to adapt to diverse environments, embrace new perspectives, and grow both personally and professionally. My mission is to help others leverage their unique experiences and strengths to achieve their goals and thrive in both their careers and personal lives.
My Mentoring Topics
- Career development and transitioning into new roles
- CV/Resume writing tips and job application strategy
- Navigating international study and work opportunities
- Building resilience and adapting to new environments
- Budget-friendly travel planning and maximizing experiences
- Time management and work-life balance
- Leadership skills and team management
- Goal-setting and achieving personal milestones
- Financial literacy and planning
1.February 2025I had a great session with Vivien Briñosa! It was both insightful and engaging. I definitely walked away having learned something new. Vivien truly knows her subject inside out, and I appreciated how patient she was with all my questions. She not only answered them but also helped me work through some challenges along the way. There's still so much more to explore, and I’m already looking forward to booking another session with her!
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The Secret
Rhonda Byrne
"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne is a self-help book that centers on the Law of Attraction. It suggests that thoughts can change a person's life directly and has sold millions of copies worldwide. The book has also been translated into 50 languages. Here are the key facts or insights from the book: 1. The Law of Attraction: Everything we want or desire can be achieved by believing in an outcome, incessantly thinking about it, and maintaining positive emotional states to "attract" it. 2. The Power of Positive Thinking: Positive thinking can yield positive outcomes, while negative thinking can lead to undesirable results. 3. Thoughts Become Things: Our thoughts have the power to manifest into reality. 4. The Importance of Gratitude: Gratitude can increase life's goodness. Expressing gratitude often makes people receptive to the abundance around them. 5. The Power of Visualization: Visualizing goals can help to achieve them. 6. The Universe is Abundant: The universe is full of everything we need or desire, and it is possible to attract anything from this abundance. 7. The Role of Feelings: Feelings are a powerful indicator of what we are thinking and attracting. 8. Ask, Believe, Receive: These are the three steps in the process of manifestation according to "The Secret." 9. The Secret to Health: The book suggests that disease in the body comes from negative thoughts. 10. The Secret to Relationships: Our thoughts and feelings about others determine our relationships with them. 11. The Secret to Money: It is possible to attract wealth by maintaining a mindset of abundance. Detailed Summary and Analysis "The Secret" introduces the law of attraction, a principle suggesting that our thoughts have the power to transform our lives. Byrne asserts that the universe emits a specific frequency of waves that people can tune into, similar to a radio, and that our thoughts and feelings can change the frequency we resonate with. This concept underlines the power of positive thinking, which is a recurring theme in the book. Byrne emphasizes that thoughts become things. This means that whatever we focus on in our minds can manifest in our lives. For example, if we constantly think about our debts, we will continue to attract debt, but if we think about abundance, we will attract wealth. The book also highlights the importance of gratitude. Byrne suggests that feeling grateful for what we already have can make us open to receiving even more. This perspective implies an abundant universe, a philosophy contradicting the more common thought of scarcity. The power of visualization is another key concept in "The Secret." Byrne suggests that visualizing our dreams and goals as if they have already happened can bring those desires into reality. This technique aligns with many psychological studies and cognitive behavioral therapies that employ visualization as a powerful tool for change. Feelings play a crucial role in the law of attraction. Byrne suggests that our feelings indicate what we are thinking and attracting. If we feel good, we are likely to attract good things into our lives. Conversely, if we feel bad, we may attract negativity. The author presents a three-step process for manifestation: Ask, Believe, and Receive. According to Byrne, we need to ask the universe for what we want, believe that we will get it, and be open to receiving it. This process, she argues, can be applied to all aspects of life, including health, relationships, and money. In terms of health, "The Secret" suggests that disease in the body comes from negative thoughts. By changing our thoughts, we can change our physical condition. This concept, although controversial for some, aligns with the idea of psychosomatic illness, where the mind can influence the body's health. The book also applies the law of attraction to relationships, suggesting that our thoughts and feelings about others determine our relationships with them. If we think positively about others, we attract positive relationships. Finally, the book addresses the topic of money. Byrne suggests that it is possible to attract wealth by maintaining a mindset of abundance. She argues that by focusing on abundance and feeling grateful for the money we already have, we can attract more wealth. Conclusion "The Secret" is a guide to understanding and using the law of attraction, a principle suggesting that our thoughts can change the world around us. The book offers practical advice on how to use this law to attract health, wealth, and happiness. While some may find the claims in "The Secret" overly simplistic or unrealistic, many people have found the book helpful in shaping their mindset and improving their lives. It's important to approach the book with an open mind and consider its ideas as tools that can empower you to take control of your thoughts and, ultimately, your life. The concepts discussed in the book align with many psychological principles and therapeutic techniques, suggesting that there may indeed be some "secret" power in positive thinking and visualization. As an experienced professor in these topics, I believe that "The Secret" offers valuable insights into the power of the mind and the potential of human thought.
ViewThe Power
Rhonda Byrne
You are meant to have an amazing life! This is the handbook to the greatest power in the Universe - The Power to have anything you want. Every discovery, invention, and human creation comes fromThe Power. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career you love, a life filled with happiness, and the money you need to be, do, and have everything you want, all come fromThe Power. The life of your dreams has always been closer to you than you realized, because The Power -to have everything good in your life - is inside you. To create anything, to change anything, all it takes is just onething…THE POWER.
ViewThe Magic
Rhonda Byrne
One word changes everything... For more than twenty centuries, words within a sacred text have mystified, confused, and been misunderstood by almost all who read them. Only a very few people through history have realised that the words are a riddle, and that once you solve the riddle—once you uncover the mystery—a new world will appear before your eyes. In The Magic, Rhonda Byrne reveals this life-changing knowledge to the world. Then, on an incredible 28-day journey, she teaches you how to apply this knowledge in your everyday life. No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what your current circumstances, The Magic is going to change your entire life!
ViewThe 4 hour work week
Tim Ferris
Before we dive into the detailed analysis of "The 4-Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferris, let's outline some of the key insights from the book: Embrace the concept of the New Rich (NR) and redefine your understanding of wealth and success. Eliminate and automate: The 80/20 principle and Parkinson’s Law are essential for time management and efficiency. Outsource your life: Delegating tasks can free up a significant amount of time. Create a muse: Develop an automated income source that requires minimal upkeep. Take mini-retirements: Don't wait until old age to retire, instead take regular, short-term 'retirements' throughout your life. Use the DEAL system: Definition, Elimination, Automation, and Liberation. Overcome fear and take action: Fear can be a powerful motivator if you learn to frame it correctly. Embrace mistakes and learn from them. Understanding that being busy doesn't equate to being productive. Freedom of location: Work from anywhere in the world. Breaking free from traditional expectations and societal norms. An In-Depth Analysis of "The 4-Hour Work Week" The New Rich (NR) The book starts by challenging societal norms and the traditional definition of success. Instead of the conventional path of working for 40 years to retire comfortably, Tim Ferris introduces the concept of the New Rich (NR) – individuals who abandon the deferred-life plan and create luxury lifestyles in the present by working smarter, not harder. This concept resonates with Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad" where he emphasizes financial independence and building wealth through investments, real estate, and owning businesses. Eliminate and Automate Ferris delves into the 80/20 principle (also known as the Pareto Principle), suggesting that 80% of your outputs come from 20% of your inputs. By identifying and focusing on these 20% tasks that yield high results, you can eliminate the non-essential 80% tasks. It’s a radical rethinking of the 'work harder' mentality, transitioning instead to a 'work smarter' approach. Parkinson’s Law, which states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion, is also discussed. By setting shorter deadlines, tasks are completed more efficiently and effectively. Outsource Your Life The idea of outsourcing personal tasks might seem ludicrous or lazy, but Ferris argues it's a smart use of resources. By delegating tasks, whether they're work-related or personal, you free up time to focus on what’s truly important. This concept aligns with David Allen's "Getting Things Done" methodology, where he advocates for capturing all tasks and responsibilities in a trusted system to clear your mind for focusing on the task at hand. Create a Muse Ferris advises his readers to create a muse, an automated source of income that requires minimal upkeep. The goal isn't necessarily to create the next big startup but to establish a low-maintenance business that generates significant income. This notion is very much in line with the passive income strategies espoused by many personal finance experts. Mini-Retirements One of the most appealing aspects of Ferris's philosophy is the concept of mini-retirements. Instead of waiting until old age to retire, Ferris suggests taking multiple retirements throughout your life. This allows for rest, rejuvenation, and life experiences that inform and improve your work and personal life. The DEAL System Ferris’s DEAL system is the core structure of the book. Definition refers to redefining your goals and dreams. Elimination is all about removing unnecessary tasks, distractions, and interruptions. Automation refers to outsourcing non-critical tasks. And Liberation involves freeing yourself from traditional expectations, enabling you to work from anywhere. Overcoming Fear and Taking Action Many of Ferris's suggestions are radical and may induce fear or anxiety. However, he encourages readers to see fear as a sign that they're on the right track. Fear is often the barrier between people and their dreams. By reframing fear as a positive motivator, people are more likely to take actions that lead to their desired outcomes. This aligns with the teachings of many self-help gurus who argue that stepping out of your comfort zone is crucial for personal growth. In conclusion, "The 4-Hour Work Week" is a revolutionary guide to living a life of freedom, wealth, and fulfillment without being a slave to work. It's an enlightening read that challenges societal norms and traditional definitions of success, offering an alternative path that values time, productivity, and personal satisfaction over mere monetary gain.
ViewThe Psychology of Money - Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness
Morgan Housel
Key Insights: Wealth is what you don't see: Real wealth is not about conspicuous consumption, but about what you save and invest. Time is a powerful variable in building wealth: The longer your money can compound, the more wealth you can accumulate. Frugality and patience are virtues in finance: Both are essential components of long-term wealth accumulation and financial security. Financial decisions are driven by emotional needs: Financial behaviors are often more influenced by emotional factors than by rational calculation. Risk and reward are two sides of the same coin: The potential for greater returns comes with a higher risk of loss. Independence is the ultimate form of wealth: The ability to do what you want, when you want, without worrying about money, is a true measure of wealth. Money is a tool, not a goal: Money should be used to improve your life and the lives of others, not as an end in itself. History is filled with financial bubbles driven by greed and fear: It's crucial to learn from history to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Compound interest is a powerful wealth-building tool: The power of compound interest is often underestimated, but it can lead to substantial wealth over time. Money and happiness do not have a linear relationship: Beyond a certain point, more money does not necessarily lead to more happiness. In-depth Analysis: In "The Psychology of Money," Morgan Housel explores the many ways in which our attitudes and behaviors around money impact our financial outcomes and overall happiness. One of the book's most compelling insights is the idea that real wealth is what you don't see. It's not about showing off with expensive cars or luxury homes, but about what you save and invest. This concept is a powerful counterpoint to the consumerist mentality that equates wealth with material possessions. Housel also underscores the importance of time as a powerful variable in building wealth. The concept of compound interest, often referred to as the "eighth wonder of the world," beautifully illustrates this point. Given enough time, even small amounts of money can grow into substantial wealth, provided they are invested wisely. This insight highlights the virtues of frugality and patience in finance. Another key theme in the book is the role of emotions in financial decisions. Housel convincingly argues that financial decisions are often more influenced by emotional needs than by rational calculation. This perspective aligns with the findings of behavioral finance, a field that studies the effects of psychological factors on financial decision-making. The author also delves into the inherent relationship between risk and reward in investing. He posits that the potential for greater returns comes with a higher risk of loss. This idea is not new in finance, but Housel discusses it in a way that is easily understandable for the layperson. Housel also emphasizes that independence is the ultimate form of wealth. He suggests that the ultimate goal of accumulating wealth should be to gain the freedom to do what you want, when you want, without worrying about money. This idea resonates with the philosophy of financial independence, which advocates for living frugally and investing wisely to achieve financial freedom. In the book, Housel also warns about the dangers of financial bubbles, which are often driven by greed and fear. He draws on historical examples to illustrate this point, reminding us that it's crucial to learn from history to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Finally, Housel explores the complex relationship between money and happiness. He argues that more money does not necessarily lead to more happiness beyond a certain point. This observation aligns with research in positive psychology, which suggests that once basic needs are met, additional wealth contributes little to overall happiness. In conclusion, "The Psychology of Money" offers a unique and insightful exploration of the complex interplay between psychology and finance. Its key insights serve as valuable guideposts for anyone seeking to navigate the financial landscape with a greater sense of clarity and purpose.
1.February 2025Vivien Ma’am has been an incredible mentor. Her guidance is both thoughtful and compassionate, helping me navigate complex challenges with clarity and confidence. She creates a safe space for deep reflection and personal growth, offering valuable insights that empower me to overcome obstacles. I am truly grateful for her support and look forward to continuing this transformative journey under her mentorship. Highly recommended!