I started in software engineering in 2006 as a backend dev, then a team lead, a frontend dev and now a tech lead. I grew up and spend the first decade of my career in Russia, then moved to Australia and discovered fantastic work-life balance, and now I live in Berlin, a European tech melting pot. I’ve been lucky to work for more than a dozen companies, building heaps of greenfield projects - all of which allowed me to thrive as a professional and see many nice and ugly sides of corporate life. For the last few years I ran my own workshop meetup group, creating various hands-on coding events on React, GraphQL, Node, Typescript, design frameworks etc. I am happy to share my experience in tech, leadership, hiring and getting hired and give advice to devs on advancing their career.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Tech leadership
  • Backend
  • Frontend
  • Advancing career in development
  • Tech interviews
18.July 2024

explain complex concepts clearly has been invaluable. Thanks to his expertise, I have gained significant knowledge. His support and teaching style are truly exceptional.

28.March 2024

The session with Vladimir was interesting. He provided me with valuable information for my tech journey. Absolutely awesome!

14.March 2024

It was my first call ever with a mentor. I was really impressed by how much it helped in just 45 minutes. I really appreciated having a discussion with someone with so much expertise as Vladimir.

14.September 2023

Just had a mentoring session with Vladimir about finding a tech job in Germany. It was really helpful. He checked out my CV in detail and answered all of my questions patiently. I have a better vision now and I have ideas for solving problems.

14.May 2023

Vladimir is a friendly person and a very good mentor. I'm really grateful for the advice he gave me. Now I understand better how to achieve my goals in self-studying, gaining professional experience and searching for a job.

1.February 2023

The session with Vladimir was great. I got all the information that I need to solve my problem. He is a very positive person and has very good knowledge of web development.

11.December 2021

Открыл глаза на реакт,теперь с того дня сижу и учу его. Все было классно час вообще не заметил

23.November 2021

8.November 2021

10.February 2021

1.February 2021

What skill to learn next, it's ok to be confused sometimes, how to improve

24.January 2021

I got a clearer picture on the industry itself as well as nuances of the profession as well as the overall field. Also learned a lot about upcoming trends and tech stacks that I could further look into.

14.January 2021

-- The tradeoff between hitting the ground running with senior hires vs spending time managing juniors. -- The right level of staffing for an early-stage MVP -- Whether to go for web or mobile in the initial iterations

30.December 2020

Forums to apply for jobs, Interview process, Feedback on portfolio & CV, direction to go forward in.

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How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big - Kind of the Story of My Life
Scott Adams

Key Insights from "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" Goals are for losers, systems are for winners: Adams believes that having a system in place is far more beneficial than setting goals. The power of personal energy: According to Adams, maintaining your personal energy should be your primary focus. This includes healthy eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. Failure is a tool, not an outcome: Adams suggests that failure should be viewed as a learning experience, not a final result. Passion is overrated: Adams believes that passion isn’t a precursor to success, but rather a byproduct of it. Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success: Adams claims that the more skills you have, the better your chances of success. Embrace your selfishness to become more generous: Adams advocates for taking care of yourself first in order to be more generous to others. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication: Adams champions simplicity, believing that it’s the key to effective communication and problem-solving. The power of positive affirmations: Adams credits his use of positive affirmations for much of his success. Don’t see reality as a fixed, objective truth: Adams encourages readers to adopt a flexible mindset and view reality as a subjective experience. Success isn’t magic, it’s merely about adjusting your probabilities: Adams asserts that success is about making choices that increase your odds of a favorable outcome. In-Depth Analysis Scott Adams, the creator of the renowned comic strip Dilbert, offers a unique take on personal and professional success in his book "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big - Kind of the Story of My Life". This isn't your typical self-help book, but rather a collection of practical wisdom gleaned from Adams’ own life experiences. Adams challenges conventional wisdom right from the start, asserting that "goals are for losers and systems are for winners". This concept aligns with the theory of process-oriented thinking, a psychological approach that emphasizes the importance of the journey over the destination. Here, Adams suggests that creating a system, or a repeatable process, leads to better results over the long term than setting goals, which are often unrealistic or restrictive. Next, Adams emphasizes the importance of personal energy. He argues that one's physical health and vitality are paramount to any kind of success. This aligns with the holistic wellness model, which posits that physical health is fundamentally linked to mental and emotional wellbeing. The author's take on failure is particularly enlightening. He argues that failure is a tool for learning and growth, not a final outcome. This viewpoint is reminiscent of the growth mindset theory developed by psychologist Carol Dweck, which promotes the idea that abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work, smart strategies, and input from others. Adams also questions the popular notion that passion is necessary for success. Instead, he believes that passion is a byproduct of success, not a prerequisite. He contends that success leads to passion rather than the other way around, a perspective that challenges the traditional passion-driven narrative. Another significant insight from Adams is the idea that every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. This underscores the importance of lifelong learning and the value of transferable skills. It aligns with the concept of the T-shaped individual, who has depth of skill in one area but also a breadth of knowledge across multiple disciplines. Adams also espouses the virtues of selfishness, asserting that embracing your selfishness can make you more generous. This seemingly paradoxical idea is grounded in the principle of self-care and the belief that you can't help others effectively if you don't first take care of yourself. In terms of communication and problem-solving, Adams advocates for simplicity, asserting that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. This aligns with the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and emphasizes the importance of clear, concise communication in achieving success. Among the more esoteric insights in the book is Adams’ claim that positive affirmations have contributed significantly to his success. While this concept is not universally accepted in psychological literature, it does resonate with elements of positive psychology and the law of attraction. Adams further challenges conventional wisdom by encouraging readers to reject the idea of reality as a fixed, objective truth. Instead, he suggests adopting a flexible mindset and viewing reality as a subjective experience, a perspective that aligns with elements of constructivism and subjective realism. Finally, Adams asserts that success is about adjusting your probabilities. He believes that success is not about luck or magic, but about making choices that increase your odds of a favorable outcome. This aligns with the concept of risk management and the idea that success is often a result of intelligent decision-making. In conclusion, "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" is a thought-provoking exploration of the unconventional paths to success. Its practical wisdom, drawn from Scott Adams’ own experiences, provides valuable insights that challenge conventional narratives and offer a fresh perspective on personal and professional growth.

Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition
Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler

Key Facts and Insights: The ability to handle crucial conversations productively is a fundamental skill for personal and professional success. Crucial conversations are those where the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong. The book introduces a seven-step model for effective communication during crucial conversations. The aim is not to win an argument, but to arrive at a mutually beneficial outcome. The authors emphasize the importance of creating a safe environment for dialogue. The book provides techniques to manage emotions and stay focused on the desired result. It encourages honest and respectful conversation, even when the discourse is challenging. The book teaches how to influence others without resorting to power plays or manipulation. The authors' methodology is backed up by years of social science research. The techniques can be applied across different contexts, such as work, family, or social situations. The book is filled with practical examples and exercises to help the reader practice and internalize the concepts. An In-Depth Analysis: The central premise of "Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" is that the ability to navigate crucial conversations is a key determinant of success in various realms of life. The authors, Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler, define crucial conversations as those where the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong. These are the conversations that often determine the course of our relationships, careers, and lives. Drawing on years of social science research, the authors present a seven-step model for effective communication during these critical interactions. This model is not about winning an argument, but about arriving at a mutually beneficial outcome. It's about fostering understanding, respect, and cooperation, even when dealing with difficult or contentious issues. Creating a safe environment for dialogue is a key principle highlighted in the book. This entails showing respect for the other person's viewpoint, even if you disagree with it. It also involves maintaining an open mind and being willing to modify your perspective based on new information. A safe environment encourages honest exchange of ideas and minimizes defensive or aggressive behavior. The authors also provide strategies for managing our emotions during these conversations. They emphasize the importance of staying focused on the desired result, rather than getting sidetracked by personal attacks or irrelevant issues. This requires self-awareness, self-control, and mental agility. The book offers a wealth of practical techniques for influencing others without resorting to power plays or manipulation. These techniques hinge on the idea that influence is more about listening and understanding than about talking and persuading. They underscore the value of empathy and patience in building relationships and resolving conflicts. The principles and techniques presented in the book can be applied across different contexts, such as work, family, or social situations. They are universally relevant because they tap into the basic human needs for respect, understanding, and fairness. The book is filled with practical examples and exercises that help the reader practice and internalize the concepts. These hands-on elements enhance the book's value as a self-improvement tool. They allow the reader to see the concepts in action and to apply them in their own lives. In conclusion, "Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" is a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of effective communication in high-stakes situations. It is a treasure trove of insights, strategies, and practical tools that can help anyone improve their communication skills and achieve better outcomes in their personal and professional relationships. Important Concepts: Crucial Conversations: High-stakes discussions where opinions differ and emotions are strong. Safe Environment: A communication setting where individuals feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgement or retaliation. Seven-Step Model: A structured approach to navigating crucial conversations effectively, fostering understanding, and arriving at mutually beneficial outcomes. Emotional Management: Techniques to stay focused, calm, and composed during challenging conversations. Influence without Manipulation: Ways to affect others' thoughts and behaviors through empathy, understanding, and respect, rather than through force or deceit.
