I'm a Senior Business Analyst with 5 years of experience in Oracle, Qlik Sense, and Tableau. I have strong technical skills in data analysis and reporting. I have 3 years of team management experience, which has honed my leadership skills and ability to collaborate in a team-oriented environment. Working in an international company has also expanded my cross-functional and cross-cultural collaboration skills. My experience in data-driven analysis, business process implementation, and solutions implementation allows me to identify opportunities for process improvement and make informed business decisions. As a mentor, I help Business and System Analysts find their own place in the profession, taking into account their strengths, and I accompany them in making decisions about career goals and planning steps to achieve them.

My Mentoring Topics

  • Change management
  • Digital transformation
  • Requirements elicitation
  • Decision making facilitation
  • Business processes modeling
  • System requirements description (functional and non-functional)
  • Agile processes organisation
31.January 2024

Very wonderful session she very humble and have a very great knowledge.thanks for this session.great mentor . see you soon

16.January 2024

Thank you so much for the mentoring session! I gained valuable insights, reframed my experience, and reevaluated my self-development plan as a business analyst. Volha is an outstanding professional with extensive experience in team leadership and employee development. The session provided me with a fresh perspective on my career path and equipped me with actionable strategies for growth. I highly recommend Volha for her expertise and mentorship in the field of business analysis.

28.September 2023

Great Mentor! I had a great session with Volha. She answered all the questions I asked and was able to provide some guidance and advice on how to navigate the BA field.

5.September 2023

Volha is friendly and helpful person. Explain some differences between IT job titles on the presentation. She answered my question about Germany business life and ,gave important information about job interviews. I'm glad to meet you, thanks.

1.September 2023

Misss Volha was excellent,She helped even tho she didn’t have any expertise in my career path.She tried hard to get me ,give me some true life tips which is going to better my life.Thank you Miss Vohla。

29.August 2023

"Excellent business analyst mentorship! The mentor's experience was really valuable. They explained things clearly and helped me navigate real work situations. Their feedback was practical and boosted my skills. Plus, they introduced me to useful connections. A top-notch mentor who inspired me to excel." mam also made a ppt for me its really impressive and easily understable Thank you for sharing your knowledge

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The Mom Test - How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you
Rob Fitzpatrick

Key Facts and Insights from The Mom Test: Everyone is lying to you: Not necessarily out of malice, but because they want to be supportive, encouraging, or polite. This is why it's not always wise to rely on friends and family for honest feedback about your business ideas. The Mom Test: A set of rules to help entrepreneurs get honest feedback. It involves asking about the person's life rather than their opinions about your idea. The test is passed if it gives valuable insight, regardless of whether the person knows about your idea or not. Focus on the problems: It's important to not just talk about your solution, but to also understand the problems that your potential customers are facing. This understanding is key to developing a product or service that truly meets their needs. Ask good questions: The quality of the feedback you get largely depends on the quality of the questions you ask. Avoid compliment-seeking, future hypothetical, and generic questions. Look for commitment or advancement: People's actions speak louder than words. Look for indications that they're willing to commit time, reputation, or money to your idea. Don't pitch your idea right away: Instead, have conversations about their life, challenges, and needs. This will help you to see if your idea fits into their life. Iterative learning: There's continuous learning involved in customer conversations. Each conversation should help you refine your idea and improve your understanding of your customers. Ask for concrete facts from the past: Instead of asking what they would do in the future, ask for specific instances in the past. This will give you a more accurate picture of their habits and needs. Don’t forget to follow-up: The conversation doesn't end once you've gathered information. Follow-up to clarify doubts, validate your assumptions, and maintain the relationship. Take notes and stay organized: Keep track of your conversations and learnings. This will help you see patterns, make connections, and track progress over time. In-depth Summary and Analysis "The Mom Test" by Rob Fitzpatrick provides a practical guide for entrepreneurs to validate their business ideas by talking to potential customers. The book's name comes from the idea that if you ask your mom whether your business is a good idea, she would most likely say yes to encourage you. But such kind of feedback, while well-intentioned, can lead to false positives and potentially result in business failure. Everyone is lying to you, not with the intention to deceive but to encourage or be polite. Friends and family, in particular, will often tell you what you want to hear, which makes their feedback untrustworthy. This is why Fitzpatrick introduces The Mom Test, a set of rules designed to get honest and useful feedback from anyone. The test entails asking about the person's life rather than their opinions about your idea. It's passed if it gives you good insights, regardless of whether they know about your idea or not. Understanding the problems that your potential customers are facing is as important as developing your solution. This perspective aligns with the principles of design thinking, a problem-solving approach that starts with understanding the user's needs. It's easy to fall in love with our ideas and ignore the problem we're trying to solve, but the real value lies in solving a problem that's significant to the customers. Asking good questions is key to getting valuable feedback. Fitzpatrick advises against asking for flattery, hypothetical questions about the future, and generic questions. Instead, we should ask about specifics in the person's life, their problems, and their needs. This concept is reminiscent of the Socratic method, a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presumptions. Commitment and advancement are the real indicators of interest. People's actions are more reliable than their words. If they're willing to invest their time, reputation, or money in your idea, it's a good sign that they value it. This is in line with the Lean Startup methodology, which emphasizes the importance of validated learning and real customer feedback. Don’t pitch your idea right away, Fitzpatrick advises. Start by having conversations about their life, challenges, and needs. This is a form of customer discovery, a process used in Lean Startups to understand customer problems and needs. By exploring these areas first, you can see if your idea is a fit for their life. Iterative learning is integral to the process. Each conversation should help you refine your idea and improve your understanding of your customers. This aligns with the scientific method and the idea of forming a hypothesis, testing it, analyzing the results, and refining the hypothesis based on the findings. Asking for concrete facts from the past instead of future predictions can give you a more accurate picture of their habits and needs. This is because people are notoriously bad at predicting their own behavior, a concept known in psychology as the intention-behavior gap. Following up is crucial to validate your assumptions, clarify doubts, and maintain the relationship. This is similar to the concept of customer relationship management, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining a continuous relationship with customers. Finally, taking notes and staying organized is important to keep track of your conversations, see patterns, and track progress over time. This is akin to data management practices in research, which emphasize the importance of organizing and managing data for accuracy and reliability. In conclusion, "The Mom Test" provides practical, actionable advice for entrepreneurs to validate their business ideas. The book's principles align with established methodologies like Lean Startup, design thinking, and the scientific method. By applying these principles, entrepreneurs can avoid false positives, understand their customers better, and increase their chances of business success.

Fundamentals of Software Architecture - An Engineering Approach
Mark Richards, Neal Ford

Key Facts and Insights Software architecture is fundamental to the success of any software project. Understanding the principles, patterns, and practices of architecture can help in creating efficient and adaptive systems. The book emphasizes the importance of architectural characteristics and how they influence the design decisions and trade-offs made during the development process. The authors introduce various architecture styles like microservices, event-driven, and space-based and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. Component-based architecture is discussed extensively, highlighting the role and interplay of services, microservices, and service-based architecture in modern software development. It provides a comprehensive guide to architectural patterns and how they can be used to solve common architectural problems. The book addresses the soft skills needed by architects, including communication, negotiation, and leadership, which are often overlooked but crucial in the real-world scenario. The authors advocate for evolutionary architecture, emphasizing the importance of developing systems that can adapt to changing requirements and technologies. The book also provides practical advice on how to document architecture, use diagrams, and communicate architectural decisions effectively. There is an underlying thread of architectural fitness function, a method to ensure the architecture remains in line with the business goals and system requirements. The authors bring their wealth of experience in the field, providing real-world examples and case studies throughout the book. In-Depth Summary and Analysis "Fundamentals of Software Architecture" is a comprehensive resource that provides a deep understanding of the principles, patterns, and practices of software architecture. It delves into the wide range of architectural styles and discusses how to choose the right one based on the problem at hand. In the book, Richards and Ford emphasize the importance of architectural characteristics, which are non-functional requirements like performance, scalability, and security, that influence the design decisions. They explain how these characteristics must be considered and balanced against each other during the architecture design process. This is an important insight as it directs the architects to not only focus on delivering functional requirements but also to ensure the system meets the desired level of non-functional requirements. The authors discuss various architectural styles, including microservices, event-driven, and space-based. They provide a thorough breakdown of each, discussing their strengths and weaknesses, and when each style should be used. This gives the reader a broad view of the available architectural styles and a deeper understanding of how different styles can cater to different kinds of problems. One of the key takeaways from the book is the importance of component-based architecture in modern software development. The authors delve into the role and interplay of services, microservices, and service-based architecture, explaining how they can be used to create modular, scalable, and maintainable systems. The book also provides a comprehensive guide to architectural patterns, offering solutions to common architectural problems. These patterns can serve as a toolset for architects, helping them to design effective and efficient systems. "Fundamentals of Software Architecture" also touches upon the soft skills required by architects. These include communication, negotiation, and leadership skills, which are often overlooked in technical discussions but are crucial when dealing with stakeholders or leading a team. One of the distinctive aspects of the book is its focus on evolutionary architecture. The authors stress the importance of designing systems that can adapt and evolve with changing requirements and technologies. This is crucial in today's fast-paced technological landscape where the ability to adapt is key to maintaining a competitive edge. The book provides practical advice on how to document architecture effectively, use diagrams, and communicate architectural decisions. This is a valuable resource for architects as it can help them communicate their ideas and decisions more efficiently, and ensure that everyone on the team understands the architecture. Throughout the book, the authors weave in the concept of the architectural fitness function. This method, which measures how closely the architecture aligns with the business goals and system requirements, can be used to ensure the architecture remains fit for purpose as it evolves. Finally, the authors draw from their extensive experience in the field, providing real-world examples and case studies. This not only makes the concepts more relatable but also provides valuable insights into how these principles are applied in practice. In conclusion, "Fundamentals of Software Architecture" is a comprehensive and insightful resource that provides a deep understanding of the principles, patterns, and practices of software architecture. It serves as an invaluable guide for aspiring and experienced architects alike.

Change by Design - How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation
Tim Brown

Key Insights from "Change by Design - How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation" Design Thinking is a Human-Centered Approach: Tim Brown posits that design thinking offers a solution-based approach to complex problems, focusing on the needs and experiences of the end users. Importance of Multi-Disciplinary Teams: Diverse teams with varying expertise are proven to generate more innovative solutions. Prototyping is Essential: Rapid prototyping is a key aspect of the design thinking process, allowing for early detection and rectification of issues. Design Thinking is Iterative: It is not a linear process. The stages of inspiration, ideation, and implementation happen in cycles, and feedback is integral. Embrace Risk and Failure: Brown encourages taking risks and learning from failures as they are part of the innovation process. Empathy is Central: Understanding the user's needs, emotions and experiences is vital in creating meaningful solutions. Storytelling is a Powerful Tool: It bridges the gap between the abstract and concrete, helping to communicate ideas effectively. Design Thinking Transforms Organizations: It fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration and user-centricity. Design Thinking Inspires Innovation: It provides a structured framework for generating and implementing groundbreaking ideas. Design Thinking is Applicable Beyond Product Design: It can be applied in services, processes and strategy formulation. An In-depth Analysis Change by Design introduces us to design thinking, a human-centred approach to innovation that integrates the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success. According to Tim Brown, the CEO of the renowned design firm IDEO, design thinking is an iterative process involving three stages: inspiration, ideation, and implementation. The process is non-linear and cyclical, promoting continuous refinement of ideas. Brown emphasizes the power of multi-disciplinary teams in driving innovation. The collaboration of diverse minds from different fields paves the way for a broader spectrum of ideas and solutions. This concept aligns with the findings of multiple studies, including those by Harvard Business Review, reinforcing the idea that diversity fuels innovation. One of the key facets of design thinking discussed in the book is the importance of empathy. Brown urges innovators to immerse themselves in the user's world to understand their needs, emotions, and experiences, which is crucial in creating impactful and meaningful solutions. Another key insight is the role of prototyping in the design thinking process. Brown advocates for quick, low-resolution prototyping to test ideas and identify flaws early in the process. This way, teams can fail fast and learn faster, iterating their solutions based on feedback. This approach contrasts with traditional models, where failure is seen negatively. Instead, Brown views failure as an opportunity to learn and improve. Brown also highlights the importance of storytelling in design thinking. Good storytelling can bridge the gap between the abstract idea and the tangible product or service, helping to engage stakeholders and align teams. It enables the communication of complex ideas in an understandable and relatable way. Furthermore, the book illustrates how design thinking can transform organizations by fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and user-centricity. It provides a structured framework for generating and implementing groundbreaking ideas, thereby inspiring innovation. This aligns with my years of research and experience that confirms innovation is not a haphazard process, but rather a deliberate and structured one that can be learned and managed. Lastly, Brown expands the application of design thinking beyond product design. He argues that it can be applied to designing services, processes, and even strategies. This broad applicability makes design thinking a valuable tool not just for designers, but for anyone involved in problem-solving and innovation. In conclusion, Change by Design provides a comprehensive insight into design thinking as a human-centered approach to innovation. By fostering empathy, encouraging risk-taking, promoting prototyping, and embracing storytelling, design thinking has the potential to transform organizations and inspire breakthrough innovations.

The Innovation Algorithm - TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity
Genrikh Saulovich Alʹtshuller

Key Facts and Insights: The foundational principles of TRIZ: TRIZ is a Russian acronym for the 'Theory of Inventive Problem Solving.' The book unravels the principles of TRIZ and how it can be used to generate innovative solutions to complex technical problems. Systematic Innovation: The book emphasizes that innovation is not solely a product of spontaneous creativity but can also be systematically approached and cultivated. Technical Creativity: Alʹtshuller demonstrates how technical creativity can be enhanced using the TRIZ method. Contradictions and their resolution: The book introduces the concept of 'technical contradictions' and 'physical contradictions,' and how to resolve them using inventive principles. Patterns of Inventive Solutions: Alʹtshuller introduces 40 principles of inventive solutions and how to apply them in real-world situations. Algorithm for Innovation: The book presents a step-by-step algorithm to facilitate the process of innovation and creative problem solving. Role of knowledge and experience: Alʹtshuller emphasizes the importance of accumulated knowledge and previous experience in generating innovative solutions. The law of system evolution: The book introduces the concept of 'laws of system evolution,' which provides insights into the future development of a system. S-Curve and Innovation: Alʹtshuller discusses the S-Curve model, which depicts the life cycle of a product or system, and explains its relevance to innovation. Substance-Field Analysis: The book explains how to use the Substance-Field Analysis (Su-Field Analysis) for understanding and solving complex technical problems. Analysis and Conclusions: The fundamental principle of the book lies in the practice of TRIZ, an innovative problem-solving technique developed by Genrikh Saulovich Alʹtshuller. The author emphasizes that innovation can be systematic, contrary to the common belief that it is solely a product of spontaneous creativity. This systematic approach to innovation, according to Alʹtshuller, can foster technical creativity, making this book an essential read for engineers, designers, and inventors. One of the essential aspects of this book is its focus on contradictions and their resolution. Alʹtshuller classifies problems into 'technical contradictions' and 'physical contradictions.' He believes that progress in any system is often hindered by these contradictions. However, they can be resolved using the 40 inventive principles outlined in the book. This systematic methodology for contradiction resolution forms the core of the TRIZ approach. The book also introduces an algorithm for innovation, which provides a step-by-step guide to creative problem-solving. This algorithm not only guides the reader through the problem-solving process but also enhances technical creativity by encouraging the systematic exploration of all possible solutions. Alʹtshuller emphasizes the importance of accumulated knowledge and previous experience in generating innovative solutions. He argues that patterns of inventive solutions can be identified and used to guide future problem-solving efforts. This aspect of the book is particularly relevant in today's knowledge-driven economy, where innovation is often the key to competitive advantage. Another critical concept introduced in the book is the law of system evolution. Alʹtshuller believes that systems evolve following certain laws, and understanding these laws can provide insights into the future development of a system. This concept is closely linked to the S-Curve model, which depicts the life cycle of a product or system. Alʹtshuller argues that understanding the S-Curve can help innovators anticipate future developments and make strategic decisions. Finally, the book discusses how to use the Substance-Field Analysis (Su-Field Analysis) to understand and solve complex technical problems. This analysis technique is a powerful tool in the TRIZ methodology, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of problems and the development of innovative solutions. In conclusion, "The Innovation Algorithm - TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity" by Genrikh Saulovich Alʹtshuller is a comprehensive guide to the TRIZ methodology, offering valuable insights for anyone interested in technical creativity and systematic innovation. The book's concepts, backed by Alʹtshuller's extensive research and experience, provide a robust framework for innovative problem-solving.

Business Analysis for Practitioners - A Practice Guide
Project Management Institute

The "Business Analysis for Practitioners - A Practice Guide" by the Project Management Institute is a comprehensive guide that provides practical insights into the field of business analysis. This guide is designed to help practitioners understand and apply the principles of business analysis in their day-to-day activities. It focuses on the role of business analysts in project management, including their responsibilities, the tools and techniques they use, and the methodologies they follow. Key Facts and Insights Business analysis is a critical aspect of project management, influencing the success of projects and programs. Business analysts play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between business needs and the solutions provided by projects. The guide provides an in-depth understanding of the business analysis process, including needs assessment, stakeholder engagement, requirement elicitation, analysis, and solution evaluation. The guide combines traditional business analysis techniques with modern agile methodologies to cater to a wide range of project environments. It highlights the importance of communication, collaboration, and negotiation skills for business analysts. The guide discusses various tools and techniques used by business analysts, including SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, use case modeling, and business process modeling. It provides practical guidance on managing and resolving conflicts, making decisions, and facilitating change. It recommends a structured approach to problem-solving, including problem identification, solution generation, solution evaluation, and solution implementation. The guide emphasizes the importance of ethics and professional conduct in business analysis. It addresses the challenges faced by business analysts and provides practical strategies to overcome them. Analysis of the Contents The guide starts by explaining the importance of business analysis in project management. It establishes the role of business analysts as the bridge between business needs and project solutions. This is a critical insight as it highlights the value-addition provided by business analysts. They are not just facilitators but key contributors to the project's success. The guide provides a detailed description of the business analysis process. It starts with the needs assessment, where the business analysts understand the business environment, identify the business needs, and define the project scope. The guide emphasizes the importance of stakeholder engagement in this stage. Stakeholders provide valuable insights into business needs and potential solutions. Hence, business analysts need to build strong relationships with them. The guide then moves on to the requirement elicitation and analysis stages. Here, business analysts gather, analyze, and document requirements. The guide provides various tools and techniques for these stages, including interviews, workshops, surveys, document analysis, and prototyping. These tools and techniques are practical and can be applied in real-world scenarios. The guide also discusses solution evaluation, where the business analysts assess the proposed solutions, select the best one, and monitor its implementation. This stage is crucial as it ensures the solution's alignment with the business needs and its effectiveness in solving the business problem. The guide combines traditional business analysis techniques with modern agile methodologies. This combination is an innovative approach as it caters to a wide range of project environments, from traditional waterfall projects to modern agile projects. It equips business analysts with a comprehensive toolkit, enabling them to adapt to different project environments. The guide highlights the importance of communication, collaboration, and negotiation skills for business analysts. These soft skills are often overlooked in technical guides. However, they are essential for business analysts as they interact with various stakeholders, negotiate requirements, and facilitate change. The guide provides practical guidance on managing and resolving conflicts, making decisions, and facilitating change. These are critical challenges faced by business analysts. The guide's practical strategies, based on real-world examples, can help business analysts overcome these challenges. Finally, the guide emphasizes the importance of ethics and professional conduct in business analysis. This emphasis on ethics is commendable as it reinforces the professionalism and integrity required in business analysis. Conclusions The "Business Analysis for Practitioners - A Practice Guide" is an invaluable resource for business analysts. It provides practical insights, tools, and techniques that can be applied in real-world scenarios. It combines traditional and modern methodologies, catering to a wide range of project environments. It emphasizes the importance of soft skills and ethics, reinforcing the professionalism required in business analysis. The guide's practical approach, combined with its comprehensive content, makes it a must-read for business analysts.
