Zishan Khan

Zishan Khan

Community Liaison Officer/Mindset Mentor

Zishan Khan is a serial entrepreneur, business consultant, and mindset advocate. He helps new entrepreneurs, and new businesses to set up systems and smart ways of working, so they can focus on what is really important for their business rather than worry about mundane tasks. Zishan is also a host of a podcast called Tuesday Talks. Its purpose is to inspire others with its guest’s journeys. Guests are from all backgrounds and walks of life, including coaches, entrepreneurs, holistic healers, and doctors.  Zishan is also part of Mindvalley Community, hosting local coffee meetups and lunch in London, and meeting diverse and extraordinary community members. This creates unforgettable memories, deep conversations, and inspiring relationships

My Mentoring Topics

  • Mindset
  • Discipline
  • Time Management
  • Personal Development
  • Sales
  • Social Media

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Building a StoryBrand - Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen
Donald Miller

Key Facts from "Building a StoryBrand" Customers are the Hero: The book emphasizes the importance of making the customer the hero of the story, not the brand itself. Storytelling Framework: Donald Miller offers a seven-part framework for storytelling, based on the elements of a compelling story. Problem-Solution Approach: A company must clearly articulate the problem it solves for the customer. Role of the Guide: The brand should position itself as a guide that helps the hero (customer) overcome their challenges. Clear Calls to Action: Businesses must have clear and compelling calls to action in their messaging. Failure and Success: The narrative should highlight the potential for failure and success, creating a sense of urgency for the customer. Simple Messaging: Clarity trumps cleverness when it comes to messaging. The simpler, the better. Continued Communication: Communication should not stop after the sale; it should be a continuous process. BrandScript: Miller introduces a tool called BrandScript that helps businesses to create their brand story. Emotionally Engaging: The brand's story should be emotionally engaging to the audience. Application to Every Aspect: The principles of StoryBrand should be applied to every aspect of the business, from website design to email marketing. In-depth Analysis of "Building a StoryBrand" Donald Miller's "Building a StoryBrand" is a transformative guide that reshapes the way businesses approach their branding and marketing strategies. Drawing from the timeless power of storytelling, Miller presents an innovative methodology for creating compelling messages that resonate with customers and drive engagement. In this comprehensive guide, Miller introduces a seven-part storytelling framework that centers the customer as the hero of the story. This is a significant departure from the traditional approach where the brand is often positioned as the protagonist. Positioning the customer as the hero helps to create a more personal and relatable connection between the brand and its audience. The seven-part framework begins with defining a character (the customer), who has a problem that is resolved by a guide (the brand). The guide provides a plan which calls the hero to action, leading them to avoid failure and end in success. This approach is reminiscent of Joseph Campbell's monomyth or the "Hero's Journey", a narrative pattern that can be found in many successful stories from ancient mythology to contemporary cinema. A central theme in Miller's book is the importance of clear communication and simple messaging. He argues that businesses often lose their audience with complex and jargon-filled messages. Instead, they should strive for clear and concise communication that articulates the problem the business solves for the customer. This aligns with the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) which is often used in design and communication strategies. Miller also introduces the concept of the BrandScript, a tool that businesses can use to craft their brand story. The BrandScript helps businesses to distill their messaging into a simple, compelling narrative that follows the seven-part framework. This tool is a practical application of Miller's storytelling principles and can be used across various aspects of the business, from website design to email marketing. Another key insight from the book is the importance of creating a sense of urgency in the narrative. By emphasizing the potential for failure and success, businesses can motivate the customer to take action. This aligns with Robert Cialdini's principle of scarcity, as outlined in his seminal work "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion". Finally, Miller underscores the need for continuous communication with the customer. The narrative should not end after the sale, but should be a continuous process that nurtures the relationship between the brand and the customer. This reflects the principles of customer relationship management, a strategy that focuses on building long-term relationships with customers. In conclusion, "Building a StoryBrand" offers valuable insights and practical tools for businesses looking to create compelling, customer-centric narratives. By harnessing the power of storytelling and focusing on clear, simple messaging, businesses can transform their brand communication and boost customer engagement.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Robert T. Kiyosaki

Key Insights from 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' The poor and the middle-class work for money, but the rich have money work for them. Financial literacy is essential to wealth creation. Being rich is more about financial intelligence than being high-income earners. Understanding assets and liabilities, and making investments to acquire assets. The significance of entrepreneurship and taking risks. The importance of using corporations to protect and grow wealth. Why it's crucial to teach financial education in schools. How fear and ignorance can lead to financial struggles. Recognizing the difference between working for money and financial independence. Why your primary residence is not an asset. How to use tax and debt to your advantage. Deep-Dive Analysis of 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki is a best-selling personal finance book that has revolutionized the way millions of people perceive wealth creation and financial management. The book draws on Kiyosaki's experiences growing up with two father figures: his biological father (Poor Dad) who was highly educated but financially poor, and his friend's father (Rich Dad) who was less educated but a successful entrepreneur. The poor and the middle-class work for money, but the rich have money work for them. This initial concept emphasizes the fundamental difference between the financial habits of the poor/middle-class and the rich. The former works hard to earn money, often living paycheck to paycheck. In contrast, the latter understand the power of investments and passive income, making their money work hard for them. Financial literacy is essential to wealth creation. This point highlights the importance of financial education. Financial literacy, including understanding financial statements, investing, risk management, and tax laws, is key to making informed decisions that lead to wealth creation. Being rich is more about financial intelligence than being high-income earners. Kiyosaki challenges the conventional wisdom that high income equates to wealth. It's not how much money you make, but how much you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for. Understanding assets and liabilities, and making investments to acquire assets. An asset is anything that puts money into your pocket, while a liability is anything that takes money out of your pocket. Kiyosaki stresses the importance of investing in income-generating assets like real estate, stocks, and bonds. The significance of entrepreneurship and taking risks. The author encourages readers to overcome fear and take calculated risks in pursuit of wealth. He stresses the importance of entrepreneurship, asserting that owning a business could potentially provide a more robust avenue for wealth accumulation than working for others. The importance of using corporations to protect and grow wealth. Using corporations as a tool for wealth protection and growth is a strategy often used by the rich. Corporations provide benefits like tax advantages and protection from personal liability. Why it's crucial to teach financial education in schools. Kiyosaki laments the lack of financial education in schools, arguing that this gap in knowledge perpetuates a cycle of financial struggle for many people. How fear and ignorance can lead to financial struggles. Fear of losing money and ignorance about managing finances can cause people to make poor financial decisions. Overcoming these barriers is vital to achieving financial independence. Recognizing the difference between working for money and financial independence. Working for money is a never-ending cycle, whereas financial independence, achieved through investing and creating passive income streams, offers freedom and wealth. Why your primary residence is not an asset. This concept is perhaps one of the most controversial Kiyosaki presents. He argues that a home does not fall into the asset category because it does not generate income. Instead, it incurs costs such as mortgage payments, maintenance, and property taxes. How to use tax and debt to your advantage. Kiyosaki highlights that understanding tax laws and using good debt to acquire assets can contribute to wealth creation. In conclusion, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" provides insightful and often unconventional wisdom on wealth creation and financial management. By understanding, embracing, and applying these principles, individuals can transform their financial future. The book’s emphasis on financial literacy, investment in assets, and entrepreneurial spirit offers a pathway to financial independence that challenges traditional norms and approaches.

Think and Grow Rich - The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century
Napoleon Hill

Key Insights from "Think and Grow Rich" Power of Desire: Desire is the starting point for all achievement, not a simple wish, but a fervent craving for something. Value of Definite Purpose: A clear, definite purpose paves the way for success. It provides focus, energy, and limitless persistence. Belief: Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Mastermind Principle: The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people towards a definite purpose generates a power that exceeds the sum of their individual abilities. Importance of Self-Discipline: Discipline and control of one's mind are essential in directing it towards wealth and success. Subconscious Mind: The subconscious mind is a connecting link between the finite mind of man and the Infinite Intelligence. Persistence: Persistence is a key ingredient in transforming desire into its monetary equivalent. Positive Mental Attitude: Maintaining a positive mental attitude is essential for success as it attracts favorable conditions for achieving one's goals. Personal Initiative: Personal initiative is the power that inspires the completion of what one starts, ensuring success. Learning from Adversity and Defeat: Every adversity brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage. Successful people use these as stepping-stones to climb the ladder of success. Time and Money: Time and money are precious resources that must be used wisely for the achievement of one's definite purpose. An In-Depth Analysis of "Think and Grow Rich" "Think and Grow Rich" is a timeless classic that has guided many to success. The book, written by Napoleon Hill, is based on his extensive research and interviews with some of the most successful individuals of his time. This new version has been updated and revised for the 21st-century reader, providing a fresh perspective on Hill's valuable teachings. The book explores several key concepts that are central to achieving personal success. Central to these is the power of desire. Hill posits that a burning desire, not a mere wish, is the starting point of all accomplishments. This desire, when combined with a definite purpose, fuels the journey to success. The author emphasizes the importance of having a clear, specific aim, as it provides focus, invigorates effort, and fosters persistence. Hill also introduces the concept of the Mastermind Principle. He explains that the collective energy of two or more people working in harmony towards a definite aim generates a synergy that surpasses their individual capabilities. This principle underlines the importance of collaboration and teamwork in achieving success. The book also delves into the role of the subconscious mind in the attainment of goals. Hill suggests that the subconscious mind serves as a link between the finite human mind and Infinite Intelligence. He encourages readers to feed their subconscious with thoughts of wealth, positivity, and their definite purpose. The author underscores the value of persistence. He asserts that it is this quality that drives one to overcome obstacles and transform desire into its monetary equivalent. Coupled with a positive mental attitude, persistence can move mountains. Hill also highlights the importance of personal initiative. He asserts that taking proactive steps, not just reacting to situations, is crucial in the journey to success. This initiative, he argues, inspires the completion of tasks and drives the attainment of goals. One of the most significant insights from the book is the role of adversity in success. Hill propounds that every setback or failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage. This perspective encourages readers to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Lastly, Hill discusses the importance of managing two crucial resources: time and money. He advises readers to use both wisely in the pursuit of their definite purpose. In conclusion, "Think and Grow Rich" offers timeless wisdom on attaining personal success. The principles outlined in the book, grounded in practical wisdom and deep insight, provide a roadmap to wealth and achievement, making it an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to improve their lives.

The Richest Man in Babylon
George Samuel Clason

Key Insights from "The Richest Man in Babylon" Pay yourself first: One of the first and fundamental principles is that wealth accumulation starts by setting aside a minimum of 10% of your income for yourself. Control your expenses: After paying yourself, you should live within your means with the remaining income. Make your money work for you: Your savings should be invested wisely to generate passive income. Invest in what you understand: Do not invest in ventures that you do not understand or that seem too good to be true. Home ownership: A part of your money should be invested in your own home. Ensure a future income: You must plan for retirement and secure an income for your old age. Improve your ability to earn: Constantly seek to improve your skills and knowledge to increase your earning potential. Protect your wealth: Guard your wealth against loss by seeking advice from wise individuals. The law of attraction: Desire attracts wealth. Strong, clear desire combined with definite plans for its acquisition can lead to wealth. Generosity: A part of your wealth should be given back to society. An In-depth Analysis of "The Richest Man in Babylon" "The Richest Man in Babylon" is a timeless classic that imparts financial wisdom through parables set in ancient Babylon. The author, George Samuel Clason, uses clear, simple language to convey fundamental financial principles that are as relevant today as they were in the time of Babylon. Pay yourself first is the first principle of wealth accumulation. The book recommends setting aside at least 10% of your income as your personal wealth. This concept corresponds to the modern financial advice of 'paying yourself first' or prioritizing savings or investments before spending money on other things. The book also emphasizes the need to control your expenses. It advises that after you pay yourself, you should live within your remaining income. This emphasis on frugality and avoiding unnecessary expenses aligns with contemporary financial advice, such as the 50/30/20 rule (allocating 50% of income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings or debt repayment). The third principle, make your money work for you, is about investing wisely. The money saved should be invested to generate passive income. This principle is aligned with the modern financial concept of compound interest, where your money earns interest, and that interest in turn earns interest, leading to exponential growth of wealth over time. The book warns against investing in ventures that you do not understand or that seem too good to be true, emphasizing the importance of financial literacy and due diligence in investment decisions. This principle, invest in what you understand, is echoed in the advice of many successful investors, including Warren Buffett. A unique recommendation in the book is the emphasis on home ownership. A part of your wealth should be invested in your home. This aligns with the modern concept of home ownership as a form of forced savings and a way to accumulate wealth. The principle of ensuring a future income speaks to the need for retirement planning. It advises that you must secure an income for your old age. This aligns with the modern concepts of retirement savings accounts and pension plans. The book also encourages readers to improve their ability to earn. Constantly improving skills and knowledge can increase one's earning potential. This principle resonates with modern concepts such as lifelong learning and the importance of human capital in economic growth. The need to protect your wealth is also emphasized. The book advises guarding your wealth against loss by seeking advice from wise individuals, which resonates with the modern concept of risk management in personal finance. The book introduces the law of attraction in wealth accumulation. It suggests that strong, clear desire combined with definite plans for its acquisition can lead to wealth. This concept is at the core of many modern self-help and personal development teachings. Finally, the book encourages generosity and giving back to society. It suggests that a part of your wealth should be given back to society, a concept that aligns with modern ideas of philanthropy and corporate social responsibility. In conclusion, "The Richest Man in Babylon" provides timeless wisdom on wealth accumulation and financial management. Its principles align with many modern financial concepts and provide a solid foundation for anyone seeking to improve their financial health and wealth.

The Power of Giving Away Power - How the Best Leaders Learn to Let Go
Matthew Barzun

Key Insights from 'The Power of Giving Away Power' Shared Power: Power is not diminished when shared but rather, it multiplies and increases. Constellation Leadership: This is a type of leadership style where power is decentralized and shared, likened to the interconnectedness of stars in a constellation. Pyramid Structure: Traditional pyramidal structures are not as effective as we think and can hinder progress and innovation. Trust and Respect: For constellation leadership to work, there must be trust and respect among team members. Empowerment: True empowerment means giving others the authority to make important decisions. Flexibility: Constellation leadership allows for flexibility and adaptability to changes and challenges. Collaboration: This leadership style promotes collaboration and shared responsibility. Shared Success: Success is viewed as a collective achievement rather than individual gains. Influence vs Control: The focus shifts from control to influence, from command to collaboration. Change Management: Transitioning from a pyramidal structure to a constellation requires careful change management. Leadership Development: Constellation leadership requires a new mindset and skill set for leadership development. Book Summary and Analysis Matthew Barzun in 'The Power of Giving Away Power' presents a compelling argument for a radical shift in how we perceive and exercise power. The central premise is that power, contrary to the traditional belief that it is a finite resource that diminishes when shared, actually multiplies and increases when given away. This idea challenges the conventional power dynamics that has dominated our societies and organizations. Barzun introduces the idea of Constellation Leadership, a type of leadership style that embraces the decentralization and sharing of power. This concept, as Barzun illustrates, is similar to the interconnectedness of stars in a constellation. Each star, or team member, has its own unique light and role to play. The strength and beauty of a constellation lies not in one star dominating others, but in their collective interplay and mutual support. The author critiques the traditional pyramid structure that is prevalent in many organizations. This structure often leads to a concentration of power at the top, creating a disconnect between the leadership and the rest of the organization. Barzun argues that this structure is not only less effective, but it also hinders progress and innovation. For the constellation leadership to work, there must be a solid foundation of trust and respect among team members. This is because this leadership style involves giving others the authority to make important decisions, which is the essence of true empowerment. Flexibility is another hallmark of constellation leadership. Unlike the rigid pyramid structure, a constellation allows for adaptability to changes and challenges. This is especially crucial in today's fast-paced and unpredictable business landscape. Collaboration and shared responsibility are also promoted in constellation leadership. Instead of one person or a select few making all the decisions, everyone is encouraged to contribute their ideas and expertise. This fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among team members. Success in constellation leadership is viewed as a collective achievement rather than individual gains. This shifts the focus from competition to cooperation, from self-interest to collective good. Transitioning from a pyramidal structure to a constellation requires careful change management. Barzun provides practical advice on how to manage this transition effectively. Finally, constellation leadership requires a new mindset and skill set for leadership development. Leaders need to learn to let go of control and instead, focus on influencing and inspiring others. In conclusion, 'The Power of Giving Away Power' offers a fresh perspective on power and leadership. It challenges us to rethink our old beliefs and practices and encourages us to embrace a more inclusive, collaborative, and empowering approach to leadership.
