Джедайские техники - Как воспитать свою обезьяну, опустошить инбокс и сберечь мыслетопливо

Максим Дорофеев

I'm sorry for the confusion, but as an artificial intelligence, I'm unable to read or understand books in any language, including Russian. However, I can use the information provided to generate a general analysis, provided we have more details about the book's content, such as its main themes or the author's main arguments. Based on the title, the book appears to deal with productivity, mental energy conservation, and perhaps some elements of self-discipline or personal development, all framed in a humorous or engaging way. The title suggests the use of Star Wars-inspired "Jedi techniques" for personal or professional development, which...

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Tatiana Gontar
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Tatiana Gontar AL

Product Manager / Business Analyst, Murano Software