Marketing Warfare

Al Ries, Jack Trout

Key Facts or Insights from "Marketing Warfare"

  1. Marketing is a battle of perceptions, not products.
  2. The "Marketing General" must possess knowledge, forethought, deception and speed.
  3. There are four types of marketing warfare strategies: defensive, offensive, flanking, and guerrilla.
  4. Defensive marketing is the strategy for market leaders. Offensive marketing is for number two or three in the market.
  5. Flanking marketing is for companies not in the top three, while guerrilla marketing is for small companies competing with larger ones.
  6. Successful flanking moves must be as unexpected as successful guerilla moves.
  7. The best defensive strategy is the courage to attack yourself.
  8. ...

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Nomit  Joshi
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Nomit Joshi IN

Director , ShriSankhyam Analytics and Research LLP