Show Your Work! - 10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered

Austin Kleon

Key Insights

  1. Sharing is crucial for creative success: The book emphasizes the importance of sharing your work and ideas with the world in order to get noticed and succeed.
  2. Process is more important than product: Focusing on the journey and sharing your process can be more beneficial and engaging than simply showcasing the end product.
  3. Teach what you know: By sharing your knowledge and teaching others, you not only establish your expertise but also solidify your own understanding.
  4. Learn to take criticism: Criticism, as long as it is constructive, can be an invaluable tool for growth and improvement. It's...

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Yash Lohiya IN

Startups, GoToMarket (GTM), Strategy, Sales, Business Development, Growth & Productivity
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Product Manager, at VMware Tanzu Labs / ex-Volkswagen / ex-Viessmann
Ravi  Sharma
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Ravi Sharma DE

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