Product Roadmaps Relaunched - How to Set Direction while Embracing Uncertainty

C. Todd Lombardo, Bruce McCarthy, Evan Ryan, Michael Connors

Key Insights from the Book

  1. Product roadmaps are not fixed plans: They should be flexible, dynamic, and open to changes as business needs, market conditions, and technology evolve.
  2. Customer-centric perspective: A successful roadmap focuses on the customer's problems and their solutions rather than just product features.
  3. Strategy drives the roadmap: A roadmap is not a list of features or a project plan, but a strategic document that communicates the direction and progress towards strategic goals.
  4. Stakeholder involvement is crucial: A roadmap should involve inputs from all stakeholders including customers, management, sales, marketing, development, and customer support.
  5. Transparency and...

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Su Ai

Su Ai AU

Product Designer
Felix Hildebrand

Felix Hildebrand DE

Product Lead (b2b & b2c), Caya, Helpling and others
Ulf Greiner

Ulf Greiner DE

Product Coach