The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity - The International Bestseller

Carlo M. Cipolla

"Basic Laws of Human Stupidity" by Carlo M. Cipolla is an international bestseller that provides a unique perspective on human nature. The book, though light-hearted and humorous in tone, offers a deep analysis of human stupidity and the significant roles it plays within society. Before delving into a detailed analysis of the book's content, let's highlight some of the most important key points: - There is a surprising amount of stupidity in the world. - Stupidity is independent of other characteristics like intelligence or social status. - Stupid people cause losses to other people or groups while themselves deriving no...

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Michael Heiß

Michael Heiß DE

Change Agent & IT-Architect focused on Digital Transformation journeys (People/Culture, Team Interaction Models, Architecture, Platforms, Cloud Tech).
Michael Müller

Michael Müller DE

Business Development