Start Finishing - How to Go from Idea to Done

Charlie Gilkey

Key Insights from "Start Finishing - How to Go from Idea to Done" by Charlie Gilkey

  1. Success is about finishing, not starting: Gilkey emphasizes that the key to success lies in the ability to complete projects, not merely launch them.
  2. Importance of actionable plans: Having a vague idea is not enough, it needs to be turned into an actionable plan.
  3. Overcoming 'Idea Debt': The concept of 'Idea Debt' is the accumulation of ideas that never get executed, causing anxiety and guilt.
  4. Recognizing and addressing 'head trash': Gilkey uses this term to refer to the internal obstacles and self-doubt that...

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Raghavv Goyall

Raghavv Goyall IN

Entrepreneur and Data Science Specialist with 11+ yrs exp in Consulting, BigPodiium