The Back of the Napkin - Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures

Dan Roam

Key Insights from "The Back of the Napkin"

  1. Visual thinking is a powerful tool that can be used to solve complex problems and communicate ideas effectively.
  2. Anyone can learn to use visual thinking, regardless of their artistic skills or background.
  3. The book introduces the 'SQVID' framework, a systematic approach to visual problem solving.
  4. 'SQVID' stands for Simple versus Elaborate, Qualitative versus Quantitative, Vision versus Execution, Individual versus Comparison, and Change versus Status-quo.
  5. Visual thinking involves six fundamental forms of seeing, each providing a different perspective on the problem at hand.
  6. The four steps of visual thinking - looking, seeing,...

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Erich Schimmel

Erich Schimmel DE

Founder, The Evolving Zone