Working With Emotional Intelligence

Daniel Goleman

Key Facts and Insights from the Book:

  1. Emotional Intelligence (EI) matters more than IQ: Goleman emphasizes that emotional intelligence is a greater determinant of success in life and work than IQ. It's about managing our own emotions and interacting effectively with others.
  2. Five key components of EI: Goleman defines emotional intelligence as a set of five key skills: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills.
  3. Workplace applications of EI: The book provides practical examples of how emotional intelligence can be applied in the workplace to improve leadership, teamwork, sales, customer service, and more.
  4. Understanding and managing emotions: Goleman emphasizes...

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Rodolfo Parlati

Rodolfo Parlati IT

Professional Career Transition & Executive Coach | Leadership Trainer | Speaker
Hassan  El Hajj

Hassan El Hajj LB

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