Humble Inquiry, Second Edition - The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling

Edgar H. Schein, Peter A. Schein

Key Insights from the Book

  1. Humble Inquiry is a method of asking questions to which you do not already know the answer, in order to build relationships based on mutual respect and genuine interest in the other person's perspective.
  2. This approach requires shedding preconceptions and assumptions, encouraging open dialogue and deeper understanding.
  3. It emphasizes the importance of listening more and telling less, to promote trust and open communication in personal and professional relationships.
  4. The book identifies four types of inquiries: Humble Inquiry, Diagnostic Inquiry, Confrontational Inquiry, and Process-oriented Inquiry.
  5. A central theme is the power dynamics that often impede...

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Alexandru Dina-Gargala

Alexandru Dina-Gargala DE

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