The Choice

Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Efrat Goldratt-Ashlag

Key Insights from the Book

  1. The power of inherent simplicity: The book postulates that every situation, no matter how complex it may seem, is inherently simple.
  2. Focus on the goal: It emphasizes the importance of clarity in defining your goal and relentlessly focusing on it.
  3. Constraints are opportunities: Rather than viewing constraints as barriers, they should be seen as opportunities for improvement and innovation.
  4. Importance of ongoing improvement: The book highlights the need for continuous improvement by challenging and questioning the status quo.
  5. Conflict resolution: It provides a systematic method for resolving conflicts by identifying the root cause.
  6. The...

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Elias  Kalyvas

Elias Kalyvas GR

Learning & development Specialist, Founder My Mentor app & Training Spark