Das 4-Stunden-Startup - Wie Sie Ihre Träume verwirklichen, ohne zu kündigen | In Teilzeit nebenbei selbständig machen: Karriere-Ratgeber mit Tipps und Tools für eine erfolgreiche Existenzgründung

Felix Plötz

Key Facts and Insights from the Book

  1. The 4-Hour Startup Concept: The book introduces the concept of a 4-hour startup, urging readers not to quit their regular jobs but to invest four hours a day into building their dream businesses.
  2. Practical Approach: The book offers practical strategies and steps on how to start a business with minimal time investment.
  3. Time Management: The book emphasizes on the importance of effective time management and productivity for a successful startup.
  4. Business Tools: The book provides a set of tools and resources that can help in the process of setting up a startup.
  5. ...

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Carol Cueva

Carol Cueva DE

Strategic Business Development and Transformation Specialist