The DevOps Handbook - How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations

Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, John Willis

Key Facts and Insights

  1. DevOps is a cultural shift and a collaboration mindset: The book emphasizes that DevOps is not just about tools and technologies, it's a cultural shift in the IT industry that promotes collaboration between the development and operations teams.
  2. Three ways of DevOps: The authors describe the three ways of DevOps – systems thinking, amplifying feedback loops, and developing a culture of continuous experimentation and learning.
  3. Value of automation: The book illustrates the importance of automation in the software delivery process to improve efficiency and reduce errors.
  4. Importance of Continuous Integration and Delivery: DevOps is heavily...

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Jorge Correia

Jorge Correia PT

VP Engineering , Usercentrics
Stefan Wiest
Not available

Stefan Wiest

Interim CTO / Software Architect / Fullstack Dev
Vinay Hegde
Not available

Vinay Hegde IN

Senior DevOps Engineer, Drip Capital
Daniel Truemper

Daniel Truemper DE

Head of Engineering, Zalando
Olúmáyòwá Akinkuehinmi

Olúmáyòwá Akinkuehinmi NG

DevOps Engineer, Engage Messaging