Cracking the PM Career

Jackie Bavaro, Gayle Laakmann McDowell

Key Insights from the Book:

  1. Product Management Overview: The book provides a comprehensive description of the product management role, demystifying its responsibilities and challenges.
  2. Key Skills: It outlines the essential skills required for a successful product management career, including strategic thinking, communication, leadership, technical proficiency, and more.
  3. Product Management Life Cycle: The authors delve into the stages of the product management life cycle, from ideation and design to launch and post-launch activities.
  4. Effective Communication: The book emphasizes the importance of effective communication within a cross-functional team, with stakeholders, and with customers.
  5. Decision-Making: It provides insights into making data-driven decisions,...

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Krists Krievins

Krists Krievins DE

Product Manager, at VMware Tanzu Labs / ex-Volkswagen / ex-Viessmann