Zurück an die Arbeit! - Wie aus Business-Theatern wieder echte Unternehmen werden

Lars Vollmer

"Zurück an die Arbeit! - Wie aus Business-Theatern wieder echte Unternehmen werden" by Lars Vollmer is a scathing critique of modern business practices and a call to arms for a return to fundamental principles of business management. A renowned business consultant and speaker, Vollmer argues that many companies have lost sight of their primary purpose: to create value for their customers. Key Insights from the Book: 1. Business Theater: Vollmer argues that many businesses are engaged in what he calls 'business theater' - prioritizing appearance and optics over real value creation. 2. Process Over People: Modern businesses often prioritize processes...

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Andreas Gräther

Andreas Gräther DE

Chief Marketing Officer / Co-Founder, add2 GmbH