Free to Focus - A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less

Michael Hyatt

Key Insights from "Free to Focus"

  1. The Freedom Triangle: The concept of productivity is defined by three dimensions - Time, Focus, and Energy. All three are interconnected and essential for a person to be truly productive.
  2. Three-Step Process: Michael Hyatt proposes a three-step process to productivity - Stop, Cut, and Act. This involves stopping unnecessary tasks, cutting out nonessential tasks, and taking action on the ones that truly matter.
  3. Importance of Rest: Rest is not a luxury, but a necessity for productivity. It rejuvenates and prepares the mind and body for productive work.
  4. Delegation: Delegation is a key aspect...

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Ebony Fagbuyi
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Ebony Fagbuyi DE

Executive Coach / Managing Director / Public Speaker / ICF Accredited