The Prince: The Original Classic

Niccolò Machiavelli

Key Insights from "The Prince"

  1. Political Realism: Machiavelli emphasizes the need for a leader to be realistic and pragmatic, rather than idealistic.
  2. Moral Flexibility: The moral code for princes differs from the common one, as the primary duty of a prince is to maintain his power and the state. This sometimes requires actions that would be seen as immoral in a private person.
  3. Public Perception: The reputation of a prince is paramount, and he must manage it carefully. It is often better to be feared than loved.
  4. Fortuna: Machiavelli introduced the concept of Fortuna (fortune) which represents the unpredictable...

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Antoni Peychev

Antoni Peychev RO

Senior Product Manager, Netguru
Vasileios Sotiriou
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Vasileios Sotiriou SE

Global Manager | Leadership Mentor, Hitachi Energy