The Advantage - Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business

Patrick M. Lencioni

Key Facts and Insights from "The Advantage"

  • Organizational health is the single greatest advantage any company can have. It is more important than strategy, marketing, finance, or technology.
  • Healthy organizations are free of politics and confusion, which allows for increased productivity, morale, and lower turnover.
  • Building a healthy organization requires cohesive leadership. Leaders must be humble, hungry, and smart – they should put the organization’s needs before their own, be diligent in their work, and possess emotional intelligence.
  • Creating clarity is crucial. Leaders must eliminate ambiguity by answering six fundamental questions about their organization: Why do we exist? How...

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Florian Thiel

Florian Thiel DE

Head of Engineering, Upvest GmbH
Oliver Wehrens

Oliver Wehrens DE

Consultant, Tektit Consulting
Grzegorz Kościółek

Grzegorz Kościółek PL

Head of Engineering